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The Reigns Factor - Why can't fans connect?


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That's just objectively false though, isn't it.


There's no such thing as "objective" when it comes to somebody's opinion of something that can't be quantified by solid facts or results, because something just being "good" or not like this is ALWAYS subjective by the tastes and criteria of the person whose opinion it is. There are people who think Ric Flair was shit. That's an opinion. It's not right or wrong, it's an opinion.


Like I say though, it's not unlikely that he would've been face by now had he not been injured


It's said that once Rock/HHH for Mania was off the table they wanted to do HHH/Rollins, so it's entirely likely he'd have been turned.

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The problem with Reigns is the best popular heel to mega face transitions occur when WWE keep the character true to what made them popular. Austin was still a sweary ass-kicker when he turned, Rock was still an arrogant cock in expensive clothes. WWE just shifted these characters targets from opposing faces to heels.


Reigns was the breakout member of the Shield because he was the near-silent assassin of the group. Say little, murder everyone. Since turning him and breaking up the Shield we've seen him cut 15 minute promos that sound like the worst mid-00s Cena material, get constantly berated and beaten down by the Authority with little comeback and cry like a bullied child when his belt got taken from him.


Reigns' strength isn't as an emotional underdog who makes crap jokes. Cena has made that work by being the best promo in the company by far, he can elevate shit material and make it his own. Reigns can't, and I fear it may be too late to reset him to his badass character. The first couple of weeks after Mania were a step in the right direction when he edged towards tweener territory. This week however he was back to hugging Make A Wish kids and being a bit Cena-lite. Not that charity work is bad, but if you want to build this guy as a stone-cold killer (no pun intended) then awkwardly shaking hands with what felt like 78 members of that lads family isn't the best move.

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That's just objectively false though, isn't it.


There's no such thing as "objective" when it comes to somebody's opinion of something that can't be quantified by solid facts or results, because something just being "good" or not like this is ALWAYS subjective by the tastes and criteria of the person whose opinion it is. There are people who think Ric Flair was shit. That's an opinion. It's not right or wrong, it's an opinion.



Whilst I'll concede that may have been a bit overzealous, calling Rollins a bad wrestler is sheer bloody minded lunacy in my book  :glare:.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but it all started at the Rumble. To me he got the heat for not being Daniel Bryan. After that, booing him was the in thing. It was any excuse- shit gimmick, shit promo, shit taunts, shit facial expressions. Some valid and some not. But it didn't matter, he was in the spotlight and under more critique than anyone else.


I feel sorry for Reigns, which is probably worse than loving or hating him. When he was getting heat I found it to be awkward and cringey TV. It seemed to sit with him more than it ever did with Cena. He has those pleading eyes as well. I like him and hope he does take off, but can see the negativity hanging over him for a while yet.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but it all started at the Rumble. To me he got the heat for not being Daniel Bryan.

That was a big turning point, but he'd just started to get some boos before. Not long before mind, a couple of weeks or so.


Announcing Bryan for that Rumble is still one the stupidest things they've done in recent years. Dumb as fuck.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but it all started at the Rumble. To me he got the heat for not being Daniel Bryan.

That was a big turning point, but he'd just started to get some boos before. Not long before mind, a couple of weeks or so.


Announcing Bryan for that Rumble is still one the stupidest things they've done in recent years. Dumb as fuck.



Was it in Philadelphia as well? What was the logic there? And in booking Reigns against Bryan the following month?


Just a baffling few weeks that Reigns never recovered from.

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Because they're idiots and thought if they gave Bryan a shot at the following PPV, which he'd lose, and then Bryan bigged up Roman after that the crowd would go with it. Which made no sense. Not even an endorsement from The Rock could help Roman.


Also, I'm no indy fapper but I can't get behind Rollins being an inferior wrestler to Roman. He heel run was interminable though.

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This week however he was back to hugging Make A Wish kids and being a bit Cena-lite. Not that charity work is bad, but if you want to build this guy as a stone-cold killer (no pun intended) then awkwardly shaking hands with what felt like 78 members of that lads family isn't the best move.

This is the thing that makes me think why Vince doesn't want to turn him in way shape or form, because of his value to charity work for the company. How can they make this guy a kick ass not give a fuck with real legit heat do Make A Wish appearances, it doesn't seem it could work.

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