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Uhaa Nation just doesn't sound like a person's name though.

Perfect. There's too many names in WWE these days. They'd do well to call somebody up and call them Space Iscariot or something.

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From what I remember from one of his pre-WWE PCW appearances, "Uhaa" is actually his genuine surname, while he was nicknamed "One Man Nation" during his time as a football player, so his wrestling name was a combination of the two (a bit like Ryan 'Silverback' Reeves).


I still think he probably has 'something' to offer - he was just moved out of developmental before both he and WWE had chance to work out what it was and what to do with it. Should have developed him into the performer he could possibly have become, rather than rushing along with the raw materials.

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Problem is with him is he's not even that remarkable in the ring. Neville's no natural on the mic but he's had a handful of really great matches and his moveset dwarfs Crews'. Same with Cesaro, undeniably awkward on the mic, has had loads of wrinkles to iron in his gimmick and presentation over the years, but he's a fan favourite because he regularly and consistently tears shit up inside the ring. Never actually seen Crews have a match better than solid. I would guess his psychology needs major work before he'll be of any use. Or they've just not tried because they expect people to be more inherently impressed by him cos Vince is mesmerized by his pecs

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I've really turned off Mauro. At first I thought he was a bit unique and interesting but now he just seems he's commentating in the wrong profession and it really grates on me.  


In some respects he reminds me of Ian Darke who took a while to get used too after changing from Boxing to Football but something still doesn't feel quite right. 


It feels like he tries too hard rather than being natural, shame as I said good things about him earlier in the thread. 

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can't say Im thrilled with that. its not a match that gets me thinking 'ooh, that'll be good'. whats the dynamic between the two gonna be even? there are countless midcarders I'd rather see Brock face

seems like they dont really know what to do with either Brock or Boreton, so they've just made the "draw" match-up to try and get on that UFC hype

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