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Darren Young steps out of the closet


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Yeah thanks for that link. Such a good read it almost makes me want to give American Psycho another try.



Could you not get through it?


I absolutely loved it. I can see why it might not be for everyone though. Did you watch the film? Did you enjoy that? It's obviously not got as much detail as the film, and some of my favourite bits get missed out, but Bale does nail the character completely.

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The film's way better than the book, but I've got little time for either. If you edited out the lists of what everyone's wearing, American Psycho would be a pamphlet. I know that the lists of what everyone's wearing were key to the story he was telling, but still shit. The rat bit was good.

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Easton Ellis isn't worth listening to at all. His position these days is Contrary Troll, and whatever's coming out of his mouth is purely based on what he thinks will most paint him as a convention-flaunting cat who just doesn't give a fuck. Give his Twitter a follow -- nobody ever tried harder at letting everyone know how much they don't care about stuff.


"That opinion you think I would have, well I actually think the exact opposite. Oh, have I shocked you?"


The Canyons is the most self-parodying thing ever, and not because of Lohan's performance. Characters over-enunciating the word 'Fuck' like we're all going to gasp ourselves out of our seats.

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Did you read the article?


Because I absolutely get what you're saying and yes, he does just try to be contrary a lot, but when the one agenda is being pushed particularly hard it's actually worthwhile having someone play devil's advocate to open up the discussion a little.


He makes points that definitely made me, and I'm sure many others, think about the issues in a different way or from a different view point that I didn't consider.

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The Guardian's covered this story with a line that's pretty much "hey, wrestling's full of flamboyant guys wearing no clothes, gay people are gonna fit right in" which is a nice bit of stereotyping. I think they get this wrestling lark.

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