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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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I would have pushed that Miz/Maryse segment a little further close to them just fucking on Renee's filthy table.


The rest of the show should just be turned into some sort of situation comedy involving Alpha, Eva Marie, Alexa and Rhino.

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The streaming site I was using fucked up, so the link to part 2 just went to part 1. I didn't bother looking for another link. I loved last week's episode, but watching the first half this week it just felt really, really Smackdowny. I thought Bray Wyatt was much better than usual in his opening promo though.

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I would much rather they did the Cruiserweight division on Smackdown and also have the US title on Smackown and then have the IC title on Raw. 


I could easily watch Rusev defending the US title every week or failing that Cena could of done his US open challenge thing to keep things fun and interesting. Throw in the Cruiserweights and I think Smackdown would be fine.  

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The problem i've had with Smackdown so far has been it's problem for many years, it still feels very missable. It also doesn't feel live, I watch neither actually live but Raw still comes across that it was aired live and smackdown still feels like a taped show for some reason. I'm really not sure what the vibe is meant to be with smackdown either, is it "the wrestling show" or what. I really want to like it more than Raw but it's impossible. It might also be that the new Smackdown set just looks like a mini version of the old set. At least the Raw set includes the fucking archway to distract me a bit more.


The Women's division is ok at the moment but should be put back to one segment a week after Summerslam until they boost the roster,The tag teams though oh my! They really haven't given AA anything to work with, surely they should've let AA do this segment last week and then build up the Vaudevillans and possible The Ascension. Hopefully they pop The Revival up there with them after brooklyn. 

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Smackdown having the Cruisers and the US Title would be exactly what they did last time so they'd draw complaints for that. It's another can't win sscenario. Raw needs something to help fill three hours.


As for whether SD is missable, I'm actually watching to find out rather than reading spoilers and skipping it like I have for the best part of five years. Wonder how many others are the same?


I've been thinking about what I would have done differently on SD rather than just complaining. I think there were three particular problems:


1. The main event was horribly predictable "tag team match playa" stuff

2. Their attempt to put over how impressive American Alpha are completely exposed the tag team "division"

3. Nowhere near enough Cena & AJ


So what I'd have done is built to American Alpha vs. Ambrose & Ziggler. Similar opening segment but a less predictable main that showcases AA as a big time act. They then win through Wyatt interference and they brawl to the back with the Wyatts while Ambrose lays out Ziggles. Rather than the Wyatts having to just vanish. You've then got issues between all six of them going forward.


Have the Hype bros wrestle the AA squash match. They need people to be given an idea of whatever the fuck they are.


Lastly, should have shot two pre-tapes with Cena and AJ to intersperse along with that promo video. That would have given their feud a different dynamic and would have added star power to several segments. Plus, they could have canned Natalya vs. Carmella and Scooby fucking doo

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Smackdown having the Cruisers and the US Title would be exactly what they did last time so they'd draw complaints for that. It's another can't win sscenario. Raw needs something to help fill three hours.


To be honest I can't even remember what Smackdown had during the last brand split, I meant it more in the sense that Smackdown would be more unique if it had Cruisers, US title with Rusev/Cena gives everybody something to aim for on the show, IC Title and Miz would be better suited to Raw I think, but I guess it is a no-win situation.


Smackdown is still the B show though.


Out of interest I haven't actually seen any ratings since the new brand split for either show?

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Who promotes a match for two months and then gets the contract signed five days before? Only in WWE.


Is Heath Slater the only wrestler of the last fifteen years to have watched the show on TV?


Cracking Miz TV segment. Ambrose was quality on the mic and Ziggles showed some great fire.


The tag team schmozz was a bundle of fun, surprisingly. Nice, different way to showcase AA.


Another quality excuse for Eva Marie's debut not happening. WTF was Naomi's entrance about?


Heath continues to be the best guy on the roster. Still really enjoying Orton and this was a good showcase for him. Liked the momentary interaction with Wyatt too. They seem to be weaving everyone together a bit more naturally on SD these days.


Decent main. AJ looked great after. Not sure why he ends up laying or why a babyface is banging him through an announce table unnecessarily.


Better than Raw this week. 2 Red wins, 1 Blue and 1 equally shit since the split for me.

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Enjoyable show this week.


Liked the opening, the super kick from Dolph looked fantastic. Shame it's a very over used move, by just about everyone!


Loved the new entrance for Noami,something new, different, looks fab.


In fact I'm liking the way SD are building up the small pool of women on the show

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Decent enough show. The opener was miles better than the stock story they decided to do last week. Fair play to Ziggler, he's usually always shown he's an abysmal promo when it matters, but he did a half decent job selling a match I had zero interest in a couple of weeks back.


Eva Marie's gimmick is cracking. She doesn't have to do anything too, so it's a great bit of booking.


Heath Slater will probably be a massive babyface in a few weeks if they keep this up. He deserves it because he's one of those rare talents on the roster that can turn their rubbish into something decent.


The main event booking was odd, but it also screamed Styles is winning. Thinking about it, the last month of this feud has been proper underwhelming.

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I hope Wyatt goes solo, I know it didnt work out last time but I still think he can be used better with direction and he's looked good since the draft, he's got a more grungy look going on these days which is maybe something to go more with.


AJ and Cena is a feud that peaked but wanna squeeze another match from, does'nt seem to be any heat or intensity between them.


Ziggler has done well too, I'd turn him heel soon, either at Slam by cheating to win or soon after by being pissed off and angry bout losing.


12 man tag was fun, could've made a good fast paced opener to Summerslam to showcase some teams, also was good to see all the teams with a 'look' or gimmick no one looked bland

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The main event booking was odd, but it also screamed Styles is winning. Thinking about it, the last month of this feud has been proper underwhelming.

Completely agree. Was thinking through the show how they'd done well to peak Ambrose/Ziggler for SS and Lesnar/Orton had built nicely but this is just cold. I didn't like the direction of that promo a couple of weeks ago and them being missing last week didn't help. This week was just standard stuff. They've done a poor job of explaining Style's motivation since the draft. Also, he doesn't have a "Beat up John Cena" T-Shirt which is a huge opportunity missed.

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