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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Shield/Wyatts was absolutely mental. Completely disagree with DCW, I thought Ambrose was superb in this match - the taunting of Wyatt while in Rowan's grip, pulling at his beard to get out of it, spitting at Harper, the Terry Funk waddle in the ropes into the clothesline - he felt like the unhinged pitbull driving the sense of chaos. Rowan's and Reign's bumps over the announce table were mad. The brilliant Harper is just a violent sick fuck. This match was incredible. The only bit I didn't like was Rollins pulling out that flip from the top turnbuckle spot again which felt too contrived. I'm not sure what him walking out of the match means but I hope he just lost his cool for a moment and they're (sort of) best friends again next week. It's a shame that they're apparently on the edge. I see great value in them as a cool babyface act (although they'd need a few turns and renewed pushes for opponents). A feud with, say, a reformed Evolution (credit; MrCook) could benefit all three guys more than splitting them now. There's much better chemistry in their feud with the Wyatts than Cena has with them, although hopefully that'll pick up in the next few weeks. I'm convinced you could give these three anything to do and they'll make it fucking great. I honestly haven't been this into a wrestling act since the rise of Austin in 1996. Don't go!


Rest of Raw was excellent too. With the exception of the always cringe 'This is awesome' chant the crowd was great (although I skipped Sheamus/Christian and any divas rubbish) and the Steph/HHH/Bryan segment was electric. Nowhere near as bad a the Green Bay abomination last week. And kudos to WWE for being masterful puppeteers all night. HHH was hilarious all night and it's literally the most I've ever enjoyed him. Can't say I'm looking foreword to the match though.


Chuffed to see the Uso's finally get the belts. With two big teams apparently on the verge of splitting and the de-push of the Rhodes boys where can they go after the Outlaws rematches? I quite liked the idea bandied about a while ago for Miz/Ziggler team.


I'm loving the Cesaro push and I can't say I'm too gutted about the recent treatment of Big E. Without the 'five count' gimmick he really hasn't put it together and made it click yet. He'll get there though, just like Cesaro did.


I agree with whoever said Rusev will be the next Koslov (or Tensai). Decent in ring but the drip face won't get him anywhere. Him and his sexy interpreter have a fun camp appeal though.


JBL is fucking awful. He's not even 'being a heel', he's just a cunt. Go away.


Thankfully no Punk. No Bad News Barret either though. :(

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Shield/Wyatts was absolutely mental. Completely disagree with DCW, I thought Ambrose was superb in this match - the taunting of Wyatt while in Rowan's grip, pulling at his beard to get out of it, spitting at Harper, the Terry Funk waddle in the ropes into the clothesline - he felt like the unhinged pitbull driving the sense of chaos.

Spot on. I thought he had a real Roddy Piper quality about him. Made me laugh out loud at times like Piper would in his feud with Flair.

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Big E vs Cesaro was again an OK match, showed what they both have in quick time and fed us closer to the Real Americans split and the face turn for Cesaro. Big E hitting Cesaro with the Big Ending at the end seemed a little heelish, could we maybe see the Real Americans carry on with Big E taking the place of Cesaro?

Cesaro had just hit him with the Neutraliser. Of course Big E was going to strike back, if he just quietly left the scene he would have seriously lacked balls.


Speaking of balls, I thought Heyman's callback of "having the balls to say what no one else had the balls to say" was a great little touch, and the crowd reaction to that line tells me they recognised it too.


The way the show went, I'm almost glad Punk didn't return. If he had returned at the end, it would have got a huge pop, but after that, the rebellion's over and it would be business as usual. Punk would be shoe-horned into a match at Mania and it would be really contrived and unnecessary. The direction they're going now is terrific, even if it is as a result of the fans causing change. I refuse to believe this was the long term plan looking at how the new year began.


Hulk is surely coming to Raw next week to

a) make Triple H vs. Bryan

b) Put Bryan in a triple threat with Orton and Batista

c) Both


Good times. :thumbsup:

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I thought when Daniel Bryan was escorted out by security he wasn't gonna come back. Batista would be in the ring waiting, then Punk would come out, and brawl, leading to Orton, then HHH coming out, maybe then Bryan. It's gotta be HHH vs. Bryan at Mania now, there's no way Punk is coming back by Mania surely. So it's gotta be a if Bryan can beat HHH he gets added to the title match or something.


Imagine if they do that, then he doesn't win the title. The place will go mad.

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Awesome show. Shield/Wyatts 2 was almost as good as the first time at EC. Dean Ambrose I thought was the MVP of the match. Rollins walking away totally caught me by surprise and I actually cant wait to see how this story with the Shield continues to progress.


The Bryan HHH interaction was brilliant. HHH was definitely at his best and Steph doing the "YES, YES, YES" on her own was a great visual and a real fuck you to DB.


Also, listening to the pop the Shield music got, I imagine there will be money in a babyface Shield reunion 5 or 6 years from now if they all stick around and there is a new bad ass heel group running the place. If they did it like the DX reunion of 06 where it was teased for weeks/months I think the reaction when their music hits would be one of those awesome Raw moments.

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I thought when Daniel Bryan was escorted out by security he wasn't gonna come back. Batista would be in the ring waiting, then Punk would come out, and brawl, leading to Orton, then HHH coming out, maybe then Bryan. It's gotta be HHH vs. Bryan at Mania now, there's no way Punk is coming back by Mania surely. So it's gotta be a if Bryan can beat HHH he gets added to the title match or something.


Imagine if they do that, then he doesn't win the title. The place will go mad.

He beats Triple H to win his spot in the title match, everyone goes mental happy, then Triple H hits him with the sledgehammer and he gets taken to hospital. May or may not come back to join in by the end of the title match.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Interesting note that I don't think made it to TV but one of the monitors Brock Lesnar threw went over the ring and bounced into members of the crowd along the rail of the entrance ramp. Officials promptly checked on them and retrieved the monitor before distributing CM Punk shirts to everyone hit. No one appeared to be hurt at all.


Thought one did the way it bounced off the mat.

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He beats Triple H to win his spot in the title match, everyone goes mental happy, then Triple H hits him with the sledgehammer and he gets taken to hospital. May or may not come back to join in by the end of the title match.


That would be perfect. Except I wouldn't have it be anywhere near the end of the title match, because then you've got a crowd shitting on the Mania main event for 10-20 minutes. Maybe a few minutes in, definitely tease the idea that Bryan won't show, but not for too long.


Officials promptly checked on them and retrieved the monitor before distributing CM Punk shirts to everyone hit.


I couldn't help but laugh at that. Giving a Chicago native a Punk shirt is like giving a crying child a lolly to make them settle down.

Edited by Shane O' Mac Version 2
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