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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Has anyone watched yesterday's episode yet? Just wondering if Lawler is a fully fledged heel or not now.

Yeah, he was a lot more heelish on this week's show than last weeks, taking the piss out of Kalisto/Neville for their height and so on. He seemed a lot more enthusiastic too and was much more bearable than he's been in forever.


Saxton was still shit.


Didn't mind the Del Rio/Kalisto title switch at all, but I'm one of those weird people who loves Del Rio. It seems to me that it's just a way for Kalisto to overcome the odds and beat Del Rio even when he's got help from LoN, probably at the Rumble. They could've told the same story without switching the title twice in a week but it's not the disaster many are saying.

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At least once a week since Christmas, anyway. In the midcard, they like to keep the match to angle ratio at about 9:1. And there was about a month in late 2015 where Titus and Stardust would do skits. So they might have to have this same match all the time now until after SummerSlam.

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Well, after giving up on Smackdown over a year ago (because it was meaningless shite) I tried it last week to hear what Ranallo was like on commentary and as it was their move to USA I thought it would be worth a watch anyway. The show was pretty good, nothing special but certainly watchable. I tried again this week, thinking that with it being the Rumble go-home show it would be worth a watch. Nope. Straight back into the pattern of meaningless RAW re-treads and actual RAW recaps. Sod that.


They should move the Smackdown commentators to RAW though. Mauro and the King (as a weak, but passable Heel) are far better than Cole and Fucking JBL. I'm aware that there is another announcer on each show, but they essentially may as well not exist.

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I've gave Smackdown a miss (as usual), but heard it was decent this week so I checked it out. My word, the announcing is shockingly good. What the fuck happened to Lawler? He's actually paying attention and picking a side these day. He's actually interested again. No idea if its because there's some new blood on the booth in the shape of Mauro, but Lawler's upped his game a lot. Ranallo is great as well. You just forget Byron Saxton in there, which isnt a bad thing. Its so strange how the best announcers are on Smackdown and the best matches are on NXT. Maybe they need to have a think about that.


The Kalisto and Neville match was fucking great.

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I've loved Smackdown for a while as a harmless easy watch every week but it has certainly stepped up a gear since moving networks. Sure it's still not as important as Raw but they're putting a better effort into making things matter, and the commentary is definitely helping.

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You just forget Byron Saxton in there, which isnt a bad thing.


The rest of the announce team even do this. My friends popped round to watch the Rumble last night and both commented on how Cole & JBL pretend that he doesn't even exist. Between matches when the camera pans to the announce table, look at Michael Cole's body language. He almost has his back to Saxton, in a similar fashion to Heskey playing up front with his back to goal.

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You just forget Byron Saxton in there, which isnt a bad thing.


The rest of the announce team even do this. My friends popped round to watch the Rumble last night and both commented on how Cole & JBL pretend that he doesn't even exist. Between matches when the camera pans to the announce table, look at Michael Cole's body language. He almost has his back to Saxton, in a similar fashion to Heskey playing up front with his back to goal.



Can you blame Cole for doing it? He knows that Saxton is essentially supposed to replace him at some point when Vince thinks Cole looks too old for TV. I'm not surprised he's doing all he can to make him look shit.

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Caught some of the highlights to this week's SmackDown on WWE.com, looked a decent show. Kalisto vs. Neville seemed pretty fun to watch, and AJ Styles hit the Styles Clash on Curtis Axel!


It started driving the fantasy booking bit of my mind as well. Ultra-fantasy. Based on nothing. I wonder whether we get Reigns and Ambrose turning on each other at Fast Lane and then facing each other at WrestleMania. This because CM Punk, upon realising that the WrestleMania main event he never got has never been more up for grabs, has rung up and sorted himself a cushy deal. Reigns and Ambrose have a "you never turn up to help me when I get beaten up" "yeah, well, neither do you, and you were a right wuss in the Rumble" grudge match, and Punk gets his main event against Triple H in a "you fired me on my wedding day" revenge match. Punk sticks around for a little while and then goes part time, because the UFC thing's a non-starter, and now he's got Styles and Joe and Owens and Sami and Nakamura and Aries to play with, and because this is my fantasy booking, after Reigns vs. Ambrose, Seth Rollins turns up and tells them to stop fighting because Triple H has screwed all three of them and they reform the Shield, because all my fantasy booking incorporates that.


Never, ever ever going to happen, but there was a lot of Roman and Dean talking about their friendship on the SmackDown highlights, and there'll be more on the lead-up to Fast Lane (especially without Brock, who, even if he's on Raw, is never going to be on SmackDown) so you never know if they'll go somewhere with it. Plus with such a gap at the top of the card, I do wonder if Punk coming back will turn from 'impossible' to 'virtually impossible'.


Anyway, Kalisto vs. Neville and Styles vs. Axel both looked like they were good matches, and I love the sound of the new announcer. I might start watching more of SmackDown more often.


However, it really annoyed me (i) how smiley Reigns was being during the Highlight Reel, and (ii) how he and Big Show were all friendly-friendly at the end of the show when they spent most of last year trying to kill each other. 

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