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Is it me or are console games not as good as they used to be?


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Joystiq and Eurogamer have only really done it so they can give indifferent scores to big triple A titles without pissing off the big publishers too much.

That's completely unfair. Eurogamer have distanced themselves from the publicity machine for years, and were very clear about this final change.

Funny how you mentioned the fact that they've distanced themselves from publicity when reading that lnk on my phone came up a massive ad for Monster Hunter 4. Never mind the fact that Eurogamer Expo is basically full of publicity for various games companies.



I don't get your point. They still have to sell advertising to survive, but to allege it influences review scores is just incorrect. The Expo exists as a publicity machine for gamers to come and try games. What would you Expect from an Expo?


I am drawing a very clear line between "publicity to pay the bills" and "publicity to get positive reviews".

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I still enjoy console games now but thinking back the last time I truly lost myself in console games was on the N64. Mario, Banjo Kazooie, Goldeneye, No Mercy. I'm half considering getting a Wii U, simply for games like Mario World, Mario Kart, Zelda, Smash Bros. Fun and vibrant colour!


How is the Wii U? Are Nintendo looking to release a new console any time soon or is it still a good time to jump in? I heard about some feature where I could play old SNES games and stuff? How's the online side? None of my friends game on a Wii U so for games like Smash Bros and Mario Kart i would really be relying on playing online with randoms.

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There are small rumblings of a new console but I doub't that'll be here any time soon, you've probably just missed the best time to get one as they were selling for around £100 at Tesco if you were lucky enough to grab one. You can buy snes games on the virtual console along with nes and gba titles, there may be emulators too as you can hack the old Wii side but I aint ever tried.

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I don't get your point. They still have to sell advertising to survive, but to allege it influences review scores is just incorrect. The Expo exists as a publicity machine for gamers to come and try games. What would you Expect from an Expo?


I am drawing a very clear line between "publicity to pay the bills" and "publicity to get positive reviews".

Publicity to pay the bills and publicity to get positive reviews go hand in hand. Whilst Eurogamer have very publicly said they're not going to send journalists on publisher paid jollies that tend to skew review scores towards the positive, especially since they would sign a NDA that would say that the minimum review score was 75. With Eurogamer they could give a game recommend as a blanket base review score for most games. This keeps the publishers happy and Eurogamer will keep getting revenue to publicise the games in advertising. This also means that since they're no longer part of the Metacritic review scores they most probably get the weird system fanboys claiming that they are on the pay of whatever system an exclusive game is on.
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