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Triple H's promo on Raw


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We've drove past spoiler city, so I think this needs its own thread. This promo has caused a lot of buzz within the industry. Even some going as far to call it the stupidest promo from a smart person ever. I have no idea if the Jericho stuff is a work or not, but what isn't a work is how upset people seemingly are about it. I haven't seen this outrage in a good while. Definitely HHH's "Vanilla Midget" moment.


What did you reckon? What did you think of it? What did you like? What did you hate? Is the Jericho stuff all a work (baring in mind, I doubt Jericho and Triple H are wrestling anytime soon)? Did this do massive damage to Daniel Bryan? Was he right about Edge, Jericho, RVD and Daniel Bryan being good but not great? We need to talk about this lads.

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He was mostly right about Edge and Jericho. RVD isn't even in their category. But Triple H himself is no closer to Rock, Cena and Hogan status than he is to Edge and Jericho status. He was never the top face of WWE either. And I'm not sure what the promo was meant to achieve other than upsetting the Internet and the men he mentioned. It was too true to do anything for Bryan by associating those names with him. I suppose it builds up the little-engine-that-could story for Bryan and plants the seeds for a match between Bryan and Hunter, but the specific names did nothing other than go for the "whoa this is a shoot" buzz. Which it has got, but it doesn't draw money anyway and the hypocrisy in him saying it kind of negates the shooty aspect.

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I was thinking this is them working the internet, which Triple H has seemingly been trying to do since he turned heel (like when he had a go at Keller, which worked if it was his intention). Triple H seems to be wanting to play up that 2003 hate/talk about him being the most evil man in the World because he went out of his way to stop blokes beating him at wrestling.


I thought that this may be them setting up some sort of Survivor Series match with Bryan, Jericho, RVD and Cena v Orton/The Shield. Maybe not, though.


I heard about this from a friend who still watched week by week, so I checked it out. One thing that was predicted in the RAW thread is that has happened is that Edge took it in his stride.


Adam (Edge) Copeland ‏@EdgeRatedR 22 Oct

I think everyone forgets it's entertainment. Santa isn't real either. Or the Easter Bunny(I think, rabbits are sneaky)


If Jericho is not in on it, I would not be surprised, he seems to have that sort of fragile ego. HHH picked a good target there if he wanted a rise. Only Mick Foley would have taken the bait more.


In terms of who I think is good or great.


I loved Edge as a heel in his pomp of 2005-2008, he was never "the man" as HHH said, but he was great in the role he played. RVD in retrospect is very limited as a performer, so I can see if someone did not consider him "great". Jericho is very patchy, great is spurts but pretty mundane in others. Again, I do not watch these days, so I am going on pre-2011 form. Bryan does not do much for me, but again I do not watch much these days, so I am not the best judge.

He was mostly right about Edge and Jericho. RVD isn't even in their category. But Triple H himself is no closer to Rock, Cena and Hogan status than he is to Edge and Jericho status. He was never the top face of WWE either. And I'm not sure what the promo was meant to achieve other than upsetting the Internet and the men he mentioned.

Yeah, this is pretty spot on.


Worked shoots just seem lame and counter-productive these days to myself.

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Jericho's response:


Thing is @tripleh despite ur major push,u never were either. Good luck in ur future endeavours @emmrichr84: Not the one @TripleH? I disagree

6:58 AM - 22 Oct 2013


he also removed one that suggested he was done with the WWE.

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I said when the latest McMahon's story started that the (unproductive) genius was that it meant anyone who made any legitimate criticism of HHH or the McMahon's could just be dismissed as a mark falling for the storyline. That seems to be what's happened here.


My main sentiments on it can be summed up thusly:


Did it do Triple H any good? No.


Does it do Daniel Bryan any good? Probably not, even if he wins at Hell in a Cell, which there's still every chance he might not.


Does it belittle former and possibly current talents who WWE occasionally likes to refer to as 'legends'? Yeah, absolutely. Edge won't wrestle for them again and yet he was a headline Hall of Fame inductee; the other two quite possibly will wrestle for them again and thus it damages the perception of them.


It's just a really, really dumb promo, and even if it is 'working the internet', why the fuck would they do that? That stuff never works out and in fact it's the sort of thing I really hate in WWE, be it Trips or CM Punk. Daft.

Well, his actual words were something like "if they were left to carry the company we'd all be working for Ted Turner".

That was a weird thing to say as well, the timeline's completely wrong. He'd have more traction with that line if he was talking about Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels, because had they not fucked off when they did, it might have happened. By the time Jericho got to the WWF, the war was already won, really. And when WCW folded, Edge was still a tag team wrestler and RVD hadn't even started working for Vince.

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There are probably not many bigger fans around of HHH's promos and mic work than I, but I thought it was horrible and utterly pointless.


It reminded me in some ways of that awful promo he did with CM Punk a couple of years ago where they were dropping each other's real names. It wasn't as cringeworthy but it was equally idiotic. It doesn't elevate anyone, only damages some WWE-labelled 'legends' and makes HHH look a bit of a berk rather than some kind of evil dictator.


I can see what they're doing. They're trying to position him as a different type of despot than Vince McMahon by doing stuff like this and trying not to make it another McMahon v Austin but it's just not working. I wish he'd just pull out his sledgehammer and start twatting people instead now.


I would say tha HHH is well aware that he has never been the face of the company either and this was "supposed" to make him look like a delusional prick. In a way it did this, but at the same time, it made Daniel Bryan look shit by pointing out the fact the he will only ever get to Edge/Y2J/Foley/Piper status. There is nothing wrong with being at the level at all by the way, far superier to the majority of workers out there, but not what you should be aiming for and not what this story has been featured around.

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The point has been made elsewhere that if former WWE Champions Edge, RVD and Jericho are so unappealing they would cripple the company and Daniel Bryan is in that category, then his WWE title win at Hell in the Cell will mean absolutely fuck all. Sort of like "yeah, he's champion but what does that mean when the likes of those clowns have won it as well?"


For me, Daniel Bryan is completely dead on his arse now. CM Punk recovered due to how great he is as a heel and with Heyman they pair just looked major league. Both in the ring and on the microphone. Where as Bryan's having a real hard time at the minute trying to claw his way out of all of these bad finishes. CM Punk has turned into a Bret Hart. Where you can put him in the main events or stick him with Hakushi and you wont get a backlash. He's pretty comfortable in the role of a main eventer or helping out the upper card when there isn't anything for him. Bryan is looking at Jeff Jarrett territory if he keeps going as he is. They sort of caught lightening in a bottle with Bryan, because he suddenly got over huge. But he has plenty of weaknesses as well. And it seems like all of them have been exposed since July.


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