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Hello there.


I haven't put this into the classified section yet as I want to see the response on here first. I was thinking of doing movember this year but I have a full beard and have had since I was 22. 5 years on I decided to pledge to do something different.


For charity, I was thinking of dying my beard. Have a vote on what colour to dye it to which everyone pledges a pound to vote and then they can pledge some money for me to go from the 1st to the 31st with my beard a humourous colour. Then on the 1st January I'd shave off my precious beard.


Would that be something you'd be interested in? I was thinking of setting it up for MacMillan Cancer Trust, but are there any other charities you can think of?


Please be aware this may not happen, I'm just throwing it out there to see what people think. Although the reason I put it in a public forum was to force my hand a little.


I'll give you a fiver if you dye it pink and yellow stripes. I'll double it to a tenner if on the yellow stripe you write the word "minge" in clear black dye.

  • Paid Members

I grow a beard every November but have never once raised money for it, I like facial hair but people seem to think I look better without it so its the only chance I get.

  • Paid Members

I always get stopped by the police every time I grow the facial fuzz out. Doesn't happen every day. Just that every time I've been stopped, I've had a bit of facial hair growth. Anybody else get that?

  • Paid Members

Generally don't think most of our life experiences compare to yours Baz. The police over here are generally super nice and as helpful as can be because of all that's went on. It's weird given the history etc but of the ones i've dealt with they've all been top blokes/ladies

  • Paid Members

I'm not sure if this is the most tasteful place for this rant but I hate movember, I have nothing against raising money for charity (I'm not that much of a cunt) but I don't think it's right. A moustache is a cool look to be worn whenever the man sees fit, not a gimmick for charity. I have a 'tache all year and I grew out my beard recently especially to avoid all the people asking if my tache is for movember but I've still had people ask 3 times already and it's only October. Beardecember I can get behind, at least you'll look ridiculous, not like all the guys growing a tache for a laugh for charity. Facial hair is serious business.

I'm not sure if this is the most tasteful place for this rant but I hate movember, I have nothing against raising money for charity (I'm not that much of a cunt) but I don't think it's right. A moustache is a cool look to be worn whenever the man sees fit, not a gimmick for charity. I have a 'tache all year and I grew out my beard recently especially to avoid all the people asking if my tache is for movember but I've still had people ask 3 times already and it's only October. Beardecember I can get behind, at least you'll look ridiculous, not like all the guys growing a tache for a laugh for charity. Facial hair is serious business.


It is one of the worst sponsor things.


I think I'm going to do Movember this year, but only in the sense that I'll grow a moustache and wear it for the month. Fuck doing it for charity. I refuse to take money for it, in fact if anyone offers to sponsor me I'll take the money and burn it in front of a tramp.


Wow, it's even a better name. I truly am 'Billy and the Clonasaurus'.


But I maintain I was going to dye my beard. But might as well close this topic now. If there's something set up I might as well support them, and it sounds like a very good cause.


Please feel free to close this thread thank you.


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