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Axl Rotten Found Dead


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Blimey he was only 44. Always had a soft spot for Axel back when he tagged with Balls. I was gutted when he got fired for no showing RAW at the start of the ECW reboot.


I just read he'd been in a wheelchair for a while on the observer site.




They took the wrong Rotten away IMO.


WWE have it up in their news section.





WWE is saddened to learn of reports that Brian Knighton, best known for competing in ECW as Axl Rotten from 1993 to 1999, has passed away. WWE extends its condolences to Knighton’s family, friends and fans.


He's not one I could say I love watching his old matches, but he deservedly has his spot in ECW folklore with the wild matches against Ian Rotten in 1995.

It was always nice to heard how proud he was of being in that spot in all of his shoot interviews over the years.


The Taipei Death Match was unlike anything I'd ever seen or heard about - other than in that Van Damme film - and I couldn't believe what I was seeing as I watched that tape for the first time.

The first ECW tape I ever got was the show which featured Axl vs Ian in a barbed wire baseball bat match. Same thing.


I haven't watched them in years and have no intention to do so now, but they were part of the appeal of buying ECW tapes when I was a teenage WWF fan to see if the stuff I read about in Power Slam was as crazy as it sounded.

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Hang on, if he was 44 when he died, that means he was 19 when he was in WCW! Fuck! He looked far older.

  • Paid Members

Him and Balls Mahoney could rock the amateur wrestling shit when they wanted to. RIP.

Every balls match Joey would reel off that same story about him being banned for punching a ref.

Every fucking match.


Such a shame. Honestly just listened to his interview with Jericho the other day. Poor guy was in a wheelchair and trying to walk again.
He always seemed like a pretty cool guy but fucking around with heroin at any point in your life is never going to end well.


  • Paid Members

I feel ashamed that all I can think reading the thread title is "Shame it wasn't Ian."

  • Paid Members

will always have a soft spot for the old ECW guard. It's a tragic tale but i guess he paid the price for the lifestyle he lived, always liked to listen to what he had to say though.


RIP Axl.

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