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WrestleMania XXXI Discussion thread *SPOILERS*


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Its really annoying me that Bryan is getting pushed into the title picture. From a Kayfabe point of view, he was in the Rumble and only last 10 mins before being eliminated cleanly and easily. Last year was completely different, because he wasn't in it at all and the story was about the Authority not giving him the chance.


This time around, he's just a whinging little bitch that wants a second chance. He's coming across as spoilt & privileged and I assume that I am not the only one that is starting to resent the character a little?

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I didn't see Raw, but it depends how they play it.


If he wants in because he didn't get a fair shot in the Rumble then, yes, he's a whiney dickhead. But, if it's more about the fact that he never lost the title and never got a rematch then I think it's a perfectly reasonable arc and not a reflection on the character whatsoever.


If they do chuck Bryan in the main event, as much as I don't like the idea, it does solve a few problems; fans aren't going to shit on it like they might a 'bloke leaving for UFC vs fella we don't like' match and if, as rumoured, they do turn Roman heel in the main event (and possibly side him with Heyman) then the inevitable arena-wide sulk that would follow him going over may actually look planned.

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He's alright at the moment. There's just about enough storyline reason for him to be in the mix without it seeming forced. The danger long-term is that his character is pretty much a proxy for spoilt, entitled fans who hate WWE, but you can get away with that when The Authority are the evil overlords. And presumably, by the time Triple H and Steph are not villainously calling the shots onscreen anymore, the "Daniel Bryan has to win everything ever" fad will have passed anyway, so it should be fine.

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In reply to PSF: In fairness, he never lost his title. And all this after being screwed out of his first two title reigns.


Yes, but you get the title shot at Mania by winning the Rumble and he lost fair and square. He shouldn't be OK with taking Reigns' title shot away from him and should be willing to wait. e returned and chose to enter the Rumble when he could have forced his way into the triple threat at Rumble if he was so unhappy about never losing his title. I would have preferred Bryan to win the Rumble personally, but he didn't and now they are walking a fine line of self entitlement that could ultimately lose him fans IMO.

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I think it makes sense enough that he didn't lose the title. I mentioned a couple of weeks back that they hadn't really played that up so it wasn't a story. They've started to now and it's become part of the story arc. I hate the thought of a triple threat at WrestleMania though. Cop out.

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Whilst that is true, given he never lost the title, having to earn a chance to regain it by way of winning the rumble is massively unfair. If you lose the title, there is this automatic 'rematch clause' they mention when they want to. But he should even be above that, as he only relinquished the title due to injury. In a kayfabe world he should walk into a title shot as soon as he's back from injury.


Anyway, if he's in the match I still think Reigns is going over. Could be a way of keeping the whingers on board going into Mania without changing their plans of sticking a rocket up Roman's arris.

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I agree about the automatic rematch clause, but not at Mania. That title shot is earned by winning the Rumble and as I said, HE entered himself into the Rumble match, so fairness doesn't come into it, because he only mentioned the rematch clause after he lost the Rumble that he entered himself into.

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In kayfabe he was manipulated in to putting himself back in to the title scene as a way for The Authority to put their boy Rollins in the Mania picture when Trips was hinting at pulling Reigns out of the match. He didnt come across as a whinger making demands he was just staking his rightful claim when the opportunity arose.

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Maybe the problem in the bigger picture is that they keep booking Bryan like an absolute tosser, and then shit themselves when the crowd turns and end up scrambling around before WrestleMania. This has happened twice. Maybe they should have went with the absolute obvious angles, in Reigns vs Cena (where people might actually be backing Reigns to take down the long time star who sections of the crowd cant stand) and Bryan vs Brock. Brock, someone who nobody wants to boo, against Reigns was always a giant risk.

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It's great when people book themselves into a corner. If Reigns wins, it'll be shat on, if Bryan wins, well, that's just carte blanche for the crowd to think they can do this all the time and WWE will have to cater to them otherwise every show will have sucky sulk heat. Wonderful. I bet Vince is praying his neck snaps again.

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Eh, I don't know about the triple threat. I had kind of got behind the idea of Bryan/Ziggler simply due to my fantasy booking where they spend weeks talking about how they just want to go out there and have a great match, they're good friends, they love to entertain (ugh) and then two weeks before Mania or on the go home show, after another load of that shite, Ziggler jumps Bryan, beating the shit out of him, chair to the neck, the whole thing. Because he wants to win on the biggest stage of them all and fuck a great match.

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One thing that never seems to be mentioned is that, in storyline terms, Seth Rollins can rightfully and fairly enter himself into the WrestleMania main event should he wish to. I'm pretty sure the MitB contract allows him to do that, doesn't it? I really don't like the triple threat idea, largely because it feels too much like the exact angle they went with last year. It is still a lot better than Reigns vs Brock though. However, I would be well on board with them booking the triple threat only for Rollins to enter himself into it too, preferably as late on as possible. From a match quality point of view, I think Reigns vs Rollins vs Bryan vs Lesnar could be absolutely awesome.

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Reigns vs Rollins vs Bryan vs Lesnar sounds incredible. Especially if it was an elimination match and it came down to Rollins vs Reigns. 


Pretty sure they'd both get booed in that scenario because neither of them are Bryan, unfortunately.


I love the sound of that as a one-fall-to-a-finish Fatal Four Way though. It'd be a cracking match, so many great combinations to play with. And I'm fairly confident there'd be a way within the context of that match to have Reigns win without the crowd deciding to turn on him.

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