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The Brain of the UKFF - The Grand Final

Glenryck Pilchards

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I haven't started any of them yet, but I've read the title of the Geography quiz a few times and I'm still not sure what it is.  This won't be fun.


On the other hand, I should do well with the Kerrang and Royal Rumble ones.

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yeah just done them took me a while to get going with the anagrams and was just hitting stride when that timed out. the rest, some minor people forgotten from the rumble questions one and did okay with kerrang considering my 2000's music is pants.. kings and queens was fun. Ace selection this week

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A mostly ok week for me. Missed a few obvious ones on the rumble. Didn't do too well on the anagrams one, wish I'd either done it first instead of last or had a break as I started off well but my brain soon turned to mush having done the previous ones back-to-back.

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shocked to get 55/100 on the Kerrang one, remembering a few bands from the only time I ever bought CDs (in the early 00s) helps. The fact that I typed Kelly Clarkson for 'Since You've Been Gone' shows the extent of my musical knowledge. Dont like the way this poll is going.

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I have a feeling the Kerrang list was more of a "songs the TV Channel showed videos of a lot" rather than a definitive list. Hence the missing of anything particularly good in exchange for a lot of post-hardcore/emo/LostProphets before the whole Ian Watkins thing.


Which is why I did excellently on it. Its pretty much the music and stuff I was going through during my High School and College days so that was my favourite quiz.


The monarchs I feel went well through a base knowledge of certain people and then just typing names and numbers a lot and hoping. Was a good system.

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Did a lot better with this one, things more in my wheelhouse. That said, that Kerrang one showed exactly why I've come to hate that fucking shitrag. Basically, a "rock" mag for anyone with the attention span of a stoner watching whatever's in front of him, and the memory of one, too. Several glaring omissions, and too many included of some utter, utter, UTTER shit in there. Forget Charlie Hebdo, Kerrang should've taken that attack*.


That RR one really pissed me off - I got all but one:


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
Fucking Brian Knobbs, for fuck's sake. FUCKING BRIAN KNOBBS. What use has that fucker ever been to anyone? Why should he have ever been in any final four? Ruins even my quiz score. Cunt. ARRRRGGGGGH.








*Exaggeration for the purpose of rant, not really meant.

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Amazing what you can do with a few names and roman numerals. i thought the monarchs was going to screw me.


Everything 80% or over. Very surprised i'm doing well with the music questions.


Somehow forgot SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
Orton & Kane both of who had several entries on the Rumble question

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shocked to get 55/100 on the Kerrang one, remembering a few bands from the only time I ever bought CDs (in the early 00s) helps. The fact that I typed Kelly Clarkson for 'Since You've Been Gone' shows the extent of my musical knowledge. Dont like the way this poll is going.

I put Rainbow for that one!

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shocked to get 55/100 on the Kerrang one, remembering a few bands from the only time I ever bought CDs (in the early 00s) helps. The fact that I typed Kelly Clarkson for 'Since You've Been Gone' shows the extent of my musical knowledge. Dont like the way this poll is going.

I put Rainbow for that one!


I tried both of them.....

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