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RIP Buddy Landell


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Just read myself. According to PWInsider it was a car accident. He was only 53! Which meant he looked 53 20years ago when I watched his extremely short run in the WWF

 It's been a bad year for ex SMW guys in car accidents. May stick on the match with Shawn in a bit.

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Buddy Landel? Shit! Much underrated, shame his career was derailed and ruined by drugs to the extent it was. He was about 30 when he turned up in WCW in 91 and looked far older, but as he proved during his babyface turn in SMW in 96 (including a great promo) directed to Shawn Michaels, he was still a fine pro wrestler. 


RIP Budro.

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He was only fairly recently a guest on Colt Cabana's podcast. Seemed like he had his life in good order after all those years of drug issues. He was an interesting guy to listen to, I knew very little about him as he'd never had a proper run in the big leagues but it seems he was considered a big deal in the dying days of the real territory era. Mad that he was so young- with his name, look and the fact that he hasn't been seen much at all in twenty years, you would be forgiven for thinking he was much older.

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