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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Wasn't overly impressed with the show to be honest. I was laughing at the state of the jobbers they lined up to face American Alpha and then the Ascension and Mojo Rawley turned up and added to the job squad. It's unfortunate to see American Alpha lumbered with such poor competition, the sooner a team like The Revival are called up the better.


I find the WWE Title scene really weak too, although I'm glad they are getting the chance - Ambrose, Wyatt or Ziggler haven't upped their game enough for me.

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The Ben Hur thing is really weird, they did something similar not long ago too with another film. So it's basically an advert for a film, with a few clips of wrestling thrown in? Really strange thing to do.

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One of those shows you get through in about ten minutes, should you be clever enough to realise life is too short for lazy wrestling story telling.

I feared the worst when the opening angle finished with Ziggler accidentally kicking Ambrose, which is an angle on their regularly used "can't really be arsed this week" white board.

Completely forgettable.

Eve Marie was pretty good, though.

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I actually thought Smackdown was better than Raw last week. Looking at the individual parts (as I typically do on Youtube), it wasn't anything special, but watching it start to finish, it flew by, the promos killed the ones on Raw in terms of building intrigue for Summerslam, and the matches were perfectly fine. That said, we're still waiting for the first blowaway Smackdown.

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SmackDown feels like.... well, it's feels like SmackDown doesn't it?


Everything about it still feels behind RAW right down to the main event feud.


When Eva Marie and Heath Slater are the most entertaining parts of your show, it's concerning. They're really lacking in stars - RAW really did win the draft. Ambrose and Ziggler don't feel like top guys competing for the title.


Are the Shelton Benjamin promos still running? Not sure if I'm missing them in fast forward or if they've ditched them.

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SmackDown feels like.... well, it's feels like SmackDown doesn't it?

Everything about it still feels behind RAW right down to the main event feud.

When Eva Marie and Heath Slater are the most entertaining parts of your show, it's concerning. They're really lacking in stars - RAW really did win the draft. Ambrose and Ziggler don't feel like top guys competing for the title.

Are the Shelton Benjamin promos still running? Not sure if I'm missing them in fast forward or if they've ditched them.

Unless they're going to run the Shelton vids every week for six months, it seems a bit pointless really....

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No Shelton promo.


This hasn't been a good week for WWE TV, and I'm usually positive when it comes to WWE.


Alexa Bliss made a positive impact at least.


Hopefully the Austin podcast with Ambrose is entertaining. Ambrose hitting Dirty Deeds on Ziggler here was a bit Austin-esque.

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Are the Shelton Benjamin promos still running? Not sure if I'm missing them in fast forward or if they've ditched them.


Shelton tore his rotator cuff, he's not returning now. Or if he does, it'll have to be another year from now.


This week's SD felt a bit lifeless. I get they didn't have Cena or AJ but they could have put more effort in writing for the guys they had there.


American Alpha should be huge in a couple months. I look forward to a Jason Jordan hot tag in a traditional Survivor Series match.

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The absolute state of those Tag Teams. For all the arguing we did about whether to split the Women/Tag Division, Smackdown might as well have neither. Chuck Smackdown Eva Marie as a valet and maybe a Cruiser division and I don't think they'd be any worse for it.


God help them come split brand house shows and PPV's.

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To call this the B show would mean that RAW is classed as an A show - with these weeks shows that's a joke in itself. 


WWE has gone right back to where it was before the draft, boring and plodding, the rosters are far too small in regards to actual quality talent.


I'll watch SummerSlam but I these brand exclusive events are going to be really painful to sit through.

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