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Amazing conversations you've overheard

John Matrix

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There's nothing quite like catching a snippet of a conversation as you walk past someone or vice versa, whether it's hilarious out of context, mental, or just plain stupid.


I've mentioned on here before the rather ludicrous..


"I'm not being funny or anything, but dont all black people smell like leather".


But equally brilliant this lunchtime in Primark


Teenager 1 - "What do you use cufflinks for?"

Teenager 2 - "Doing up a dinner jacket"


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On a bus years ago,


Teen1: you know when you fancy your brother, what's that called?

Teen2: inscense I think


The other day at work, we were making a display of toys and featuring dinosaurs:

Me: that's not a dinosaur, that's a dragon

Colleague: it's the same thing isn't it?

Me: no, theres evidence of the existence of dinosaurs, dragons are a fantasy creature

Colleague: but the dinosaurs that could fly are evolved from dragons

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I got thrown out of a football game in P.E. for wearing Mark Bosnich's zany goalkeeper top, and so I was sat near to two chavvy malcontents who had tried to kick lumps out of each other in some other P.E. class — they were discussing what you could drink for alcohol content, and it gradually got down to the thicker one being convinced by his mate that the only reason people didn't drink perfume is the cost, and that it tastes great because "it smells great". And it gets you pissed.


One of them has been living on the streets of Nottingham now for longer than he hasn't been living on the streets of Nottingham, I don't remember which one.

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Not a conversation, but I saw a girl with her baby in town the other day, the baby was crying and the mother was busy decanting Coke into a baby bottle to feed to the kid.


Yeah, that's going to help quieten the baby down!  Some people should be sterilised.

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The things people find acceptable to say to little kids can be fucking terrible. I was sat waiting and a fella was crossing the road with two kids. The youngest would have been around three and he was trailing behind the bloke who turned around and screamed at the kid "Hurry up, do you want to get run over? Are you fucking stupid?"

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"The thing about Loz is his dicks massive, it's like a saveloy". I had been lying there with my eyes shut at the back of the coach, after catching that I laughed and had to make a sly exit to the front of the coach.


I love to answer people who are walking through town talking on a phone when you catch just that one question as they storm through, pushing OAP's out the way.

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