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[BLU-RAY] Ring of Honor 2002 & 2003


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As promised, here's the third project I'm releasing tonight: Ring of Honor 2002.
But wait, it's two projects! That's right, 2003 is available as well.
Last post for the night, I promise!
As with all other releases, artwork and menus are designed by Truth of Sin Designs / GreaterMuta. For this addition to the "Heel Home Video" line, he's gone with a pretty awesome comic motif.

EDIT: One key point I forgot to make is these are all sourced from DVD9 master clones, as opposed to compressed versions. It's virtually identical to the quality of the masters and the definitive option for your collection.
Ring of Honor 2002 is available on two dual-layer Blu-ray discs complete with case & artwork. 
Ring of Honor 2003 is available on four dual-layer Blu-ray discs complete with case & artwork.
Pricing will be as follows:
2002 alone for $20
2003 alone for $40
Get 2002 & 2003 for $55. 
Shipping will be $12 to the UK, CAN/MEX add $8, US buyers get free shipping as it's local to me.

If interested in purchasing please PM me with your location & email address so I can send you an invoice.
I'll be doing this and my other sets in batches, so shipping will be a little bit slower than usual, but be in the mail ASAP.
Without further ado, here are the cover designs and a peek at the menus.

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