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Fake Razor/Diesel

Egg Shen

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whilst having a few beers with forum mainstay Silky Kisser last night we decided to watch a couple of Royal Rumble matches, we got through 96 and 97. Both Rumble's had a bunch of weird participants but the inclusion of the fake Razor Ramon & Diesel got us talking.



What was that all about? this was a period in time where i completely stopped watching wrestling, i came back into shortly after '97 when Austin started running the show, but this point in time is really vague to me. I always knew of the fakes, and i knew who played them, but what was the point of it? how were they brought in?




Did the WWF straight up act like these two were the original guys? or was it meant as some kind of inside dig at WCW? It was hard to grasp anything from the Rumble performance (thought Kane Diesel had a pretty good run in the match).


Anyone fill me in on this weird shit?

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There was a lawsuit pending at the time, regarding Hall and Nash's use of their old mannerisms in WCW. Fake Razor and Diesel was Vince getting arsey and showing that anyone could play the characters because he owned them. Logic goes out of the window when you are in a mood.


Jim Ross brought them in on an episode of Raw, after promoting that Razor and Diesel were coming back. It was shit, although I believe they had a good match with Davey and Owen on one PPV. Ever the opportunist, Scott Hall actually sold some of his Razor gear to Bogner. There's an old wives tale that Hall and Nash got raises because WCW thought they were going back, but thats all bollocks. Everyone knew what WWF was up to.


Here's a clip of Kevin Nash watching Jim Cornette talk about fake Diesel.


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so it was played completely straight and the fans were meant to believe they were the original guys? :confused:

No, it was to show us who owned the gimmicks. I.e. not Hall and Nash, thus they shouldn't be acting the way they act on WCW. Some shit like that. As I say logic was on its arse at that point. They didn't want us to believe Bogner and Jacobs were actually Hall and Nash. Just wanted to get a dig in there. Although they did believe Jacobs was better than Nash, and would go on and do better than him as Diesel. He didn't obviously. At least not as Diesel.

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There's an old wives tale that Hall and Nash got raises because WCW thought they were going back, but thats all bollocks. Everyone knew what WWF was up to.

I thought this was true? Sure I've heard either Hall or Nash tell the story in the past. True or not, the story goes that the pair had made their first appearances for WCW but had yet to actually put pen to paper on their contracts when JR announced on Raw that Razor and Diesel were coming back. Thinking it was true, WCW execs started shitting themselves and offered the pair of them a few hundred grand more than they had previously verbally agreed to if they would sign up straight away.

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There's an old wives tale that Hall and Nash got raises because WCW thought they were going back, but thats all bollocks. Everyone knew what WWF was up to.

I thought this was true? Sure I've heard either Hall or Nash tell the story in the past. True or not, the story goes that the pair had made their first appearances for WCW but had yet to actually put pen to paper on their contracts when JR announced on Raw that Razor and Diesel were coming back. Thinking it was true, WCW execs started shitting themselves and offered the pair of them a few hundred grand more than they had previously verbally agreed to if they would sign up straight away.


Your right

Nash has told the story on nearly every shoot he has done, WCW didnt have them under a locked tight contract at the time. He says his pager went off all day as the "office" belived it was a scam from Vince to make them look stupid.

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Just rubbish wrestler talk. There's actually transcripts of Eric Bischoff on Prodigy telling people what WWF had planned. Power Slam went to deadline telling the readers there was going to be a fake Razor and Diesel showing up, because Hall and Nash were locked under contract.


From that months Observer:

Kevin Nash and Scott Hall knew nothing of this angle, finding out amidst a ton of commotion within wrestling while appearing on Friday night at the WCW house show in Shreveport. There is no loophole in the respective contracts which have more than two years left nor have their been any talks of them rejoining the WWF.
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Just rubbish wrestler talk. There's actually transcripts of Eric Bischoff on Prodigy telling people what WWF had planned. Power Slam went to deadline telling the readers there was going to be a fake Razor and Diesel showing up, because Hall and Nash were locked under contract.



Wouldnt surprise me if Nash is talking shit about his pay. I often wonder if halls claim he had a "highest earner deal" then prompted nash to get more money.

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might be forgetting a load of other shit, but is that the only time two different guys have replaced someone as a character in a top promotion that didn't involve a mask or face paint (eg. Doink).

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