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Big Brother. A fine show


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While having a midlife crisis during my 20s, I took to Youtube and started watching old episodes of Big Brother. What a show this was back in the day. Especially from 2000-2006. A massive contrast to how shite and contrived it all is now. I remember it starting in my last year of school and all of us being so into it for the full summer. Texting people at 2 in the morning asking if they were watching the live show on E4 (and usually we all were). Some vivid memories came flooding back, when watching some of it from its prime years. Like Shahbaz. Some incredibly uncomfortable viewing when he was on screen. How he got past the mental tests is beyond me. Shahbaz calling Chinese Lisa an "imbecile", followed by a mongy face and then chucking the food out in the garden is something I'd forgot about. The Jungle Cat's were amazing as well, obviously. "Nadia aka Hackjaw Jim Duggan aka Jimmy Hill Jaw aka sink the fucking Titanic with my Jaw". I also learned that Dawn wasn't ejected from BB7 because she stunk. I always thought she did.


Share your memories of a wonderful show. This has most of the shows on it for those interested.


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I've just stuck an episode on in the background because I'm stuck sitting around working tonight.. 2002 launch night; best place to start naturally. Davina McCall has always just been the worst, hasn't she?


She is definitely the worst presenter to have ever presented a show I enjoyed watching.


Ha! Alex has just blamed his lack of success on 9/11 in his intro VT.


Edit: Balls it's not 2002 I wanted, was it? 2004...

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I only really remember a few series - the first one was compelling TV because it was something new and interesting, and amazingly gave us a genuinely brilliant storyline with Nick and his cheating. Coincidentally me and my best mate were watching the confrontation last night on YouTube, we've used Nick's unintentionally hilarious lines of "I've..... made a mistake" and "you live by the sword, you die by the sword" fairly often in the intervening years, while affecting a fake "posh git" accent. Just brilliant TV on all counts, from Craig's well-constructed breakdown which transformed him from "also-ran" to "leader," to Anna the gay nun trying to be fair-minded and keep things calm and let Nick say his piece, and the rest of the table failing to understand Tom's pronunciation of "Craig's the traitor." Everyone who watched it remembers the same things about that series - Darren singing to Marjorie the chicken, Tom getting a boner when Mel gave him a back rub.


The one with the Jungle Cats was brilliant. Victor spitting out wrestling catchphrases, Jason as his lieutenant... oh, and Ahmed. He was Paul Roma there, really. Oh, and the tabloid jokes about Michelle having a "mouthful of chicken Stu" - tee hee. They wouldn't be so coy these days, they'd just put "BIG BRUV BLOWJOB" on the cover.


I remember the one with Ziggy and Chanelle vividly because the ex made me watch it with her because she needed to know what was going on for when the other girls at work talked about it. "EHR MY GOD ZIGGEH" etc, fucking banshee. It was pretty funny seeing an actual real person use the phrase "It's not you, it's me." What a fucking tool.


The rest I mostly disliked for being boring (especially 4 with Cameron) or full of wankers. An awful lot of people that have been it that the general public loved, I thought were cretins.

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Is that Essex Alex? He was tremendous. An under-rated Big Brother talent. I loved his dairy room 'young and full of cum' line, his utter disgust at pissing in the shower and of course his real peak...




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It's really amazing how strongly I remember all the contestants from the very first series after all these years. It really was compelling viewing. Nasty Nick Bateman was the greatest villain they ever had on that show.

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I watched it on and off for the first 2 years then never again. Absolutely awful television and the furthest thing from fine tv ever.


My worst experience was when I worked for goldfish credit cards and we shared an office with the call centre, eviction days where people would decorate communal areas with bb posters and other paraphernalia was a living hell.

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That was Big Brothers Tyson and Austin moment. You can't fake something so brilliant. A Big Brother milestone.


I watched it on and off for the first 2 years then never again. Absolutely awful television and the furthest thing from fine tv ever.


My worst experience was when I worked for goldfish credit cards and we shared an office with the call centre, eviction days where people would decorate communal areas with bb posters and other paraphernalia was a living hell.

Miserable git. You missed out on the fun of predicting the first person to have a nervous breakdown over how little Science gave a fuck when arguing with someone.

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Alex is from just round the corner to me. Me and my brother were watching that opening night at home together and loving we had someone from our way on and that he seemed so proud to be from round here too, every time he introduced himself he was 'Alex, from Hornchurch, Essex' which cracked us up no end and was one of those things that became something we always quoted. It was mostly amusing though because we continued to watch the live feed of the opening night on E4 after the Channel 4 show and he kept doing it, there was a moment where he reminded someone of his name again just saying Alex and seemingly had reverted to just that, to which I angrily said 'from Hornchuch, Essex!' and then immediately after he shouted it across the room himself realising he hadn't tagged that on the end.



I'm surprised any pro-wrestling fans wouldn't enjoy it. There seemed to be loads of things in common between the two. Admittedly loads of times I seemed to want to hate it but it always got me in the end.



The love triangle with Wolverine, the Posh lass and the funny looking but likeable guy was awesome too. And the year of Rex was an under-rated classic too.

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Science's daily winding up of Maxwell was some of the funniest telly that I've ever seen. It was brilliant. As was his diary room reason for nominating him one week:-


"Why Maxwell?"

"Because he's an idiot, innit?"

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Miserable git. You missed out on the fun of predicting the first person to have a nervous breakdown over how little Science gave a fuck when arguing with someone.


That name rings a bell so I might have watched more than I first remember. The memory of summer of 2003 in Goldfish is almost completely erased.

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I've lost count of how many posts I've made here about the utter greatness of series 5, so I'll just be a lazy fuck, quote from Stuart Millard's Frantic Planet blog, then drop a link to the season closing montage that still brings back the memories.


Season 5. For years, the benchmark BB. In an effort to avoid a repeat of the previous season’s snooze-fest, the casting looked for the first time towards the trademark lunatics that are now synonymous with reality TV, and was consequently the first of many seasons where the housemates split into two camps that spent their days aggressively warring with each other. In Victor, we had the first housemate who appreciated he was taking part in a gameshow, and knew exactly how to play, using the diary room as his personal promo-cutting booth, like a self-aware WWE wrestler. Victor, of course, was one half of the mighty Jungle Cats, who were part of Fight Night, the perfectly orchestrated attempt at creating hostility between the two factions, with a fallout was so bad – viewers called the police, and it was the top story on that evening’s news – that they could never dare to do anything similar ever again. Also great were the occasional manifestations of mild-mannered property developer Ahmed’s bouts of Ahmania, in particular his crazed matter-of-fact decapitation of a statue, after which he silently held the severed head up to the camera. S5 contained a shot that if it had been in a scripted drama, would have made it into the BAFTA highlight reel, with (as I’ve mentioned before) the post-Fight Night slow pan across the wrecked-up house with a gentle zoom on rebellious exile Kitten’s anti-war graffiti.


Fight Night episode.


In fact that same YouTube channel has the montages for series 5 through 10.


And one thing I bet everyone has forgotten about series 5, mainly because A) we weren't told and B) it wouldn't have meant anything, is the name of one of the contestants.

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For me, there were four standout series: the first (the unravelling of Nick's scheming and the subsequent sit-down was superb), the second series (that's the one with Jade, Kate Lawler and Alex, yeah?), the one with Jungle Cats VS The Harem and the one Anthony won, where Kinga shoved a bottle up her chuff. The last one I mentioned might even be my favourite, it had that great gay bunny boiler angle where some bloke was obsessed with Anthony. It was compelling.

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the one Anthony won, where Kinga shoved a bottle up her chuff. The last one I mentioned might even be my favourite, it had that great gay bunny boiler angle where some bloke was obsessed with Anthony. It was compelling.


That was a fairly eventful one. You had Bottlegate and Craig's obsession with Ant'ny Hutt'n as you mentioned, that nutcase Derek, Makosi and the immaculate conception, Maxwell saying "fuck about!" a lot and briefly being torn between Saskia and Sam before the latter's eviction made it easy for him, and Orlaith (fap fap fap).

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You also had Maxwell being evicted in his suit doing the Jericho pose, leading to the then Sickboy posting a screencap with the caption "Maxwell celebrating being acquitted of murdering Stephen Lawrence."


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