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Christmas 2013

Fatty Facesitter

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Frankie's started the Secret Santa thread, the John Lewis and Cola ads have been on, and the Christmas lights are being turned on up and down the country. Time to get this show on the road.


What's everyone's plans so far, and what are you all hoping to get? I was off to Portugal originally, but the other half needs to sort out her passport and time's running out, as is money. So it looks like we'll be bothering my parents this year. It's fun for a morning, but then by about 5 everyone starts napping. Fine with me, mind you.


Down for whatever when it comes to presents, couple of boxsets and books I'd like to acquire but otherwise I'm perfectly happy with whatever booze and smellies I get.


I know not everyone likes Christmas and the chaos that comes with it, but here's to you, even if you don't. And for those that do, it's party time!



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I know I say the same every year but I'm really going to make an effort to enjoy myself. I let too much get to me around Christmas quickly turning me into the biggest most miserable bitch ever but I have to force myself this time. I'm going to be bummed out in the first place as my boyfriend is in Tignes for the season, I've learnt to just make the most of everything this year though so going to concentrate on spending lots of time with friends and having fun planning next year (lots and lots of things to come to keep me busy!).


Christmas day will be the usual get up with Dyll at home, he opens his stocking and we'll probably be on skype before we head off to my Grandparents for present opening and dinner. By 3 everyone is tired and crabby so that's when I'll go home dropping Dyll off at his Dad's mum's house on the way. And that's it. I'll spend the rest of the day on my own drinking and playing GTA probably.


Hows everyone's present shopping/planning going? This year I'll be getting Dyllan his first Skateboard, Bodyboard and equipment. Trying to get him much more active and when it comes to sports getting them started as young as possible is the best way to go. I was going to get him a longboard (well for the both of us) but I'm going to wait until closer to spring. I'm not wrapping a 9ft surfboard and then carting it all the way to Nana's only to bring it back again. My brother will have something Fallout related, same for the other half probably although I am making him a Brotherhood of Steel suit which he can have as a late main Christmas present when it's finished. Parents and grandparents I have no idea. I don't like buying my parents things as it will just sit in the box on the floor forever, only to be discovered by Time Team. Grandparents I was thinking maybe a big canvas of Dyll or something.

My local theatre has the legendary Shane Ritchie's son as one of the main attractions for panto.

I really hope it's advertised like so:


Vamp's local theatre presents





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My local theatre has the legendary Shane Ritchie's son as one of the main attractions for panto.


Darren Day is doing Beauty & the Beast in King's Lynn. What was he ever famous for, apart from a stint on I'm a Celebrity about ten years ago?


In Norwich (Cinderella) we've got "The all-star cast includes Shelia Ferguson (The Three Degrees) as Fairy Godmother, Christopher Ryan (The Young Ones, Absolutely Fabulous) as Baron Hardup, Matt Milburn (Hollyoaks) as Prince Charming, and Richard Gauntlett as Buttons"


Christopher Ryan is the only one I recognise.

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This year, I will try and fail again to get my family to agree that we should stop doing presents because it's stupid and we're all adults who can just buy things for ourselves.

I got my parents vouchers one year and they went ballistic. They didn't get anything off me the following year. Now I realise though it's just not worth the agro.

  • Paid Members
This year, I will try and fail again to get my family to agree that we should stop doing presents because it's stupid and we're all adults who can just buy things for ourselves.


My family agreed this a couple of years ago. We were all spending too much cash on shit that none of us really needed so we all decided to cap it. Now we've got a tenner limit on what we buy for one another. In fairness it's made people have to think a bit more & be more creative with gift options.



Our local theater has Peter Pan starring Adam Woodyatt as Capt Hook. Hoping he grows his muzzy back for it. No tache no ticket!


Although I'll be returning to Scotland a few days before Christmas, this will be the first time I've spent the run up to it in a place where I'll still be wearing shorts, which is going to be kind of weird.


Christmas music on in the shops, sunglasses on and the birds still chirping in the trees.

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I'll be trying and failing to get the family to celebrate Festivus before getting far too drunk on Christmas Eve and staying in bed on Christmas Day until about 3pm whereupon I'll be violently sick before trying to eat a bit of dinner then going back out to the pub whereupon I'll be violently sick again after coming home.


Not a Christmas person.


I love Xmas time, espeacially because of the time off work. Every other holiday I have, I get phone calls from work on a daily, sometimes hourly basis, but Xmas, everyone is off, so its the one time of year I get to truely relax.


Although I love the time of year, I'm not so keen on the actual day. It just a rush until lunch time. I pick my son up for a couple of hours, take him to see my mum, take him back home. Then its off to my Dad's for an hour, before back to my mums ready for lunch at my sisters, boyfriends families. That's usually all before 1pm. Plus i'll be driving, so can't have a drink. God knows whats happening this year, but certainly not that again. I may just have to endure my Ex Wife for a few hours so I can have lunch with my son. Although she can be a bit of nob, she's also a stunner so at least I can have something to look at whilst I'm pretending to be interested in what she's saying.


I'm a fan of christmas. Despite my atheism, hatred of the commercialisation of it and various other obstacles to my enjoyment of christmas time, I alwas find myself getting in the mood.


We're fairly skint this year, so presents will be small and inexpensive, but that's no big deal, christmas is really just about hanging out and having a really great few days for me now I'm older. Me and the other half will get up, have a nice breakfast- salmon, eggs, brioche etc and a bucks fizz. Then exchange gifts (I know already that my gift this year is a Joe Porper card clip and I'm well happy with that. God knows what to get for the missus though, she's tough to buy for.


Then off to a quiet ale pub we use for a quick beer and a sausage roll while the turkey's in the oven, home for dinner and a film, then over to our best friends' house round the corner for an evening of more ale and bad films. We usually all chip in and get a firkin of ale.


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