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Roman and Dean are both such damaged goods at this point that I can half imagine them both campaigning to be he one who turns heel on the other. Whoever gets the privelage of turning will hopefully get a fresh new start, as well as a guarantee that they won't have their careers ruined by shit feuds with Bray Wyatt for the foreseeable future.

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Ambrose isn't damaged goods, a hot angle and something interesting for him to do and the people will be right back behind him. Roman needs the fresh start.


Ambrose and Lesnar could have a little interaction which ends with Reigns saving him. Ambrose moans that he doesn't need saving and Reigns disagrees saying Ambrose isn't good enough to go at him alone. Eventually Roman can take out Ambrose for his own good and it can all kick off. Depending who comes out with more momentum can go with Lesnar at Mania while the other faces Cena

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Maybe Ambrose can be revived, but WWE didn't half ruin a face fans were super into. They've established over the last 12 months that Ambrose is a loser and very much part of the midcard. He's damaged goods when you look at the damage they have done to him since his Rollins feud. There are no guarantees with this version of WWE that he'll ever be that hot again; even if they stumble into something again they'll probably ruin it because "plans".

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Yeah they need to make Roman a cocky heel who aint really afraid of anyone but will kick your ass on his terms. But at the same time is not affiliated with HHH or anyone. Plus it would be funny if he did turn heel in his first enterance as hes walking down through the crowd he just walks back and had a "what was I thinking?" expression. His music stops and a few mins later his music is back and comes by the ramp


And like people have said here before Randy Orton needs to be his 2002-2004 type character with extra Ravishing Rick Rude added.

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Anyone who doesn't think Ambrose is damaged goods needs to go back and watch the reactions he was getting last Summer. There's no doubt that a hot angle would benefit him, but he felt on the edge of becoming something genuinely special back then and the trouncing he's received since then makes me think he'll never get that back.


Remember that fucking amazing clothesline he hit at Summerslam last year, in the middle of the greatest lumberjack match of all time against Seth? When the crowd were going absolutely bonkers? Yeah, that feels a million years ago now.

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He could be that over again, and easily surpass it I think. He's cool and fans want to like him, when they actually have a reason to get behind him he'll be tearing the house down. Fans are happy to forget shit stuff when it involves people they like

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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The fact they are still with him after he was booked to look a total gimp by an exploding TV shows they are willing to forget that if they're willing to put guys in the top spot.


Also it's a matter of timing. Undertaker treated water against useless monsters in the midcard for years after the Hogan face at Survivor Series/This Tuesday In Texas before they went with him in a main event role. You can't just put someone at the top just for the sake of it. Ambrose is popular no doubt, but maybe not an upper midcard/main event level of popular just yet.


The only way someone is going to be made man at the top level is by definitively beating the top guy, and that's John Cena. I don't mean that to sound like a "Cena sux!" type observation, but other stars need to be seen to be on, or at least close to his level in order seen as a main eventer

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Beating Cena won't do it, unless there's a great bit of context. If Roman Reigns had won the belt from Lesnar and then faced Cena at SummerSlam or next year's WrestleMania, that's a big deal. There's a lot of framing you could have done around Reigns vs Cena -- this is the first time Cena's faced any real threat to his spot, etc. But stripped of that momentum, Cena losing to Roman Reigns now would be a bit like Cena losing to Bryan and Punk. You can be on Cena's level in the ring, but it doesn't mean you have the same status, and a win over Cena alone usually won't grant you it. A win over Lesnar and Cena might, but it's hard to imagine them putting anyone in that position and not getting cold feet.

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Much better Raw this week with the #1 contender competition giving the show a nice focus. The outcome was obvious but it still worked well. Reigns vs. Kingston was a really good little match. I'm not hot on the New Day's schtick as they walk down the ramp but they are entertaining as hell bell to bell. Owens & Cesaro had a really good match too. Cesaro needs to be the third Vaudevillain. He'd be awesome in black and white.


If Reigns isn't going over at Survivor Series, I'd rather they left him out of it. The chummy backstage stuff with Ambrose makes me think he's going to be involved somewhere though.


The Wyatt follow-up was usual by the numbers bollocks. I guess we're going to get another two weeks of this before team Taker all return to staredown the Wyatts prior to Survivors.


Tyler Breeze being stuck with the albatross is gutting. Rusev doing fuck all is shit. That Mexamerican stuff is just odd.


The show would have felt much fresher if you didn't have the motherfucking Authority and that cunt Rollins sucking the life out of it for the first ten minutes. This shite isn't wanted or needed.


Decent Raw regardless.

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I loved the fatal four way. The pop up power bomb to superman punch was freaking amazing! Reigns is incredible and it just saddens me that there is still boo boys in the crowd. Its WWE's own fault I suppose but the man is one hell of a in ring performer these days. He's got an incredible aura about him too. Just don't give him horrible stuff to say...


He needs to be taking the belt from Rollins at Survivor Series.


Rest of the show was really good wasn't it? Well at least there were plenty of good matches and the Wyatt Family were good. Giving them purpose is probably the best thing for them and I cant wait for SS now for team Wyatt vs team Undertaker.


There's still all the usual disappointing stuff, Rusev stuck in oblivion, the Dudleys being shit, Ryback and his horrible singlets. Nobody having a real purpose. Those random 6 mans. All filler guff really, but at least there is some excitement to the proceedings.

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Much better show this week. Seemed like a wrestling show again. Reigns is a strong direction to go in, so I'm happy with that, but he's still missing something. I'm not sure what it is but he's just not fun to watch in the way a babyface should be. Weirdly, Cesaro is and there we are.

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Raw having a focus was nice for a change. Rollins should seriously fuck off though, can't remember caring less about a WWE champion in a long time. Anyone having the belt would be an improvement over that dullard.


Don't know where they're going with that MexAmerica stuff, maybe they'll hire Hernandez or bring back the Mexicools. Good reaction for Paige turning proper heel, Charlotte is an awful face though.

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