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Mastermind Specialist Subject


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UKFFers, which would be your Mastermind Special Subject, and why?


I'd probably pick either the Artemis Fowl series of books, or the Harry Potter books (not films). Both were staples of my childhood, and I still re-read them even now. I know far too much about them, and I don't think there's much I couldn't answer about them.

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Probably the life and works of John Wayne, know the man's films really well and have read most of the books out there on him. My old Politics teacher actually went on Mastermind with FA Cup Finals but I think the general knowledge bit led to him doing rubbish. I could probably do something football related too but it'd have to be PL in the last 10 years or so.


Mine would probably be the Harry Potter books, I grew up reading them and was completely engrossed by them, I've read them more time than I would like to hazard a guess at and know them pretty much inside out. I could probably take a good stab at the films too to be honest, I could probably do anything within the Potterverse but would be most confident with the books.

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Mine would probably be the Harry Potter books, I grew up reading them and was completely engrossed by them, I've read them more time than I would like to hazard a guess at and know them pretty much inside out. I could probably take a good stab at the films too to be honest, I could probably do anything within the Potterverse but would be most confident with the books.


What about the extended Pottermore part of the 'verse? I've fallen out of touch with all the Pottermore stuff so would have to avoid that bit.

What about the extended Pottermore part of the 'verse? I've fallen out of touch with all the Pottermore stuff so would have to avoid that bit.


I gave Pottermore a good go but didn't have the patience for it, I found the extra information was fairly anecdotal too and not really worth the time and effort to uncover it, I've found out most the stuff worth knowing through other sources too so whilst its the area I would struggle with the most, I still think I could give it a go.

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I'd be rubbish at mastermind as I have no real specialist knowledge of anything other than my job and some computer stuff :(

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The films of Alfred Hitchcock or Test match cricket from 1990 to the present day.


I think the latter especially I would kill at. Sometimes I can pass about 2 or 3 hours just wandering around scorecards on Cricinfo without realising it.


Two of mine have been on. The Wire and Cell Block H. I got more right than the contestants.


I'd also have a try at The Smiths and World Heavyweight Boxing 1892-1978.

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The films of Jim Henson / The Muppets.


The films of John Carpenter.


And then I'd fuck up on the general knowledge.


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