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Another Hair thread


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I'm a KISS fan. So I'm a man who has followed a band for years knowing they go on stage with about 900 hairpieces. They just refuse to go out there not looking how they looked in the 70s. So who in wrestling survived the long hair to short hair transition? Bret and Shawn had the long hair until they retired, so they didnt have to go through it. Austin, Brock, Orton, Cena, Goldberg and Rock hit the big time with short/no hair, so good for them. They could still look how they look years from now. Hogan has always looked 60, so his hair looks as it was in 1985. Foley still has long hair still. Flair tried to hang on until the very last strand was left. Jeff Hardy cut his hair for the Willow gimmick, hated it and got extensions put in. The hair is what its all about. Basicially the big names of the last 30 years have pretty much hung on to the hair as long as possible or became big stars with short hair. So let's see who is still around who had famous long hair.


Undertaker hasn't survived the transition. I dont give a fuck what anyone says, he's trying to do the hardcase MMA fighter look, but more resembles a tranny Uncle Fester. My lack of interest in him seemed to go hand in hand with cutting his hair. It wasn't flowing before the hair cut, but at least he could still stick a hat on his head and look good for his 8x10. Sting's hair is just shite. Its been that way for years, but its highlighted more now he's in WWE under that great production. Warrior cutting his hair basically finished his career. He came back for a match in 2008 and looked ridiculous. I mean in real life, he looked very smart and super presentable, but in the tassles and paint, it killed the look altogether. Even Kevin Nash grew his hair back when he decided to get back in the ring for TNA. Its all about the hair.


Is Triple H the only real name who survived the hair curse? He's been on TV for so long with the skin head, it doesn't look out of place. Even with 20 years of long hair behind him. Maybe Punk? Although Punk's big run came when he had short hair. So you could argue Punk's big run came when he had the same sort of look. I'm creating this thread in mind, knowing Roman Reigns is their next big star. 20 years from now. Roman might be looking at Sting these days thinking that hair is in his future.

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Dolph Zigglers hair cut, dye job and attempt at a scowl is the single most hilarious thing to happen on Raw. Ever.


I still laugh now at him coming from behind the curtain trying his best to look like Randy Orton and looking more like a stock CAW before you make adjustments.

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JBl's haircut saw him go from playing poker and smoking cigars with Ron Simmons to winning the big one and having a long run at the top of the card. Definitely preferred the hardman long-haired Bradshaw though so I still don't know if I'd put it down as an "improvement" per se.

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Jericho? Main evented WrestleMania with his long hair, but his big run was with short hair.

Yeah but he was cliche angry man by that point. All his best stuff was with long hair.


What about Christian? Looked miles better with short hair and had some good single runs before he got anorexia.

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I think everyone looks better with short hair except edge, his face is too strange, the shaggy hair balanced it out.


Actually I also think Big show looks terrible bald, his head is too big and egg shaped and he has no eyebrows and ugly eyes with big bags under them, it's too much. I think even with a Jason statham 'gone almost completely bald with a number one or two all over' he'd look much better.

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Might not count exactly but I prefered bald, heel Angle to the Angle with hair. Am I right in thinking the going bald and turn came about around the same time?

You do have to respect Angle for sticking to the outcome of that hair match for the rest of his life. That's some commitment.


I think Test looked a lot harder with the short hair.

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