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One of his principle reasons was that he would be a one shot deal against Taker where he would inevitably lose, and he didn't see the point in that.

Where did you read that? Sting wrestles in a t-shirt in front empty buildings these days. Principles and quality control isn't on his agenda. He doesnt give a fuck about doing a job for huge money and then going home for the rest of his life. Sting's all business. The reason he's never went to WWE is because of money. Turner paid him more and the Carters paid him more. This is the window of opportunity where WWE will be able to pay him and more I imagine this is the best chance of it happening.


This quote from last June seems to say he doesn't care about losing for a big payday.

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Is Sting vs Undertaker a dream match? People on the Internet always seem to talk like it is, but it's never felt like one to me. Is it a dream match because Sting was a goth in the boom period? If Undertaker had half a dozen WrestleManias left, I wouldn't mind it. But if he's down to his last couple, I'd much rather see him face Cena, Lesnar and even The Rock than Sting.

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I assumed it was the "Dark sided" part of each character which linked them together. I mean would anybody want Sting to cut a promo? I'd thought the angle would be a lot of lights out,druids,graveyards,appearing in the rafters type deal.


1995/6 stuff which maybe wouldn't even work in 2014.

Edited by Fox Piss
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Is Sting vs Undertaker a dream match? People on the Internet always seem to talk like it is, but it's never felt like one to me. Is it a dream match because Sting was a goth in the boom period? If Undertaker had half a dozen WrestleManias left, I wouldn't mind it. But if he's down to his last couple, I'd much rather see him face Cena, Lesnar and even The Rock than Sting.

Its a dream match in a sense that when people took the pissing down rain promos a few years back as evidence Sting had signed, people seemed to lose their shit over the idea of a Sting vs Undertaker match. It seems to have been more of a dream match since 2011 than it ever was. Back in 2002, they were going to pair him up with Angle, in 2003 they were going to have him wrestle Triple H. There was minor talk of him doing a match with 3 babyfaces against Evolution in 2004/05 time. There was never rumours of Undertaker vs Sting until the last few years.


Magazines like this always used to be my source of what a dream match was. Many a night I was awaken with wet sheets thinking of Kane vs Lex Luger battles.


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Oddly enough, the other day I was thinking about the card I'd have done for Invasion if nobody was injured and everybody from WCW got brought in, and I ended up with Kane vs Lex Luger on the bill. Neither of them would've quite made the five on five and I couldn't think of any big match counterparts for them on the other roster.


I'd like to see a lot more backstage/interview skits with Cody and Goldust. They've done one or two bits with Renee Young where Goldust gets all weird and Cody reacts to it, and that odd couple stuff is the sort of comedy that wrestling can do really well. Goldust is a cracking tag team partner because of that dynamic, and he seems as good in the ring as he ever had, if not better.

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If Cena is just passing by the World title picture (he might do the Hogan/Earthquake finish so he doesn't win it), looking at it right now it wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to have Goldust win the World belt and turn on Cody and have Goldust vs Cody at WrestleMania. I imagine the brothers feuding is where its bound to go once the tag titles feud is over. You could do some good stuff between them. It would have been unthinkable a few years back that Goldust would win the world title, but he'd be more equipped for it now than a lot of wrestlers. He'd be more interesting than Del Rio, Sandow or Ziggler would. I think eventually we'll see Goldust's job on the line or something like that, and Goldie sells out to HHH to keep his job. Something where Cody is fighting Seth Rollins to keep Goldust's job and Goldust runs in and turns. There is to much harmony in the Rhodes clan for one of them not to get a bit selfish eventually.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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You can just imagine Goldust there stoking the big gold belt whilst cutting promo's. I think Cody taking the belt from him at Mania, before a Sandow cash in and a full circle fued between the two would be great.

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If Cena is just passing by the World title picture (he might do the Hogan/Earthquake finish so he doesn't win it), looking at it right now it wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to have Goldust win the World belt and turn on Cody and have Goldust vs Cody at WrestleMania. I imagine the brothers feuding is where its bound to go once the tag titles feud is over. You could do some good stuff between them. It would have been unthinkable a few years back that Goldust would win the world title, but he'd be more equipped for it now than a lot of wrestlers. He'd be more interesting than Del Rio, Sandow or Ziggler would. I think eventually we'll see Goldust's job on the line or something like that, and Goldie sells out to HHH to keep his job. Something where Cody is fighting Seth Rollins to keep Goldust's job and Goldust runs in and turns. There is to much harmony in the Rhodes clan for one of them not to get a bit selfish eventually.


I was thinking the same kind of thing but with the roles of heel and face reversed. I think a last chance saloon Goldie finally getting his chance at the WHC mixed with him needing redemption for his failures all the while needing to defeat his baby brother to achieve those things could make a great simple story that the fans could get behind. The only problem with such an angle is that he's persisted with the weirdo Goldust but if that was the bone of contention between the siblings then it could be used to his advantage like Daniel Bryan embracing his trollishness.

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Old Dustin is better as a face, always has been. His fire is something to behold when he gets going. I'd rather they go along the lines of Bret/Owen and have Cody play that younger brother with the weird chip on their shoulder. I'm currently working with a bloke that currently suffers from the same thing and it's fucking annoying.

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Del Rio's punches on Bryan while he was laid on the canvas were the worst punches I've ever seen in wrestling, absolute shite


I don't know whether they're sort of lowering Bryan down to stop him burning out with the fans but he really did come across as a knob compared to the way Big Show and The Rhodes Brothers looked, I'm not saying you can only have one strong babyface but Bryan really didn't look too good coming off that show, he just needs Nikki to turn on him at some point to really finish him off, I'm sure they'll turn it round though


AJ when she got up on the ring apron was the fittest thing I've ever seen in wrestling ever


Enjoyed the show overall but for the first time I really understood why JBL is getting a fair bit of criticism, he was shite

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Is Sting vs Undertaker a dream match? People on the Internet always seem to talk like it is, but it's never felt like one to me. Is it a dream match because Sting was a goth in the boom period? If Undertaker had half a dozen WrestleManias left, I wouldn't mind it. But if he's down to his last couple, I'd much rather see him face Cena, Lesnar and even The Rock than Sting.


Completely with you on that one.


I really want Cena vs. Taker at XXX in a retirement match, but I think the smart thing to do maybe to have it at 31

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Cor. Fucking. Blimey.


Triple H buried RVD, Edge and Jericho didn't he? Which is fairly mental, when you consider that two of the three are still semi active, and still may have some worth.


What's even more mental is that he burnt Bryan alive, and the rest of the roster got caught in the flames, when he pointed out that the only stars worth a shit are the ones that turn up twice a year. Fucking hell, he could have at least threw Cena's name in the mix.


That last hour ruined a perfectly good show.


Why the fuck is Big Show playing Austin? They could be getting someone over huge with this schtick. As much as I love Big Show, he's not the next big thing is he?


It was fun besides that, though. Mostly because some of the roster seemed to get their hands on a bag of Hogans old smelling salts. Most notably Heyman, R Truth and Golddust ('OHHHHH SNAAAAAAAAAP').


Big E is a fucking stud, mind. Proper star in the making, there.

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