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The 'Ask A UKFFer A Question' Thread

Devon Malcolm

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For those questions that you think would be to the greater interest of the UKFF populace.


For instance - Pitcos! How's your leg? Are you off the crutches yet?

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Gladders, who is your favorite actor/actress and has it changed much over the years?


It's probably Clint Eastwood. I don't think that has changed since I was a kid. Either him or Harrison Ford. I have enjoyed their work in so many different films as a kid and an adult.


In terms of actresses, probably Juliette Binoche. She is amazing and fantastic. Favourite actresses when I was younger were probably based more on the relative position of my willy when watching them. Although Binoche is absolutely beautiful, too.

For those questions that you think would be to the greater interest of the UKFF populace.


For instance - Pitcos! How's your leg? Are you off the crutches yet?

I am. I haven't used a crutch since late July, nor my ankle brace. I don't know if I'm supposed to be using the brace still, nobody told me anything either way. I can walk now, but can't run (except up stairs), and turning is a bit weird when I'm barefoot. Can't really walk downstairs without holding onto a bannister, and I have trouble balancing on anything other than level ground. If I were to walk over an even slightly cracked pavement or small pothole, I'd almost definitely fall. I get bummer's limp after about a hundred yards too. For the most part, my ankle doesn't hurt, but the scars from the surgery are disgusting.


So I still feel a bit crippled, but not too bad considering my ankle was in pieces a few months ago. Hopefully it'll keep getting better. Thanks for asking, Devon!

Richie - Have any more Man vs. Food-style dinners lined up?

A few friends of mine have decided to take the challenges home brew style recently. Myself and 4 others met up last night for a curry that was supposed to blow our brains out and test our endurance, but we all managed it with relative ease. It did contain several Dorset naga and scotch bonnet chillies and also multiple hand-fulls of

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Blimey, Pitcos, that's nastier than I realised. Is the trouble you're having getting around now more to do with discomfort rather than pain? Or does it feel like things are still not quite right down there?

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Dopper, you have been to some cracking wrestling events in the past, and had some excellent encounters, what would you say was the best?


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