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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Ziggler's was the absolute worst "You're a bully". *Through a stream of tears* "My Mam said the best way to stop a big bully so that I won't wet the bed every night is to stand up to them"


Whoever wrote that promo just got fired by the Disney Channel and the lazy cunt re-used some shit script he'd written.

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  • 4 months later...

Smackdown has regularly been a decent watch lately, lots of lower and midcard development and some pleasant surprises, plus an actual variety of people can open up the show rather than 2 maybe 3 people. Does still have some awkward moments though and the canned heat needs to die now.

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If wrestlers had any self-awareness about homoerotic language, lines like "your ass is mine" wouldn't have been used over and over and over and over again.

Re: the above, what does that even mean?


"Your ass is mine/Your ass belongs to me" sounds like should you beat the other guy into submission, you have rights to there arse hole. A lot of stuff comes out in these promo's but when you try to really break down whats been said, it could be very bad for WWE publicity wise, "WWE Wrestler argues with colleague over who has legal rights over who's asshole".

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  • 3 months later...
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Lawler was retweeting tonnes of praise for his heel announcing on this show, so clearly he'd prefer that was his role. It certainly wasn't full Lawler heel mode though, to be honest I barely noticed a difference in him and would have thought nothing of it if I hadn't already seen him tweeting about it. Mauro did quite well I thought, it's a bit weird to hear his distinctive voice on a WWE show. He brings some much needed energy. They still have that useless Byron Saxton on the team unfortunately, adding nothing to the broadcast at all. A two-man booth of Mauro and heel Jerry would be good I think.

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I thought Mauro did well on his debut. Very distinctive and somewhat 'sporty' with moves called and a focus on the moves compared to the usual emphasis on 'story-led' announcing. He certainly shows his excitement and enthusiasm. The chemistry with the others should get there with a bit more time and if the other commentators give him an inch. I got the impression at times that King and Byron wanted to 'banter/argue' and assume roles (like on RAW) rather than focus on the action. It seemed to lead to one or two eggy moments when they seemed to undo what Mauro was doing and trying to build. I don't know if I can compare it slightly (and only just) to when Joey Styles joined the RAW announce team for the first time.


As for King, I don't know if it was a case of him wanting to be heelish or perhaps he was a little more indiscriminate with the target of his barbs. Plus, he was excited when they hyped Miz TV rather than his usual disdain.


As for Byron Saxton, the fact he was moved to Smackdown when Booker T was removed does smack of tokenism. Otherwise I agree that he doesn't need to be there. Too many cooks, and all that... Just my opinion, of course.

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Thought it was a decent, easy watch. Cena's quite likable in his role of not actually doing anything and just potting about the place causing mischief. Invent some GM type role for him temporarily, I say. Write something quick that usurps The Authority at Fast Lane and go into WrestleMania with Cena being a fan friendly lunatic making feel good decisions for a change, including a non wrestling role at the big show. What's there to lose, with the current ambling state of the product and it's pointless top heel powers? Doing 1 TV a week can't cut into his rehab that much. Sure he's not wrestling but just having the guy there would mean a lot. You'll get an entrance pop and the fact that a quarter of the crowd are kids wearing his shirts won't seem as daft. Advertise him for 'Mania. Have him ref something with stakes on the line. 


I thought Mauro Ranallo done a lovely job, too. He came across as the sharp type of cat WWE looks for in it's announcers without just being a voice chip in a suit. He sounded disgusted at cheaters, made football references and called moves. He's a winner for the show, I think. 


The finish of Ambrose/Owens was poor. Close the show with them mid brawl by all means but don't end it on one of the more pussyfied, non threatening looking scenery spots that involves a table not breaking on it's carpeted bed and half a dozen empty Netgear boxes as the commentators yell "these guys still hate each other!".

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I just searched for Ziggler's hair on Twitter and saw the video of him throwing Goldust over the top rope. Do you think he's going to apologise and say "no offence, bro!" to everybody he eliminates from the Rumble?

Nah, he'll probably break out the ''I'm not racist but...'' line after he eliminates The New Day.

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Only time I noticed Lawler being heelish was after Flair cheated for Charlotte and Lawler defended him.


Enjoyed Mauro on commentary. He was a bit "excitable all the time" during the matches but his voice has good tone and he gives it a credibility. Saxton still being around can fuck off though.


Ziggler's hair is shit.


The show was pretty cold really. Cena having to beg the crowd to make a noise was embarrassing and if they're not cheering for Cena, they ain't cheering for nothing. Kalisto beating ADR should come across as a big deal but it isn't. Firstly because Del Rio's a shitbag. But also because everyone wins.

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