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A heel Batista with the belt would be quite fresh I think and opens up a number of possibilities. The matches probably wouldn't be much cop but the angles/promos would be fun. I'm sure he'll get the belt in a few months.

Edited by LaGoosh
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There is also Wyatt for Bryan to work with. Mark Henry would also be fresh if he isn't injured. I suppose you could also say Christian, but that would seem like curtain jerking stuff. Also Cena and Bryan only had one match, and this time the roles would be switched around giving it a new dynamic

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There's a reason I don't write for WWE.


I wouldn't be able to resist turning Bryan heel the minute he won the title. It's a mystery to me how anyone could book Bryan to win the title and resist the urge to have him immediately turn to the fans, flick 'em the V's and call them all a bunch of spanners.


Fuck it, I'd book Bryan to challenge for the title at Extreme Rules. In the run-up I'd have him go on a tear, beating everyone despite the Authority's best efforts. Then at the PPV I'd have Triple H look as if he's gong to cost Bryan the match against Orton/Batista then wallop, he pedigrees one of those two and Bryan wins the belt. End the show with Bryan, Triple H, Steph and Kane grinning like Cheshire dickheads and doing the 'yes' schtick to the crowd.


The next night you could even do a 'Goat To Hell' segment (yes, I'm hilarious) and have Bryan shaved in the ring. You could make it Daniel Bryan appreciation night and by the end of the night he's wearing a full suit, short back and sides and a clean shave and thanking the authority for making this all possible.


Yeah, that's what I'd do.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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There is also Wyatt for Bryan to work with. Mark Henry would also be fresh if he isn't injured. I suppose you could also say Christian, but that would seem like curtain jerking stuff. Also Cena and Bryan only had one match, and this time the roles would be switched around giving it a new dynamic


Bryan's already feuded with Wyatt for months and sadly Mark Henry is a glorified jobber these days. And if he's feuding with Christian for the title you can bet your arse that's not going to be the main event of a PPV. And like I said earlier, once the underdog wins the big one he's not the underdog anymore. And being the underdog is the key aspect of Bryan's character. He will need to change things up big time.

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An established character putting people over isn't a "glorified jobber". Its ridiculous when people say that about Mark Henry. Where did all that come from anyway? Because he took a beating off Brock Lesnar (who never has any interaction with anyone who isnt a big star?) There's a world of difference between doing jobs and putting people over. If you turned Mark Henry tomorrow and put him against Bryan, the crowd would buy it as a feud. You can lose every week if you are over and it doesn't matter. Hence why he is being used to put people over.

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WWE.com Michael Cole interview with Triple H.


Nice little follow-on from Raw, as these web interviews usually are. I think Triple H is brilliantly smug and condescending here, but worryingly, I also think he's sort of right. Why should he wrestle Bryan? There's not much in it for him.


Here's where I think (and hope) they'll end up going with it. Hogan, as host of Mania, will announce that he's decided Bryan deserves to be added to the title match at Mania, making it a Triple Threat. (This may need a bit of "You don't have the power to do that, Hogan!" from the Authority, followed with a "Oh yes he does, that's what the WWE Universe wants!" appearance from Vince)


Forced to acquiesce, Hunter will then clutch at the straw he has left - Bryan's challenge for Mania is still on the table. So whilst you'll get your title opportunity, "you'll have to fight me first!" (Bryan, for his part, should manfully accept both challenges with some vigorous Yes-ing, although the announcers will need to put over the jeopardy that puts him in)


That, for me, works much better than the "You're in the title match IF you beat me" route which a) means going into the night itself promoting a possible lame duck WWE Title match that the fans have made clear they don't want to see on the card, or an obviously telegraphed Bryan victory over Triple H, and b) as Arch pointed out, means Triple H not only accepting Bryan's challenge when he has no real reason to do so, but also dangling an additional carrot he neither wants nor needs to dangle.


As Punk isn't turning up (I would imagine being added to the title match at Mania was what was on the table for any potential return), that seems the best use of the situation & resources they have.

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See i'm not sure. Henry just comes across as a "Jobber" in every face run he has. The man is a natural heel and thats the only time he will have any success. As a heel he faced Taker at Mania, won the ECW title and World title. As a face he got a pensioner pregnant, was in the worlds shittest tag team with MVP and now gets mullered by Lesnar on a weekly basis.

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WWE.com Michael Cole interview with Triple H.


Nice little follow-on from Raw, as these web interviews usually are. I think Triple H is brilliantly smug and condescending here, but worryingly, I also think he's sort of right. Why should he wrestle Bryan? There's not much in it for him.


Here's where I think (and hope) they'll end up going with it. Hogan, as host of Mania, will announce that he's decided Bryan deserves to be added to the title match at Mania, making it a Triple Threat. (This may need a bit of "You don't have the power to do that, Hogan!" from the Authority, followed with a "Oh yes he does, that's what the WWE Universe wants!" appearance from Vince)


Forced to acquiesce, Hunter will then clutch at the straw he has left - Bryan's challenge for Mania is still on the table. So whilst you'll get your title opportunity, "you'll have to fight me first!" (Bryan, for his part, should manfully accept both challenges with some vigorous Yes-ing, although the announcers will need to put over the jeopardy that puts him in)


That, for me, works much better than the "You're in the title match IF you beat me" route which a) means going into the night itself promoting a possible lame duck WWE Title match that the fans have made clear they don't want to see on the card, or an obviously telegraphed Bryan victory over Triple H, and b) as Arch pointed out, means Triple H not only accepting Bryan's challenge when he has no real reason to do so, but also dangling an additional carrot he neither wants nor needs to dangle.


As Punk isn't turning up (I would imagine being added to the title match at Mania was what was on the table for any potential return), that seems the best use of the situation & resources they have.


I prefer this. As you pointed out, the whole HHH saying "beat me and you're in" angle, makes the outcome too obvious. Whereas HHH beating Bryan at the start of Mania, with Bryan going on to win the title in the main (with a slight nod to WM10) means that we will probably get a good HHH/Bryan series of matches for the belt somewhere down the line. I also don't think Bryan losing a match before winning the title will harm him, it will just make him an even bigger underdog for the main.

Edited by PSF
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An established character putting people over isn't a "glorified jobber". Its ridiculous when people say that about Mark Henry. Where did all that come from anyway? Because he took a beating off Brock Lesnar (who never has any interaction with anyone who isnt a big star?) There's a world of difference between doing jobs and putting people over. If you turned Mark Henry tomorrow and put him against Bryan, the crowd would buy it as a feud. You can lose every week if you are over and it doesn't matter. Hence why he is being used to put people over.


Not completely true is it? What about the beatdowns he's given to 3MB, The Miz, Cody and Goldust etc. I'd hardly say any of those were "big stars" either.

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Not completely true is it? What about the beatdowns he's given to 3MB, The Miz, Cody and Goldust etc. I'd hardly say any of those were "big stars" either.

Hardly interaction was it? He came out and destroyed them during an angle with someone else. Mark Henry was used to set one of the big names to lead to the Undertaker match. There was significant impact when he destroyed Mark Henry and the fact Henry didn't back off and came back for more positioned him as someone who isn't, you know, a "jobber". And they felt the need to revisit their previous duel a second time and will probably do so again after WrestleMania. There's a world of difference between injuring Mark Henry and throwing the Miz around. They've attempted to retain sympathy and heat for Henry. They didn't attempt that with 3MB, Miz, Cody or Goldust, because those were faceless fodder.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I would like to express my love for Summer Rae's outfit.


That was an incredible Raw, have to say I felt a bit emotional watchin The Usos win the title. The dive/ tag combo is still fantastic and those lads deserve the titles. Proves that you can reinvent guys you arent doing anything with and make them relevant.


Triple H's smug dickhead face was hilarious too when he was condescending Bryan. Not sure it does anything for Bryan though.

Edited by Cobra1000
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Shield vs Wyatt's was good, not a patch on the Elimination Chamber match though, I groaned when they redid that Rollins standing up from the German from the top rope spot, got a lot better after that


I'm starting to think Emma might have the bonniest face of any woman in wrestling ever, still looks mongy doing that dance, though in fairness that is the point I suppose


Really getting sick of the partner drops to the floor instead of accepting a tag, how many times has that happened in the last few months? 3 by my count, there are other ways of doing dissention in the ranks or turns

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