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2016 is salvageable


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It seems like the bad news just keeps piling up, as the "just crap" thread demonstrates, but perhaps we can help keep ourselves from slitting our wrists by trying to remember the good things that have happened or are happening too.


It's not out of a desire to be all pyramid-schemey and go on about "positive mental attitude", etc., but I'm sure it'd make for a good exercise if we actively try to remind ourselves that things aren't the worst they could be, or that, at the very least, 2016 still has time to shape the fuck up.





1. Humanity just took a massive leap forward in terms of our understanding of the universe, with scientists finally obtaining hard evidence of how gravity actually works. In itself meaningless to the average person, but undirected research has always led to developments in technology and knowledge that have gone on to affect humanity significantly, and usually for the better. Just a bit of open-sky thinking, but perhaps it could lead to the development of newer, cleaner and more efficient systems of power generation, thus helping to solve the energy crisis. Perhaps it would lead to developments in technologies to detect disasters earlier, or reduce their impact in terms of the human cost.



2. There are now real developments occurring in the treatment of cancer that could finally turn the tide against that bastard illness. We could be within sight of making it an easily-manageable problem, and the grief it inflicts on people and families could finally be minimised.


The only downside (and I don't want to dwell on it too much, or it would defeat the purpose of the thread) is that these developments didn't come in time to save Bowie or Rickman. But overall, it's something to have good reason to be hopeful about.



3. This season's Premier League/top-flight football is probably the most interesting it's been since the 60s. Leicester have, out of the blue (so to speak), a chance of being the first new team since Forest in the 80s of winning the league, and of taking the Premiership to somewhere that isn't London or Lancashire.


Moreover, the league has been genuinely competitive; instead of the usual two or three teams competing along with a one-off over-performer, we're getting a division in which all but perhaps three or four teams could very realistically defeat anyone in the top ten without it being a big surprise. The North London Derby is, for the first time in decades, an actual six-pointer for the championship of English football. I'm finally interested in watching regularly for the first time since 2001.



4. Conor McGregor is getting even more awesome and entertaining.



In words of Groucho Marx, "now, err...you tell me what you know".


5. The Tories have started ripping chunks out of each other over the EU within days of the referendum being announced.


Months of Tory and Tory press gloating over Labour divisions make it all the sweeter. Months of entertainment lie ahead.

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A bit self-centred considering Carbomb's initial post but I've got a new job and I start next Monday. 2016 is already outdoing last year by a million to one.

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Thanks! And I just meant that the initial post was all about the benefits to science and humanity we've seen already this year whereas my posts was just 'ooh go me' ;)

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Echoing herbie - not self-centred at all. Congrats!


EDIT: I should point out that I agree with all of King Of Swing's, Frankie's and herbie's contributions, but I felt I should avoid putting up things like that because there are Conservative voters and religious people on here who might not see that as such good news.


For me, it's great. What would help improve it for me is if the UK were finally to wean itself of its addiction to regressive notions of hierarchy and finally make moves towards abolishing or privatising the monarchy.


5. The Tories have started ripping chunks out of each other over the EU within days of the referendum being announced.


Months of Tory and Tory press gloating over Labour divisions make it all the sweeter. Months of entertainment lie ahead.

The suit remark the other day was a particular highlight. 


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