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Trick or Ruddy Treat!


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Thought I might aswell throw this up if anyone has any good costumes etc. What are we all up to this Halloween. It's legendary here in Derry (for the cities size etc) and is always an absolutely mental night out but as iv'e gotten older i'm just not in the mood for the crowd, prices etc victormildrew.gif i'm just having a few mates over with a lock of cans and some food and going to watch a few horror films.


Over to you....

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Not my thing for 20 year! Have noticed a decrease in trick or treaters. And when they do come round there's usuall a few kids with a couple of adults - sensible these days.


I don't think Bonfire Night is as popular any more either. I hear more fireworks around New Year.


I live in Glasgow, dunno if it's the same in any other places.

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Honestly, this place makes me realise what a fucking killjoy i am. I remember posting something similar around 'bommy night' last year.


Lights off, curtains drawn, shutters down and hope for the best. I know i'll feel differently when junior arrives, but right now when i get home all i want to do is relax, not answer the door every five minutes to a group of Poundland clad yobbos on the scrounge.


What i've taken to doing in previous years when given no other choice, is answering the door in a very loosely tied dressing gown and nothing else, keeps the repeat business to a minimum if nothing else. I also use this technique when Mrs Matrix insists i pay the Avon lady. Gives me a sense of power i'd otherwise lack.

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As with the horrible "bommy night", I'm with you on this one Matrix. Dog barking every 5 minutes as yet another rapscallion darkens my door dressed as an ASBO owner angling for a pound coin isn't my idea of a great night.


My Brother put up a sign the other year saying bluntly "No trick or treaters" I am not sure if he got his house pelted with eggs or not, but he did not do it again the following years.


That said, you can tell me and him are Bros after that episode, we may as well both turn into a mid-20's and mid-30's version of Victor Meldrew on October 31st, I have no time for dressing up or anything else, just another day for me.

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Not my thing for 20 year! Have noticed a decrease in trick or treaters. And when they do come round there's usuall a few kids with a couple of adults - sensible these days.


I live in Glasgow, dunno if it's the same in any other places.

Yeah, I noticed this too. I think if you live in flats, you'll not get them coming anywhere near you. You live in a house, you'll be crawling with them, as my bro is in Cranhill.

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Not a fan either. A few years ago I woke up to discover the glass on my patio door was severely cracked. A mate's entire street all got their cars keyed.


I remember last year I said "Okay, trick" and the reply I got was "Eh?!". Gone are the days where my mates and I would croon our way round the doors of our town.


I went into town for some supplies last Saturday night, and it appeared the "big kids" were getting the Halloween dress up shenanigans out of their system then.


Oh the laughs of someone with presumably false giant balls hanging out their boxers jumping in front of the jeep in front of me then shouting something at me (no idea what, or even what language for that matter).

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Living on a street that's just been on the front page of a national newspaper because some residents beat and burned a man to death mistakenly thinking he was a paedophile, logically you'd expect no trick or treating. Guaranteed there will be some though.


I quite like Halloween but it's pretty dead round my way now. I live in flats and most of the surrounding area was flats 10 years ago but as it's now mostly houses any kids that are out tend to focus on them, lazy lot that they are.


That said, took my son to a Halloween party at a soft play centre last night and it was good fun. I also work with kids and we'll have the usual party today when they arrive after school. I usually buy a decent costume but I went simple this year and bought a bushy wig/beard combo which along with my YES! t-shirt makes an easy D. Bryan outfit.

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There are definitely less trick or treaters these days, yewtree innit, but I do think we celebrate Halloween more than we used to- I think it's becoming bigger. Not bigger in the trick or treat sense, but there seem to be many more Halloween fancy dress parties these days.


Bonfire Night is probably about the same as it always has been tbh. I guess with the folk on here that don't have kids it kind of passes them by, and it did with me from when I was in my teens until a couple of years ago, but I don't think it's changed much. You just tend to celebrate it more as a kid or if you have kids.


It's my Dad's birthday today so I'm more arsed celebrating that than Halloween. Had to buy a bag of Haribo fun bags for my Mum just incase we do get any knocks, more than likely though that me and my Sister will be tucking into them once the nights over anyway. Planning to watch Halloween 4 and 5 tonight as I've not seen them before


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