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Who has the best punch in wrestling?

Devon Malcolm

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Some of my favourites that you may want to consider:-


Gerald Brisco absolutely blasting the Mean Street Posse with that fantastic left-hand:-




Double J slaughtering Razor with some right hands....




....and Razor's right hand was cracking as well:-




Don't forget the King!



Any more?

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I always thought Bossman threw a mean punch. Especially the uppercuts. He looked like he was damn-near taking Al Snow's head clean off in their hardcore matches in the summer of '99. They looked and sounded absolutely brutal.

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Good shout! I always loved his slide under the bottom rope and upper-cut. Is someone doing that in WWE at the moment?


Scott Hall wins this by a country mile for me, but yeah Bossman was the other one that immediately sprung to mind. The spot where he would have his opponent choked on the second rope and then run and slide out of the ring for an uppercut almost always looked pretty great. I say almost because I remember one specific occasion where the punch clearly didn't connect but it still made the usual *smack* noise, and thus the illusion was destroyed forever :(




Dammit, beaten by a more succinct description!


Bret Hart and Kurt Angle's look awesome to me


Ive seen a few people online say Angles looked Pony but me,i always thought he looked like he was knocking the shit out of who ever he was punching

Good shout! I always loved his slide under the bottom rope and upper-cut. Is someone doing that in WWE at the moment?

Goldust does it, does he not?

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Yeah, Angle's are great as well. Also, The Rock's were excellent as well, always looked like they hurt.

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Goldust/Dustin Rhodes is another who deserves mention in here actually. And Vader, his punches and forearm smashes made me wince as a kid.


Roddy Piper hits Goldust with a few belters in their Hollywood Backlot brawl, even a mate of mine who doesn't watch wrestling said those are real punches and they probably were, obviously it wasn't filmed live but I would assume they didn't do to many takes on those.

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I think the logic behind that was "the poof tied to grab your sack, so really give him a kicking". I imagine they felt Piper needed to perform a bit of gay bashing. It was still allowed in 1996. I had the same reaction as you. I remember it was the 2 weeks holiday, so I was allowed to stop up with my Dad and brother to watch it. Piper was giving him a right belting.

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I think the logic behind that was "the poof tied to grab your sack, so really give him a kicking". I imagine they felt Piper needed to perform a bit of gay bashing. It was still allowed in 1996. I had the same reaction as you. I remember it was the 2 weeks holiday, so I was allowed to stop up with my Dad and brother to watch it. Piper was giving him a right belting.


I'm going to have to watch that one again, I think, I don't remember that!


Yeah, Goldust's uppercuts were superb. Vader's were less showy but they always looked brutal, didn't they?


Its still Lawler isn't it? He never really needed anything else. Its not just that he has the prettiest punches, its that he can work more or less an entire match around them. That's genius.

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The Rock and Razor Ramon for me, must be a Miami thing. They also sell Stunners better than anyone. Their punches may look a bit open-handed (well, because they are) but they sound bloody great, make good contact and they have a nice motion going into them.


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