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As far as I'm aware, we don't have a dedicated thread for general technology. We've got one or two for smartphones and obviously the video game ones, but not one like this.


I have a huge interest in current, incoming and future technology and it is in fact the line of journalism I would like to get in. So, here is the thread where we can discuss that shit.


The Amazon Echo looks...fun. For anyone who doesn't know, think of Siri or Cortana, just in your living room. It's a tube-like gadget that you plug in and connects to your wi-fi and uses the cloud to answer questions from "what time is it?" to "How tall is Mount Everest?" You can also tell it to play music from Amazon Prime, among other things. It's a bit gimmicky, from what I've seen, but it looks fun. Downsides would be that it doesn't have access to your phone or whatever, so it can't make appointments for you or read you texts and e-mails. Amazon also seem to be missing a trick as it doesn't seem like you can tell it to buy you stuff off Amazon. 


Here is the super corny Amazon hype video for it:




It's not currently available in the UK, but hopefully is coming soon. In the US, it's $200, or $100 if you have Amazon Prime. If it was priced similarly in the UK, I'd for sure add one to my Christmas list.

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The downside is it doesn't have access to your phone? Fucking hell, I don't think tomorrow's technology is for me, a thing made by Amazon sitting in my house listening to everything I say is my nightmare.


What I mean is, a lot of people (myself included) keep their appointments in their phone calender's. It would be much more convenient if I could tell Echo to make an appointment and that appointment was also added to my phone. Or if I got an e-mail, it'd be handy if Echo could read it out to me. Basically, if this was made by Apple (or Google, depending on what phone you have) it'd be better, because there would be more integration with the gadgets you already have (nobody has a Amazon Fire phone, right?!)

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The downside is it doesn't have access to your phone? Fucking hell, I don't think tomorrow's technology is for me, a thing made by Amazon sitting in my house listening to everything I say is my nightmare.


I hope you don’t have a Samsung TV in that case: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-31296188

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The downside is it doesn't have access to your phone? Fucking hell, I don't think tomorrow's technology is for me, a thing made by Amazon sitting in my house listening to everything I say is my nightmare.


I hope you don’t have a Samsung TV in that case: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-31296188


Or an LG.



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I'm looking forward to this coming out, it's the T-800 model 101 by Cyberdyne Systems. It's going to be really useful in helping artificial intelligence destroy the human race.


Pah, typical hipster, just got to get it first, haven't you? Before it's even had proper market testing or the glitches ironed out. I'm holding out for the T-1000 model. Mimetic poly-alloy, customisable appearance (including chrome finish) and function, can get through much tighter spaces, and much more robust. Better OS too. Only rumours, but here's a leaked picture of them testing it in fire. Looks amazing.



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You're paying for the name, nothing wrong with a budget model.




Pffft, yeah, right - you stick with your cheap Huawei shite, if you want. See where it gets you. It probably won't even Be Back, it'll crash the moment it leaves the building.


You lot must be rich. I've only got a T-600. Rubber skin, so it's easy to detect. :(


Nah, got a free upgrade with Skynet.

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