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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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I do love how they're burning through that particular match though. Beats writing some good semi-original angle to get some heat, I guess.


Not that I mind the result, tbh. Jericho needs some wins badly and at the very least it portrays him as some sort of threat in a proper feud. Granted, there are several other ways to go about it without having Styles lose a match clean.


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I don't think it's particually unreasonable. Jericho said on his podcast they initially wanted him and AJ to just do a one off match but he asked to make it a programme. Personally I'd prefer AJ wasn't losing matches already but they won't have done too much damage if he wins a decider at Fast Lane.




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Some good shit on Smackdown this week. The Dudleys promo was great. Bubba Ray is a great heel. The main event was cracking as well. Amazingly they let AJ speak this week. They've finally got the timing of AJ's entrance and the bells and whistles down. The lights going off at the side of the screen and the pyro now go with the beats to the music.


They could have protected AJ a bit more if they were going to beat him this early on though. Fucking hell, a codebreaker from fatty gamy tits Jericho and that's all it took? That's bollocks in the 500 finishers and kick out era.


Really recommend Smackdown these days. Watched it the last few weeks and really enjoyed it. Funny how AJ vs Jericho has gotten way more hype than any matches at Fastlane. That was a proper storyline they had going on.

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I wonder if the finish was supposed to be when AJ got hung up on the ropes? The quick nature of the cover attempt maybe supposed to look like a fluke win, but them being under the rope forced them to change it up, since AJ couldnt well sell the rope for 10 seconds and it still look like a fluke. I can't imagine the finish being "take a buckle, codebreaker" by design.

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Really enjoyed Smackdown this week, that is about the most fun I've had watching WWE in a fair while. Great stuff teasing the match straight out the gate and then having AJ and Jericho tag, set the hook nicely for the end of the show, and they delivered a cracker, lot better than the first match. I'd say this little feud is my favourite thing in WWE at present.


Good stuff from the Dudley's, using some of the real resentment and criticism about being a nostalgia act etc and weaving it into the promo was good, made the turn make sense.


All round good stuff, I like Ranallo a lot.

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He gets a lot of deserved shit, but fair play to Jericho in making this feud actually matter. Him talking about waiting weeks for this rematch is the most basic of basic stuff but you have to think left to their own devices normal WWE creative would have had them wrestling 8 times by now in matches that didn't matter. What they're doing is really compelling.


I do hate when the refs do that "call the finish like a shoot" thing though. Everything else can be worked but because Jericho was barely near the ropes the ref apparently can't count. Took the wind out of their sails a bit but I reckon there's better stuff to come in a third match.


Also enjoyed the Bubba Ray promo on the show - hopefully it's the end of the shit glasses and ill fitting 90's gear for them. May actually be some mileage there.

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I wonder if the finish was supposed to be when AJ got hung up on the ropes? The quick nature of the cover attempt maybe supposed to look like a fluke win, but them being under the rope forced them to change it up, since AJ couldnt well sell the rope for 10 seconds and it still look like a fluke. I can't imagine the finish being "take a buckle, codebreaker" by design.

These were my first thoughts too. As Ian alluded to, in the era of multiple kick-outs, flash pins and convoluted finish sequences, that ending really stuck out. Shame it didn't go as planned as a fluke win would have been a bit better, but I don't suppose it matters all that much if AJ was going to lose to a clean pin anyway.


Since AJ arrived his storyline has been the best thing on Raw and SmackDown. Jericho going full heel on him soon should take it up a level, I don't mind seeing them extending the programme. I'd keep Miz in and around the action though.

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I apologise for live posting my watching of Smackdown, but Christ on a bike, Heath Slater is a fucking horrendous promo. Just terrible.


When Axel sounds the most natural on the mic in your group, it's time to pack it up and move on.


*edit* in more positive news, literally everything about Neville/Lucha Dragons v Stardust/Ascension was fucking brilliant. The comic book graphic, the crazy Stardust entrance, the quick, punchy match? Perfect pro-wrestling. Loved it.

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I've only started watching WWE again since the Rumble, and as Arch said, it was presented absolutely tremendously. I totally bought Stardust as the cartoon super villain, and Neville as the hero character.


Considering how matches that mean something seems to be too much to ask for these days, well-presented filler will do.

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First time I've watched Smackdown in years and the show didn't half highlight how rubbish the Raw commentary team are. I've always enjoyed Ranallo doing real sports (he was brilliant in GLORY and Strikeforce), but he's definitely in his element doing the wrestling. No idea if it's because he's a legit sports commentator or he's just better at faking it, but his voice and comments seem to carry more weight than Cole's carefully delivered contrived rubbish. Even Lawler isn't total bollocks.


Styles v Jericho was much better the second time round.

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Aye. While he's hardly amazing, he seems somewhat interested again. Maybe it's due to Saxton being there that Lawler seems competent once more. Saxton offers nowt.


Ranallo's enthusiasm seems to really bother folk when he does real sports, but it is perfect for wrestling.

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