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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Heath Slaters promo was absolutely brilliant. I assume he'll turn up on both shows and people returning will paste him. But I hope they run with something. Pissed of underutilized jobber going rogue is something different for him.

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Did he say he was a three time tag champion? When the fuck was that then?

Twice with Justin Gabriel during the Nexus run, not sure about the third. Gabriel again?


Edit: chilli quick as a cheetah there

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Personally I thought it was mostly shit. For everything Raw did right in trying to change things up a bit, push things in a different direction etc, Smackdown ended up being all talk and the same old shit really.


I hate JBL and Otunga is pointless.


Ziggler can fuck off unless they give him an actual character rather than whiny little bitch who can put on fairly good matches. That's not enough for me.


Same with Crews. Giving him a win isn't enough. Giving him a character and a reason to care about him should be the focus. Something like that American Alpha package, though disappointing that's all we got from them.


Fuck knows what happened to Ryder but he forgot how to wrestle for a bit there.


Heath Slater was a highlight. Sigh.


Maybe I would've liked it more if Raw hadn't been so good. I don't know. It really just didn't feel like they'd made any effort to live up to what they'd talked about.


I don't think I'd ever heard the word 'meritocracy' before last night (I think it was that?) but now I feel like I've heard it 100 times already.


Oh, Eva Marie now has the best entrance in the industry.

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Not as good as RAW but it was still fun and being only 2 hours is always a bonus in my book.


Battle Royale was a bit pants to start but I quite enjoyed the final moments apart from the terrible feeling in my gut that Kane might actually win. I love me some Becky Lynch but can't stand Nattie, their match was alright I guess and it was nice for Becky to get a convincing win. I got a bit excited when Alexa Bliss came out thinking we'd get her feuding with Becky but then everyone started appearing out of the woodwork for no apparent reason... it was what it was and at least Eva Marie looked amazing.


Heath Slater bit was excellent and Rhyno is one of my all time faves. I'm hoping to see more of him in the coming weeks.


I'd have preferred literally anyone win the main event other than Ziggler, like if JBL did a run in and somehow won the match I'd have been happier... but the match was good, oh well.

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I really enjoyed that, too. Nothing on Raw but then Raw set the bar very high. For a brief moment last week there it felt like Smackdown was going to be the fresh choice internet favourite that got most of the new ideas and production quirks and even though we're only one show deep each it already kind of feels like the opposite. But then Smackdown has the champion and The Champ from the off so it still feels balanced enough. Arguably more balanced than any brand split ever on paper other than the very very start of the initial one and periods between WrestleMania's XIX and XX where it felt like both shows were doing lots of weird different things - good and bad - and felt totally different.


Once the NFL stuff starts up again it seems plausible that you could actually get a mini little interpromotional ratings battle which will be interesting stuff as obsessive fans to dissect when juxtaposed to who was on what shows and on what weeks. Maybe that's what they're hoping for. A sort of in house think tank type thing to generate whose going to be the next big stars in this post Roman world where he's no longer a banker.


We live in interesting times.

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To me they went TOO far on this show, I'm all for building new folk but Crews certainly isn't ready for any of these positions, you gotta know when the time is right to push and when to hold, and just because there has been a roster split don't mean you just start pushing fuckers that are green as grass. His facial expressions, his body language, his moves that he does just cos they are pretty moves, no substance there.


Dolph fucking won didn't he. So I now have a month of Dolph to live with, as if it weren't bad enough that Ambrose who I dislike more each time he is on screen is champ, he is now being challenged by DOLPH. Fuck off with you. Get Shelton back, get Alpha debuted and sign Brian Cage.

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Crews won a Battle Royal of mid-carders to earn a spot as 7th "ranked" guy on the roster. It's hardly a push. And Crews might be Raw but while they're working stuff out, they need to keep him winning so he's not just another guy. Because then he's really got no chance at all.

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For a standard weekly Smackdown it was a decent show, but for the first New Era Smackdown Live is was underwhelming and completely forgettable - the complete opposite of Raw. I'd say it was a bit of a flop.


The Ziggler pre-taped promo is easily the best of his career. Him winning and getting yet another push is commendable by them, but the Ziggler buzz is long gone. Maybe this is the push where he doesn't look completely out of his depth.


Then some stuff.

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The new era didn't start with a bang for Smackdown but it was a steady start. The middle of the show suffered for the Orton and Miz shenanigans which took the wind of my sails for the first time over the last 3 days of shows but I think the noticeable lull was due to the bulk of note worthy stars being in the main event.


Ziggler was the last person I was expecting to win and he's had a really dodgy year and a half or so since he last mattered. If WWE are to get something out of him here more than a good title match he needs to turn heel and I was desperately hoping he would deliver a super kick to Shane or Dean in that closing segment with them all loitering for so long. This could still be to come though of course.


Oh and 'meritocracy' kept making me think of an email which was sent round in work the other day. Next I'm expecting to hear about the superstars need to ensure they continue to deliver the best possible service.

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Did he say he was a three time tag champion? When the fuck was that then?

Twice with Justin Gabriel during the Nexus run, not sure about the third. Gabriel again?


Edit: chilli quick as a cheetah there


1) Cena and Otunga (as The Nexus) had won the TTC from Mcintyre and Rhodes at Bragging Rights 2010. The next night on RAW, Wade Barrett demanded that Cena let Slater pin him, thereby making Gabriel and Slater the new Tag Team Champions.


2) Gabriel and Slater (now part of The Corre) defeated Marella and Kozlov at Elimination Chamber 2011.


3) Gabriel and Slater defeated Cena and Miz on RAW post EC2011 after losing the titles to them minutes earlier.

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