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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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IF the miz vs sandow match did happen at mania it could still have a bit of humor thrown in. during the match sandow at some point could go into stunt double mode and copy miz. miz gets pissed of trys a couple things to make sandow stop but he keeps doing the stunt double then miz slaps sandow. sandow slaps miz back. and then miz gets frustrated then smilles like he has this great idea then slaps himself thinking sandow will do the same but sandow just nails him. fans pop match carrys on. sandow wins and gets out of miz's shadow. leaving miz in the ring looking back smilling.


and goldust (if it is to be belived he is soon calling time on career) vs stardust at mania could be very possible. as well IF did happen could be a show stealer and the ending of that well theres loads of things u could do.


they may be out there in terms of ideas but i think both could work

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and goldust (if it is to be belived he is soon calling time on career) vs stardust at mania could be very possible. as well IF did happen could be a show stealer


No it couldn't, it'd get about 6 minutes. Out of the main attractions Wrestlemania doesn't really give much time to the matches. 

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Didnt Meltzar say something this week that some who saw Undertaker said he looked awful etc? I know this happens every year and he usually turns up in relatively decent condition, before inevitably collapsing after WrestleMania, so I really hope he is good to go.


As above, Wyatt is going to look a right muppet if Taker isnt able to compete and he has to pretend his promos were aimed at Erik Rowan or something. I should thin we'll know more at this weeks RAW as I assume he will be there the week after next if he is coming back so they may set it up this week.

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I don't know about Wyatt looking like a muppet after his recent promos. We all interpret them as him calling out the Undertaker, but Bray's always had this cryptic promo style, where I'd bet 90% of the audience (at least) have no idea what he's talking about. I'll admit, one of the first ones he did, I sort of tuned out, thinking "Bray's just talking shit to get some screen time," then I saw these sites going off about Undertaker so I re-watched it- "Oh, he said, living or dead!"


Bray could easily rework the whole thing to mean anyone else, he's good enough. Someone mentioned Wyatt vs. Orton a while back in one of those fantasy booking threads, which was a nice fresh match-up.


Speaking of Orton, I really hope they bring him back soon and have big plans for him. Hopefully it's not a case of not putting him on TV because they have nothing for him. The obvious path in my book would be to have him attack Rollins, setting up Orton vs. Rollins at Wrestlemania. Then again, WWE aren't exactly known for their logical, well thought out stories at the moment.

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If it is Wyatt/Taker then Wyatt has got to win hasnt he?


Mainly because he is a current young guy but also they can do the "Taker is done" thing and have Taker win his last match at Mania 32.


...or to totally contradict myself, have Taker beat Wyatt this year, build Wyatt up all year and have Wyatt retire Taker next year.

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There's no point bringing Taker back to lose again. If Bray wins he's just beaten a guy who obviously can't hang anymore, and it would totally undermine Brock's heat in the main event if someone else has just beaten Taker at Mania after he's been built up for a year as the only guy to do it.

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There's no point bringing Taker back to lose again. If Bray wins he's just beaten a guy who obviously can't hang anymore, and it would totally undermine Brock's heat in the main event if someone else has just beaten Taker at Mania after he's been built up for a year as the only guy to do it.


Anything else happening on the undercard will not influence the live crowd's reaction on the night to the unstoppable monster and dominant World Heavyweight Champion, the beast incarnate, Brock Lesnar. If it's a good crowd they'll revere him for the monster he is, if they're smarky they'll boo him because he's leaving, and they won't be thinking about Bray or Undertaker when the Divas piss-break finishes and Reigns and Lesnar come out. Besides, beating Undertaker at WrestleMania is NOT the same as doing it first. Lesnar did what COULD NOT BE DONE, Wyatt will only be doing what can be done, and what we've seen done. It's not the same.


Besides, if WWE did think that Wyatt beating Undertaker diminshes Lesnar's accomplishment, their attitude will be "So? He's leaving. Fuck him."

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My half-predicted, half-fantasy WrestleMania card at this time looks a bit like the following. It's got 10 matches on it so at least one's getting bumped to the pre-show.



Main event: Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns vs Daniel Bryan vs Seth Rollins

I know this is extremely unlikely to happen, but someone on here floated the idea of a Fatal Four Way a few weeks ago and I really liked the sound of it, just because you'd get so many different good combinations of people, and multi-mans, when done right, can be cracking - see the Rumble triple threat or the four way from NXT last week.


Some sort of gimmick match: John Cena vs Rusev


Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton

I just don't see Undertaker turning, nor should he in my view, unless he's going to distract Lesnar in the main event and give the rub to Reigns post-match, or something along those lines. A Wyatt-Taker match does nothing for me. If Taker wins, it doesn't mean much - it's got none of the spectacle or glory of a Streak win. A Wyatt win seems pointless too - it doesn't mean a fraction as much to beat Taker at Mania now, I'm in the camp of it devaluing Lesnar by proxy (because if Wyatt can beat Taker at Mania, most people could, quite frankly), and it'd not help Wyatt in the long run either, because what does he do after that? Lesnar could move on to obliterating Cena at Summerslam, where does Wyatt go? So he's getting Orton, because I've got nothing for Orton.


Intercontinental Title: Dean Ambrose vs Bad News Barrett

Ambrose's opponent's a bit interchangeable here, it could as easily be Sheamus or someone. In this scenario, Barrett won their match at Fast Lane, if they're having one anyway, and at Mania, Ambrose wins and gets to celebrate with the title. We'll give it a No DQ stipulation as well, so we can throw a couple of stunts in.


Triple H vs Sting


Goldust vs Stardust

It won't get much time but I'd like it on the card. Dusty as guest referee!


The Miz vs Damien Mizdow

Again, it'll get maybe five minutes if that, but you might as well capitalise on Mizdow's popularity while he has it.


Big Show, Kane and Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and Erick Rowan

The Sheamus spot is another interchangeable there, it could as easily be Barrett or Harper or whoever. But in this scenario, he's returned to join the Authority. This match exists because I know Show and Kane are getting on the card somewhere, so they might as well be in a six man where they don't take too much time away from others. Lots of big man brawling and Ziggler getting chucked around the place. Ziggler wins. 


Paige & ??? vs The Bellas

Title, non-title, don't mind. I don't even know who Paige's partner could be. But something like this.


Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal 2: This time it's for the Tag Team Titles

This is here for 3 reasons. 1) you get the Andre thing to keep going, (2) You get a nice moment for the Usos since Rikishi's going to be there, and (3) you can play on whether Cesaro can win the thing again this year. Actually, also (4) you can chuck a load of people in there to get on the card. So we'd have the Usos, Primetime Players, Matadores, Ascension, Kidd & Cesaro, New Day… erm… J&J Security probably, and then fill it out with a nostalgia team (Dudleys?) or some blokes who've put themselves together for a chance at Mania glory (Slater and Rose? Swagger and Henry? etc) Possibly stick the Lucha Dragons in there as well.

If ever a match was getting bumped to the pre-show, it's this. But it could make it to the main show!


If it's not on the pre-show, we'll have an NXT showcase there.

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Why have an NXT showcase at Wrestlemania? Mania should be any WWE wrestler's goal, while WWE should be any NXT wrestler's goal. Putting any kind of NXT match on at Mania would just be skipping a massive part of the journey. People keep thinking NXT as it's own brand, when really it's just a feeder

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