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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Solid episode of Smackdown this week. I think the show may be hitting a stride as being the compact wrestling show that Raw can't be.


The opening segment was good and it's great to see Bryan, Ziggler, Sheamus and Barrett open a show in the night's major angle, this can't happen on Raw and is what keeps the perception of some of these lot down below the top brass on the main show. Side note - I feel like Bryan is going to get the title reign that he was going to have last year only with the IC belt. He was the one champion present on this show and he is taking on the credible upper mid carders, his title reign last year wouldn't have been any different realistically and I'm enjoying seeing this.


The New Day finally getting a reaction is great. When they were being built up for their debut it looked like they might have some sort of edge to their characters, a righteous message perhaps. Now it's happening. Kudos to Big E for doing a good job during their entrance and we had top work from Cesaro and Kidd against these lot as usual.


Bray vs Rowan was decent. I'd like to see more from these two as Rowan clearly was left to drown away from the Wyatt family and a realignment with Bray or a feud of sorts could give the purpose he has lacked.


I'm sort of bored of Mizdow and Miz. End this feud!


Neville impressed yet again and his match with Rollins has done him the world of good in getting the crowd behind him.


The main event of Reigns, Ziggler and Bryan vs Show, Sheamus and Barrett was good and was helped due to the lack of Authority involvement. If Smackdown continues this it may actually give the show a different dynamic which is good in my book. So we got the stars without the nonsense here and everyone looked good. There were 'we want Reigns' chants at one point. His performance at Mania makes me pleased to see his popularity grow.


I don't want the brand split back but this show certainly helped Smackdown feel like its own show. Keeping certain story lines away from the show and having Bryan as the shows front running champion will do a lot to further this. More of this please.

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Hey, it's WWE Smackdown! Let's see if this week's show makes me want to PUNCH MY TELEVISION...


The show started with Daniel Bryan coming down to the ring to talk about what happened on last week's show. In case you forgot, he lost by count-out to Sheamus after Wade Barrett smacked him with a bullhammer. Oh, and he bled hardway from hitting his head on the announcers' desk.


Talking of which, still no Michael Cole - we got Tom "Todd" Phillips filling in instead.


Bryan said winning the Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania was one of the highlights of his career and he was going to make the title mean something by defending it against all comers - presumably on Smackdown because Cena's doing that same deal on Raw.


Barrett came out and gloated about dropping Bryan with the bullhammer. Then Sheamus joined him. Sheamus, who's a bit of a dick, said he didn't mind Barrett because he wasn't an undersized midget, and God knows if there's a way to get your talent over it's to emphasise how small they are.


Sheamus proposed that he & Barrett give Bryan a European-style kicking and approached the ring. They were cut off by Dolph Ziggler's music, and he joined Bryan in the ring to face off against the size-obsessed cocks.


Apropos, The Big Show came out and said he was sick and tired of pip-squeaks (there they go again) complaining and, as winner of the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, he wanted in on the fun.


Then Roman Reigns came out and FOR FUCK'S SAKE DOES ANYONE ELSE WANT TO COME OUT? and tackled The Big Show, who took a powder with the other two galoots.


Tyson Kidd & Cesaro shown walking down a corridor with Natalya.


After a break, the announcers' told us that the show would be headlined by Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns versus The Big Show, Wade Barrett & Sheamus. Yay?


Kidd & Cesaro finished up their entrance and were joined by The New Day. They did some mic' work, cementing their heel turn. They're clapping for the fans, who didn't give two fucks. Well, except for some confused kids. WRESTLING!


So Kofi Kingston & Big E fought Tyson Kidd & Cesaro, presumably for the tag team titles, although it wasn't stated either way. They had a decent enough match, but The New Day will have to go a bit further to really hook that heel turn. It might help not facing heel teams, too, I guess.


After some re-caps from Raw, some plugs for stuff, and a commercial break, Curtis Axel was in the ring. He said that, two weeks ago on Raw, Neville had put a speed bump on the way to Axtreme Rules. He asked for a re-match tonight.


So Neville came out and they had a good match - short at two minutes but that's double the length of their last encounter. Axel sells so well for Neville. There's a career in making others look good! Neville won with the Red Arrow.


Backstage Renee spoke to Cameron, Alicia Fox, and Natalya. They yatta yatta'd about the *shudder* Divas Battle Royal on next week's Raw, and Fox & Natalya got into a shoving match. Some referees appeared from nowhere and pulled them apart.


After a break, it was Alicia Fox versus Natalya, presumably because of what just happened. Not only that, but Cameron was the referee. Do they just make this stuff up as they go along? If so, BRAVO!


They had a BAD match, although Cameron's officiating was actually really good. Maybe that could be her thing?


After the match, which Natalya won with a sharpshooter, Cameron laid them both out with DDTs. *sigh*


They showed a hype video for Erick Rowan, which appeared to be much of the same stuff they showed just before his return after breaking away from Bray Wyatt in November last year. Hey, if they'll agree to forget the last four months, so will I!


After a break, it was Bray Wyatt versus Erick Rowan. Wyatt came down to the ring and cut a good talky about how he'd fixed Rowan and how now he'd destroy him. He's still calling himself the New Face Of Fear. It's not sticking.


Rowan came out and they had a match. I liked it. It's a shame they didn't start this stuff back in November, instead of that Wyatt/Ambrose feud that did nothing for either guy.


The Miz was shown walking down a corridor backstage. After a break, he was in the ring for Miz TV. He showed the trailer for his new movie, The Marine 4. It does not look good.


Summer Rae came out and had a go at him for not mentioning her also starring in it. If her performance in the trailer is anything to go by, I'd be thankful if no-one mentioned it.


He said him letting her be in the movie was him "giving divas a chance" and that he'd made her a star like he'd made Mizdow a star.


He said he blamed the WWE Universe for making Mizdow think he was a star when, in fact, he'd been fired twice and was on his way to being fired a third time when The Miz hired him as his stunt double.


This brought Mizdow out, dressed for casual Friday, and The Miz told him he'd forgive him if he said sorry. Mizdow took his time to make a decision and then shook The Miz's hand slowly, saying, "I'm sorry... I didn't do this sooner!"


He then smacked The Miz upside the head and threw a chair at him when he ran for the hills. He grabbed Summer Rae, kissed her, and left. She acted like he'd taken her breath away. Hokey.


Hey, it's our main event! It's Wade Barrett, Sheamus & The Big Show versus Dolph Ziggler, Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan!


It wasn't a terrible match, although there was too much of The Big Show. Thankfully, two-move Reigns was kept out until a minute from the end of the fifteen minute match, when he came in and did his two moves. He got the win for his team with a spear on Barrett.


This was an Okay Show. There was nothing to hate (much) and it skipped along. Better.

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Just watched this while I also have the cricket on. It was decent, partly due to a hot Dallas crowd, and everyone got great reactions despite a number of the top guys - Rollins, Cena, Rusev - being absent.


Miz is such a great Butlins/panto baddie. The little things to wind up the kids etc are spot on.

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From that leaked document that came out of one of the lawsuits, they've got a 2016 smackdown planned in LA with a 1645 start time. There's no need or good reason to start that early on the west coast unless it's live. AFAIK all smackdown tapings currently start at 7 or 7.30 regardless of location.

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Sheamus got away with saying SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
" We Irish hate you English bastards" to Neville on this weeks Smackdown. Thought that was a bit strong for a PG show!

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Sheamus got away with saying SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
" We Irish hate you English bastards" to Neville on this weeks Smackdown. Thought that was a bit strong for a PG show!


Not really, it has a completely different meaning in the States, it was said on early episodes of the Simpsons. Bart even had a 'Lil Bastard Kit' to cause pranks and things. Probably our equivalent of bugger or something like that.

Sheamus got away with saying SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
" We Irish hate you English bastards" to Neville on this weeks Smackdown. Thought that was a bit strong for a PG show!


Not really, it has a completely different meaning in the States, it was said on early episodes of the Simpsons. Bart even had a 'Lil Bastard Kit' to cause pranks and things. Probably our equivalent of bugger or something like that.

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Yeah, suppose the Americans aren't that familiar of the history between both countries.


Return of theSPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
kiss my ass match between Sheamus and Ziggler at Extreme Rules will be cringe-worthy.

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Yeah, suppose the Americans aren't that familiar of the history between both countries.


What odds would that make either way? Whether the American writers/viewers know about the glorious Battle of the Boyne or not is utterly irrelevant to the angle. It's a heel from a neighbouring place insulting the place the show is being held. Basic wrestling cheap heat.

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Well you've got Christian seemingly doing a Bobby Sands gimmick so there's a fair bit of potential for a feud there


Bit harsh there!


I always dip in and out of Smackdown. It always seems awful. Fair play to anyone that sticks with it and watches all the way though.

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