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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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Actually, just remembered, it goes even further than sexuality. The term "queer" has come to mean "non-convention" with regard to almost everything that has any kind of established convention.

Yeah that's what I understand it to be, the woman my friend was talking about doesn't associate herself with any sex nor sexual orientation.


She was referred to as a weirdo, I referred to her as Queer ... I got taken to one side.

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Last time I saw it in print, it was LGBTQQIIA - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/sexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, (dunno what the second "I" stands for), Asexual

Edited by Carbomb
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I've been the politically incorrect one all along? What a twist!


Oh and regards the new Q, I've had to do an online course on it, and it also came up as study material in the last promotion process.


Well that's a big point. If you learned it for work, then got told off for saying it at the same place then you were in the right.


It is a general consensus now. It's even an academic term - there are now uni courses in "Queer Studies".


There are uni courses in everything. A quick google shows lots of debate over it and dislike for the term. It isn't general consensus that its been reclaimed, the majority of people would identify the word queer as negative.


I don't believe there's an absolute answer to all this, so I'll leave it there so we can all concentrate on what a shite Donald Trump is.

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It is a general consensus now. It's even an academic term - there are now uni courses in "Queer Studies".


There are uni courses in everything. A quick google shows lots of debate over it and dislike for the term. It isn't general consensus that its been reclaimed, the majority of people would identify the word queer as negative.


I don't believe there's an absolute answer to all this, so I'll leave it there so we can all concentrate on what a shite Donald Trump is.


I may have been wrong about the level of consensus, but I believe you are incorrect that the majority of people would be offended by the term. There's no real way to know without conducting a survey. I can only offer anecdotal evidence based on my gay acquaintances all using the term freely and generally regarding it as OK, but very much dictated by context and displayed intent behind the utterance.


But yes - Trump is a big orange shite.



Am I the only person that has no idea what intersex means?


It's the newest (and possibly the most established) term to describe someone born with biological features of both genders. The term "hermaphrodite" was considered inaccurate, because it wasn't just about genitalia.



I'm intersex. Well inter it.


Balls...too slow


It's not your balls being too slow you have to worry about if you're inter sex.

Edited by Carbomb
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Derailed slightly but I have to say if you think saying the N-word is OK in rapping along or otherwise, then fucking hell...


I have listened to hip hop my whole life and have never once said that word whilst rapping along. I've done hip hop karaoke countless times and have never said that word in doing it. In fact I don't think I've ever seen anyone use it there.


Jesus, this has opened my eyes and no I'm not a fucking snowflake or any other word that wasn't used before 6 months ago.


Oh back on (and off) topic, Trump-Arnie at WrestleMania?

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Derailed slightly but I have to say if you think saying the N-word is OK in rapping along or otherwise, then fucking hell...


I have listened to hip hop my whole life and have never once said that word whilst rapping along. I've done hip hop karaoke countless times and have never said that word in doing it. In fact I don't think I've ever seen anyone use it there.



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Derailed slightly but I have to say if you think saying the N-word is OK in rapping along or otherwise, then fucking hell...


I have listened to hip hop my whole life and have never once said that word whilst rapping along. I've done hip hop karaoke countless times and have never said that word in doing it. In fact I don't think I've ever seen anyone use it there.



Excellent addition to the thread, thanks for coming.

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