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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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I don't think that's the case though, there will still be PPV's throughout the year that are only a couple of weeks apart, but now they will all be four hours, full of the same matches, plus it means that nobody new is getting on PPV's now either. See how it develops but I reckon after one or two everyone will be saying that the new format isn't very good.

Imagine trying to fit Randy Orton on every single PPV?

Edited by The King of Old School
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11 minutes ago, FourtyTwo said:

Start of the brand split being slowly removed?

I'm not sure about that part. It has helped Smackdown ratings, and as long as they remain stable then I can't see them changing that just yet. It may mean they could combine some titles down the line right enough, or else take turns with which of the mid card/tag belts get defended on each PPV.

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Will people have the stamina to go out for 6 hour events every month? It sounds almost as rough as when WCW used to tape Thunder right after live Nitro. A lot of people could get burned out. Why not alternate shows and take a little longer trying to build to them. It's a bit dull that it'll probably be the same guys every time as well.

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31 minutes ago, jazzygeofferz said:

Will people have the stamina to go out for 6 hour events every month?

As in live crowds? Most of the crowd isn't there for the first hour of a pre-show and it's still not completely full for the second hour. No different to having crowd there for dark show/Main Event tapings etc.

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It's a tricky one with the live crowds. On one hand you don't want to completely burn them, on the other you also want to give some value for money so sometimes the extra hour could justify that.

I suppose joint PPV's will mean a bigger talent pool to choose from on the pre-shows/dark matches. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
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To build up tonight's PPV, WWE posted a clip of Bray Wyatt winning the WWE Championship at last year's Elimination Chamber on Facebook today. Boy, does that feel weird watching it back. Easily one of the worst champions and reigns of the last few years. It feels like a dream that he ever won it.

I was thinking about Roman winning tonight and, "the plan," finally coming into effect. Now, provided they still go with Roman and all these steroid allegations don't cause them to shit their pants and change direction, does anyone actually feel like Roman has been built up particularly well? When you think this has been the plan for over a year now, I'm astonished at what a shit job they've done building him up. He doesn't feel special at all. If you know he's going to be one half of your Wrestlemania main event over twelve months out, surely you should be getting him ready? As it is, he's just a bloke who'll happen to win tonight, but has seemingly spent forever losing to guys like The Miz and Rollins. It's mental.

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6 minutes ago, Supremo said:

To build up tonight's PPV, WWE posted a clip of Bray Wyatt winning the WWE Championship at last year's Elimination Chamber on Facebook today. Boy, does that feel weird watching it back. Easily one of the worst champions and reigns of the last few years. It feels like a dream that he ever won it.

Awful. Worse still that he had to be champion only because Orton won the Rumble and they wanted that match to be for the belt to make it more special than it actually was. Jesus, I wish they'd thrown half that Mania card in the bin and just done a final Styles/Cena match for the belt instead of force push Orton v Wyatt. Nobody gave a shit.

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Orton/Harper/Wyatt was really good until Orton set fire to Bray's little cabin thing.

Can't get excited about either PPV before Mania. Struggling enough with Mania anyway. Fuck knows what they do with Roman if they do change the plan but the thought that they might is the only intriguing aspect to the show.

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33 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Orton/Harper/Wyatt was really good until Orton set fire to Bray's little cabin thing.

Can't get excited about either PPV before Mania. Struggling enough with Mania anyway. Fuck knows what they do with Roman if they do change the plan but the thought that they might is the only intriguing aspect to the show.

Reigns vs Rollins would surely be the way to go if they have changed course and wont be having Reigns Vs Lesnar

Has a bit of back story to it already and is still high profile enough a match to not feel like too much of a ''demotion'' so to speak for him

It also solves a problem of what to do with Rollins as well  




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