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It would be nice to see him lose his temper already. I don't mind the way his character is all nicey nicey as much as others seem to but it would be nice just to see him go 'well, fuck it' and go ape shit at everyone. On the flip side though, as someone pointed out earlier, that's why the kick to Triple H was so effective. A bit more of that would be nice now.

Edited by deathrey
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It was why Punk went stale as a babyface. Instead of coming out and moaning and dropping pipebombs that were more like fucking devil bangers every week, I just wanted to see him batter someone. They don't want Bryan going down the same route. Just shut him up and let him beat people up, where he is far more convincing. Too many babyfaces here are pushed by giving them loads of promo time instead of actually hitting people.

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Bryan's best segment since SummerSlam was when he got Wyatt in the cage. No talking, all physicality, and he unequivocally came out on top. The crowd went mad for it. Would be interested to see how that segment did in the ratings compared to his 20 minute promo battles.


A Bryan run-in to fuck up a match that Triple H has a vested interest in would be a nice way to continue the feud next week. Bryan can run off immediately afterwards without saying a word, having gotten one over on H for once. Yeses all over the gaff.

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It was why Punk went stale as a babyface. Instead of coming out and moaning and dropping pipebombs that were more like fucking devil bangers every week, I just wanted to see him batter someone. They don't want Bryan going down the same route. Just shut him up and let him beat people up, where he is far more convincing. Too many babyfaces here are pushed by giving them loads of promo time instead of actually hitting people.

Same problem for Sheamus I think. He's comfortable on the mic but delivering long boring diatribes about the other fella just doesn't suit him.


Unfortunately, with 3 hours to fill and the 1998 Raw formula still alive and well, this shit is deemed necessary.


I can't understand why they don't do vignettes anymore. I suspect it's maybe so the live audience don't feel like they're watching the show the on TV but that doesn't stop them doing backstage segments aplenty. It's a real shame because down the years some of my favourite characters and feuds have been furthered by segments shot in real locations. They only do it now for debuting acts.


I think Sheamus would have got over miles better as a babyface if his thoughts on his latest heel opponent where always delivered across the bar while he supped a pint of the black stuff.


That doesn't completely excuse Bryan though. Nor the writers. Often he has very little to say but what is written for him is whiny shit and it's often delivered, as Pity pointed out, with a stupid grin and a lack of conviction.

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I remember complaining about Bryan's stupid grin when he was brought up from NXT and everyone was hailing him as the next coming. Every promo he cut until he turned proper heel was shit, and even then you could see it breaking through onto his face. Then he got better and he genuinely was a huge deal and I started enjoying him, but he still can't stop that stupid grin which is a shame.

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Stupid grins seems to be what WWE wants out of it's top babyfaces. All the babyfaces grin like fucking idiots all the time these days. They must tell them to do it.

You're thinking of a different thing to what Triple A is. Smiling babyfaces are a wrestling thing. But the weird smirking and corpsing is particular to Daniel Bryan. He's nowhere near as bad for it now as he was on NXT and early in his WWE stint, but it's still strange that he does it. It's part of the thing that makes him look like he's playing at being a wrestler -- which works when he's doing the little mental comedy heel thing shouting at Kane and AJ, but as a top babyface, it's hard to take seriously. Cena laughs things off with confidence like a wrestling character that's laughing it off, Bryan kind of stands there awkwardly smirking about things like a bloke playing wrestler who can't believe how silly his job is. I think it might be his size that plays a part in that.


A lot of Bryan's popularity is a catchphrase and his positioning as the downtrodden symbol of anti-WWEdom, and when he does get the big win, it's easy to imagine him cooling off. He's very likeable, which CM Punk never had, but he might not be main-event likeable once the underdog story's complete. It's hard to know, yet, but promo-wise, he's been very weak in his feuds with Cena and The Authority. They should really be mindful of how they want to present him when he talks.

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Yeah once he gets the big win it's hard to see where they go with him. A long title reign probably won't be anything special but if he loses it relatively soon afterwards the "hijack" dickheads will probably kick off again. But once he's won the belt and defeated Triple H outside of a Brock Lesnar match I've no idea what they can do with him without changing his character drastically. Once the underdog beats the odds it's hard to give a shit about them after that.

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A Daniel Bryan title reign would be a tricky thing to book without it becoming a mid card attraction similar to the first half of CM Punk's reign. Promoting the likes of Del Rio and Bad News Barrett as challengers would take some work. Bryan vs Orton doesn't need to happen again. Batista vs Bryan doesn't sound like a potentially long competitive feud after seeing Batista's in ring ability since his come back (which could change).


The only obvious opponents for Bryan (as champion) post-Mania are Triple H inserting himself in to the title mix and Bray Wyaat going after Bryan yet again.

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I would have thought a Bryan title run at this stage would be piss easy to book. He beats HHH and then wins the triple threat at 'Mania (or however else he wins it) and then you can keep him as the underdog champ, having HHH place bounties on him or throwing Lesnar, Orton, Batista, Kane, etc at him constantly.

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I'm really fucking gutted that The Shield won't get a face run. The hounds of justice is a tailor made gimmick for an anti authority group and they could take D-Bry's place in fighting the power. I suppose they could have them hug it out after their 3way and start again as a humbler trio but I don't see it.

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I am quite sad about The Shield splitting, they've been consistently great pretty much since the debuted. I'd love for them to have a face run, even if it's a short one before they split. The three of them work so well together and I enjoy all three characters a lot, I don't want one of them to get lost in the shuffle after the split. The seem to have shown a good deal of faith in all three of them so hopefully that won't be the case.

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I would have thought a Bryan title run at this stage would be piss easy to book. He beats HHH and then wins the triple threat at 'Mania (or however else he wins it) and then you can keep him as the underdog champ, having HHH place bounties on him or throwing Lesnar, Orton, Batista, Kane, etc at him constantly.


But at that point he will have already beaten Orton, Batista, Kane and Triple H (and Cena last year). It's hardly going to be exciting TV for them to carry on the exact same feud/storyline with the same people for months on end. Outside of a match with Brock I can't see what fresh feuds he could have.

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I would have thought a Bryan title run at this stage would be piss easy to book. He beats HHH and then wins the triple threat at 'Mania (or however else he wins it) and then you can keep him as the underdog champ, having HHH place bounties on him or throwing Lesnar, Orton, Batista, Kane, etc at him constantly.


But at that point he will have already beaten Orton, Batista, Kane and Triple H (and Cena last year). It's hardly going to be exciting TV for them to carry on the exact same feud/storyline with the same people for months on end. Outside of a match with Brock I can't see what fresh feuds he could have.

Could say that about most coming out of mania. If orton comes out of mania with the let, who's fresh for him?

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