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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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I do still watch it most weeks, entirely out of habit, although if I was just hating it I obviously wouldn't bother. It's usually on on the background while I do other stuff. For the most part it's actually a far less frustrating watch than Raw. Since the change of TV network it seems they might be putting a little more focus on it, so would seem a decent time to get back on board.

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If you're the sort to read spoilers before you decide whether or not to watch it you're doing it all wrong anyway.


I used to hate the fact that I checked spoilers but nah I don't agree with this above these days. I cannot justify spending three hours (five if you include Smackdown) watching 95% of absolute dross just to get to 5% of something worth watching. Life's far too short. I can live with not seeing a rare genuinely surprising, great TV moment (such as Reigns' title win) without knowing about it beforehand if it means not having to get through hundreds of hours to see such an incident.

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I have to agree. Smackdown is a handy watch. I also love watching it in bed on a Saturday morning before I do anything else for the weekend. Far easier to do that than find time after work during the week for Raw. And going back to the days of watching on Sky in school Smackdown always had far more of a tradition.


Still miffed at that spoiler though.

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This could be it for me to be honest. TNA style booking just because they can.

TNA style booking? This happened in WWF 2001. It was shit then too but it's fuck all to do with TNA.


Bit of an over-reaction in here to be honest. Lots of toys being tossed from prams before you've even seen the show. If you're the sort to read spoilers before you decide whether or not to watch it you're doing it all wrong anyway.

Nah, this is Smackdown. Fuck all happens year to year, let alone week to week. There was one reason to care this week.

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I watch Smackdown every week, and Raw, too. And sometimes Main Event. But that doesn't mean I won't moan about the stupid, stupid, stupid things they do. And that is stupid, regardless of how they actually present it.

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I still don't know what the spoiler is. I've avoided them for years in the hope it'd make Smackdown fun to watch (it did a bit, for a bit) but I just tend to watch the WWE YouTube clips of it now. Is it Del Rio getting his win back? That seems too small for the level of impotent rage that's going on.

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Wwe.com have spoiled this weeks Smackdown on their front page apparently


They say "new champ crowned" but don't specify.




Well, given that the US title is the only title being defended on Smackdown this week, then I would call it a spoiler.


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I still don't know what the spoiler is. I've avoided them for years in the hope it'd make Smackdown fun to watch (it did a bit, for a bit) but I just tend to watch the WWE YouTube clips of it now. Is it Del Rio getting his win back? That seems too small for the level of impotent rage that's going on.

It's hardly rage. I doubt anyone is out beating up immigrants or burning down Fajita joints over it.


It would be really, really shit though if they undid the one bit of spontaneity Raw's had since Roman's title win and made the only fresh star they've looked like making in a year look like a chump.

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Every time they extend a feud out with rematches is shit (and I'm guessing the three singles title matches at the Rumble are all rematches of the last week of Raw and Smackdown, which is ridiculous) but Kalisto has been on the roster since last WrestleMania and he barely got a mention off any fucker on here between then and the ladder spot. Now all of a sudden he's getting the "I'm done with this company, fucking wankers ffs" dummy-spitting? Bizarre.


Plus he's a Rey Mysterio carbon copy, and Rey's stardom was never based on an undefeated streak. Playing 50/50 with Del Rio is a promotion for this lad, considering he spent most of last year fighting Konor and Viktor on Superstars. Although as I said, I've not read any reports and I'm expecting there may well be more to it than that, given the big salty tears from those of you that have.

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Well, I've not spit my dummy. I just think it's shit.

I'm not going to pretend I've been begging for a big Kalisto push or I think he's the next big star but he did make an impression in the ladder match and, for whatever reason, he's been working as a single the last few weeks. People have sat up and taken notice and this company is absolutely fucking DESPERATE for anyone to come along who makes people take notice. He got a nice rub off Cena last week and a couple of big wins and suddenly they had a guy on their hands with a bit of freshness who puts smiles on people's faces.

I couldn't give a fuck what he's been doing for the past year or whether anyone gave a shit about him before. They give a shit about him now. If you can't see that's important, and I mean to the whole audience rather than us jaded fuckers, then you've fapped yourself blind.

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