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Day to day Look-A-Likes


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I was wondering if anybody else has any day to day look a likes. You know, mates or people you see in the street or see at work. People you see, look like a famous person and make you smile or giggle.



I have a few. One of my mates dad's looks the spit of Ricky Morton. It's amazing this guy still rocks a mullet, but it is Walsall, so we let him off with that one.





I have two guys that work in the same building as me. One looks exactly like Lewis Black, like exactly like him, just without the anger and weird hand motions.





The other character who seems to know Lewis Black is literally the Asian Pauly Shore. Again, it's the spit, just a darker shade. 





Seeing these guys, who might I add don't realise that I have this going on in my head when I see them or dont know why I piss my self laughing when I pass them before work makes my day so much easier.



Anybody have any others?

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This bloke is the spitting image of Dave Benson Phillips, crazy how similar to him he looks.



Fuck all like him mate.  Not a gunge tank in sight.


If I may hazard a stab at a legit post in this thread, I have a mate who at age 36 is still known almost exclusively as 'Boss Man' - because, well, this is his old man.  Gone grey in recent years, but if you can imagine him with dark brown hair in the mid 90's, then I need say no more.




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30 fucking 6! He's had a hard paper round.


I'd say he looks more like Kenny Rogers if he pruned his hair a bit.


Ha, that's his dad I meant.  Which sparked the craze of naming everyone after a wrestler who's dad bore the most passing of resemblences too.  None came close to the dead ringer that was Boss Man, but having a dad with white hair was enough to earn you the nickname Ric Flair, beard = Macho Man etc.

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There's a bloke who used to drink in my local looks like Rod Stewart. Face, hair clothes the lot. I suspect he just got fed up with people going "you don't half look like Rod Stewart" and just embraced it to such a degree that everyone just said it behind his back.

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There's a guy I used to see on my lunch break when I lived/worked in Herts that was clearly obsessed with the Gordon Gecko character from Wall Street. He completely modelled his look on him- looked liked him facially for a start and had the same slicked back hair with the same length, dressed like a right corporate 80s twonk as well. Red braces the lot. Looked a right nob.

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