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Sad update on Delilah


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I didn't know where to put this, but as so many of you donated to her fundraiser last year I felt you should all be able to see an update.


With huge sadness I have to share that she passed away this morning.


A little over two weeks ago they had the devastating news that there was no more they could do. Not only was her original tumour growing back at a rapid rate, her body was riddled with the cancer. 


She was just 3 years old. 


There's now a massive hole in so many people's lives. She gave so much hope and was an inspiration for her courage and strength. 


Here's her latest story in the local paper, about her coming home and the party we threw for her:



If they ask that they would like donations to a certain charity I will post it here. 



Thank you to everyone who helped give her the magical days she had last year.

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