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Moaning about who gets picked from Nxt when cena got picked 9th I think and to the b show, now that's a bizarre draft picK

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Difference is the commentators and the panel did a pretty good job explaining why Cena might not be a top pick. They didn't explain why Mojo Rawley would be chosen over Shinsuke Nakamura. Just them saying Bryan loves NXT and doesn't want to rape it would have done.

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They could have gone some way to explaining the NXT draft picks by saying that "6 NXT roster members [AA counting as one pick] have been made available to the GMs to draft", as opposed to giving them free rein to pick 6. They're on the draftable list, kept secret to surprise the fans, and whether the then GMs choose to draft them or not is then up to them.


They could also have made it look like it was the NXT roster's choice, by saying they've made themselves draft eligible, like when a college athlete comes out of school a year early. That's more problematic, though, as you've presented Bayley in particular as thinking she's not ready. Although she has just come back from an injury layoff...

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Difference is the commentators and the panel did a pretty good job explaining why Cena might not be a top pick. They didn't explain why Mojo Rawley would be chosen over Shinsuke Nakamura. Just them saying Bryan loves NXT and doesn't want to rape it would have done.

Bryan saying "Hi Internet fans, I've done shit at my new job because I also like the thing you like" would have been worse than no explanation at all. And ultimately, the only people who are spending any time thinking about the onscreen logic of Nakamura still being in NXT when Mojo Rawley has been drafted are the people who know why it's been done anyway.

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Isn't the end goal ultimately to get on the main roster, so why didn't they actually compete to be available for draft, so in the last couple of months people like Finn, Aries, Tye, Naka, Roode, hell even Joe could have competed in essentially a football play offs style tournament, the end result being the top 2 have earned the right to be drafted. Same with the Women and same with the Tag Teams, the top 2 spots from each division are eligible to draft. That way it gives NXT some decent meaningful matches, keeps the WWE narrative that the end goal is to fight your way out of NXT on to the main roster.


Sure there are flaws somewhere but just a thought.

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Well that was a half glass of flat fanta. Without even going in to the picks the whole thing was just rotten as something produced for TV. No, build, no excitement, no real sense of identity or purpose behind any of the picks. Just rapid fire, tepid one upsmanship between TV's antique family and their friendly ventriloquist dolls. The nudge in the ribs cor-you-rascal era. 


I'm guessing it was predicated on the idea that you would have the draft show open on your WWE Network and the WWE app open on your phone in order to get all the backstage bits that should have been on the television show you're hoping it would be kind of cool if people watched.


Not surprised, wasn't expecting much but I was still expecting a bit more than that. Aint going to be no new visual brand identity beyond maybe some new graphics either so don't get your hopes up. This isn't 2002 when the shows actually felt vastly different before even getting into the sum of their parts. Speaking of which yeah, the blue brand all the way I guess.


Why did Dean Ambrose wrestle an entire main event title match in his Smackdown shirt? I know they're trying to push the brand which counteracts my last few points in the most limp dick of fashions but he's your champion for fuck sake. He doesn't need to look like he's about to go to war for Team Teddy or remind me of how I used to assume the Chris Benoits of the world probably went to their best mates weddings in their free No Mercy 2003 shirts.

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Isn't the end goal ultimately to get on the main roster, so why didn't they actually compete to be available for draft

Because they were still finalising it days ago. In the future, that might happen but they've flown by the seat of their pants on this so far.

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I can't stand booker t. He is beyond unbearable as a panelist. A Shame because for years I thought pre show panels would be great but now this guy has ruined them for me. Talking shit and stupid voices and crap jokes. In contrast, Daniel Bryan on the cwc pre show panel thing was pure excellence.

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I really enjoyed the draft panel show, watched it last night. Renee is just an incredibly natural host, WWE really need to do whatever they can to keep her. ESPN were sniffing around weren't they, but any entertainment show could benefit from having her.


Lita- who would've thought she'd make a decent panellist when she was wrestling eh? Always thought she was terrible on the mic, but I really enjoy her in this role. She was good during the launch of the Women's division, too. Booker T is a bit mental, but I don't mind his nonsense to be honest. He can be quite funny.


I really like Graves. He's also very natural in this sort of role, he also has more of a modern look that would appeal to teen/young adult audiences- excellent decision to have him on Raw now rather than fucking JBL. What I also like about him is his consistent personal views of certain wrestlers, you always used to get that with Heenan and Lawler back in the day. I think it really helps flesh out his heel colour commentator shtick. I look forward to hearing him call Enzo/Big Cass matches (their little altercation on the draft show was good) but it is a shame that Eva 'All red everything' Marie will be on Smackdown, as his gushing over her was quite entertaining.


Cena was a tremendous guest on the show. Said all the right things, but with such conviction as well. It shouldn't come as a surprise really. Owens was good, too. Fast forwarded Dolph Ziggler, fuck that.



I enjoyed this far, far more than the actual episode of Smackdown.

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I really hope they take this opportunity to freshen some guys up. Just try something drastic as you have nothing to lose.


Ziggler is #1 on the list. He needs a haircut, a heel turn and some new ring gear. He'd be a good distraction feud for Cena after he's finished with Styles. I could see him and Miz as a tag too, opposite AmAlph (sorry) and the Usos.


Rowan has got that serial killer video but he needs a new look to go with it.

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I was keen on Graves around the time of Takeover Brooklyn, but recently it feels like so much of JBL's flip-flopping has got into him :/

another reason the third/face guy on commentary vexes me out so much, the colours do enough stupid role swapping for it be completely unnecessary. 

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Isn't the end goal ultimately to get on the main roster, so why didn't they actually compete to be available for draft

Isn't that what they're doing in every match in NXT? The premise of the territory is to impress the main roster authority figures enough to call them up, although that's been a bit muddied with the SuperIndieFed thing.

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