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UKFF50 2016


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  • Paid Members

Yes, I know Cobystag hasn't got finished with the 2015 UKFF50 yet but he will, when he's good and ready. But the underwhelming response to the 2015 version disheartened him to the point he wanted to step down, so I've offered to take it on for this year and Ben (as doyen of the UKFF50) agreed.


To try and get more interest - and in the British scene as a whole on this forum - I've decided to change it up a bit. So this is a thread for people to talk about who they've seen that's good, as they see them, and - if possible - post clips for the rest of us.


With RevPro, ATTACK! & IPW:UK kicking off the year properly next weekend, this seems as good a time as ever to get involved!

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Paid Members

So, there's been a few great matches already this month, and we're not at the end of it!


Will Ospreay vs ACH (RevPro Live At The Cockpit 5) [should appear on RevPro TV on YouTube soon]


Pete Dunne vs Flash Morgan Webster (RevPro High Stakes 2016) [available at RevPro OnDemand]


Big Damo vs "Speedball" Mike Bailey (RevPro High Stakes 2016) [available at RevPro OnDemand]


Will Ospreay vs Marty Scurll (RevPro High Stakes 2016) [available at RevPro OnDemand]


AJ Styles vs Zack Sabre Jr (RevPro High Stakes 2016) [available at RevPro OnDemand]


Kenny Omega vs Mark Haskins (4FW New Year's Wrestleution) [DVD available soon]


Mark Haskins vs Zack Gibson (PROGRESS Chat Shit, Get Banged) [available soon at PROGRESS OnDemand]


Pollyanaa vs Jinny vs Toni Storm vs Dahlia Black (PROGRESS Chat Shit, Get Banged) [available soon at PROGRESS OnDemand]


Will Ospreay vs Marty Scurll (PROGRESS Chat Shit, Get Banged) [available soon at PROGRESS OnDemand]


Any others? What about Scotland and the North?


Grado vs Renfrew is a cracking match, as was the square go match itself. Both on icw on demand.


Zack Gibson & Mark Massa V T-Bone & Mikey Whiplash from Futureshock Uproar on 17th January in Stockport. (Futureshock on Demand)
Zack Gibson V Big Damo from 5* Wrestling Regenesis on 15th January in Liverpool. (No idea but a crime if it's never seen.)


Grado vs Renfrew was brilliant on Sunday.


Won't be a MOTY contender but I really enjoyed Tommy End vs Michael Chase in ICW a couple of weeks ago. A cracking sprint of a match.


Couple of decent matches last night at Tidal Wrestling which are worth checking out:


Dara Diablo vs Rampage Brown

The Proven vs Sweet Jesus

El Ligero vs Chris Ridgeway


The Diablo vs Rampage match was just 2 big lads battering each other.


Zack Gibson & Mark Massa V T-Bone & Mikey Whiplash from Futureshock Uproar on 17th January in Stockport. (Futureshock on Demand)

Zack Gibson V Big Damo from 5* Wrestling Regenesis on 15th January in Liverpool. (No idea but a crime if it's never seen.)


The shows will only be available as DLC within the shitty game...

  • Paid Members

Great recommendations so far - anyone want to say a few words on why the matches/wrestlers impressed them?


Also, if you come across any footage online that fits the criteria, share the links!

  • Paid Members

Anyone at PCW on Saturday? I hear Rampage Brown vs Drew Galloway was quite the match!


I went to RevPro yesterday and saw three great matches: Josh Bodom (I know!) vs Donovan Dijak in a "let's kill ourselves for your entertainment" stunner, Marty Scurll vs Timothy Thatcher in an "I can out-wrestle you" encounter, and Zack Sabre Jr tying Will Ospreay up in knots.


Rampage vs drew was indeed a fantastic match tied in with the fact that drew is amazing all round and rampage is finally in the spot where the fans get behind him as the bear he is.


Also worth a look out are ligero vs bubblegum from night one which was basically the best match by far on a poor opening show.


Also sha vs mastiff from show 3 and drew vs mr anderson from show 2 which despite the quietish hangover show crowd was very good.

  • 3 weeks later...

Couple of stormers from the ever consistent Tidal Wrestling in Leeds last night:


Jack Gallagher vs Dan James for the TCW Open Title: 20 minutes at least of technical wrestling which got really over, till sadly the count out finish where Dan James is doing the gimmick of walking out just as the going gets tough so he keeps his title. But take away the finish, check this out.


On the flip side (pardon the pun) El Ligero vs Andrew Everett was your typical high spot PWG style match that didn't stop for a second. 


Not to wax lyrical but Tidal is pulling out some good stuff at the moment and logical booking just needs more eyes.

  • Paid Members

I've been hearing good things about Tidal, and always look to feature them in my column.


If any of this leaks out onto the video sites for free, please posts links. Eyes on the product is always good!

  • 2 months later...

ICW have just uploaded this to Youtube. I've not watched it back but it's the best match I've seen in person this year.

The three shows I've been to this year Renfrew has been the standout actually.


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