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Cody and the Bucks would benefit far more from any buzz it would create

Every single one of the 10,000 people in attendance are aware the WWE exists, WWE gains little more then furthering a story line slightly and even then only the die hard fans will see it as cool or interesting that Owens or Kevin Steen has turned up at ALL IN

WWE would then have to acknowledge it happening (Or whats the point) which would alert those fans totally unaware of ALL IN of its existence and in turn make them aware of whats happening in NJPW/ROH and maybe even IMPACT

Of course it may only be a small minority that think to check out ALL IN or the other promotions but still its not really wise for WWE to actively advertise the competition regardless of how small a competition they actually are to the WWE machine.           

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6 hours ago, Supremo said:

Aha! I actually thought the complete opposite! WWE would benefit far more than Cody and the Bucks, in my opinion. Bar the big pop, it runs the risk of souring the fans who think this is some huge fuck you to WWE, even though the Bullet Club guys never give that impression. 

I don’t think Cody or the Bucks would be willing to let all their hard work play second fiddle to a Raw angle. I guess it depends how much they’re a mark for the big pop.

Maybe that’s the discussion to be had; who would it benefit more and who do you think would be more willing to do it?

Yeah you may have a point there in terms of hardcore indy marks being put off it if WWE are involved, but even still you're looking at a very small number in the grand scheme of things. 10,000 people will be attending this show and you can guarantee that they either already watch WWE or refuse to watch WWE either out of principal or because they don't like the product. The amount of people at the show that have no idea who WWE are will likely be zero. So in that sense, I can't see what there is for WWE to gain out of this.

On the flip side, of the 32 million subscribers to WWE's YouTube channel, you'd imagine a sizeable portion will have never heard of All-In, ROH or the Young Bucks. Even if you pluck a low figure from thin air, say 10% (which I think is probably a grossly underestimated figure), that's potentially 3m WWE fans being made aware of this other show, and considering it a big deal if the mighty WWE are involved somehow. That's potentially huge exposure for All-In. They'd benefit far more than WWE would.

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The alternative would not work with the establishment and prostitute their event's achievement in terms of "look how far the alternative has come." Absolutely pisses on the "spirit" or "message" which is what being the alternative tends to be about.

The establishment doesn't need anything from the alternative, unless it's something that can be exploited for real business gains. Such as forging alliances with British feds whom it can eventually asset strip once they know who has value. That's the establishment - running your business like a business and only helping out others in the market when there's real benefit.

WWE would only work with All In if it was a means to getting some of the principal players in/back in their camp. And even then, it's not worth directing that many eyes onto products that aren't currently theirs.

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The whole point of All In is that it’s not wwe. Cody has said he hasn’t even asked Dustin to attend in case it affected his job there, and the Bucky said they ruled out asking if the revival could wrestle on it early on as they don’t want any wwe touch on their achievement. They aren’t gonna scupper that for a mid card raw angle that won’t mean a thing in a fortnight 

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15 hours ago, air_raid said:

The alternative would not work with the establishment and prostitute their event's achievement in terms of "look how far the alternative has come." Absolutely pisses on the "spirit" or "message" which is what being the alternative tends to be about.

There's some precedent, though - ECW working with the WWF, while still managing to hang on to their "alternative" spirit, and to a lesser extent PROGRESS now.

But All-In? Not a chance. Nobody gains anything from cross-promotion there unless it's part of a longer term deal, and an olive branch to a more open wrestling world in general. But that's not happening.

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8 hours ago, BomberPat said:

There's some precedent, though - ECW working with the WWF, while still managing to hang on to their "alternative" spirit, and to a lesser extent PROGRESS now.

Speaking for my circle and my circle only, I take exception to the latter. Co-opted "Punk Rock Wrestling" hasn't quite felt the same for a while now.

ECW taking the money, fine. The power of "Fuck you Bischoff" made for strange bedfellows. Got some vintage Lawler out of that run, brilliant stuff.

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I would like to see Kevin Owens coming back with Paul Heyman in a few months but repackaged and focused this time, hopefully as a prize fighter on a mean streak. Heyman can do the whole he has a new client thing and that in Owens he has the ultimate prize fighter and that Owens lost his way, got mistreated (Smackdown/Raw) and now they are both back better than ever.

I couldn't care if Heyman did all the talking and Owens just said nothing to help him get heat, just seeing Owens in full serious mode is enough for me.

If WWE book this right you also have the prospect of Owens vs Lesnar down the line where Lesnar comes back, laughs at Owens and Owens then has his face turn by beating Lesnar. If they did this in the next 12 months you also got Owens vs Zayn as a potential headliner at Summerslam in Toronto. 

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