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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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1 hour ago, SpiritOfTheForest said:

Highlight of Raw for me was Corey Graves mentioning Rob Halford only for Michael Cole to immediately incredulously go "Whoooo???". Can't really get a more minor happening, but it gave me a kick to see two of my world collide in a small way like that. 

Yeah, can't think of when wrestling and heavy metal have ever crossed paths before!  Didn't he mention Megadeth as well?

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Anyone else think there were even more of these nonsense buzzword nicknames than usual this week? For instance, where the fuck did this 'workhorse' tagline come out of that felt like it got mentioned 183 times throughout the show. 

Owens and Rollins had a really good match in the middle of the show and Roman came accross a little less whiny than usual. He sounded a bit more like he should every week, confident. There's still an issue with the verbiage in some of his promos, but that part isn't his fault. I think those were the plus points of the show. Oh, and the turn, once they decided to do it, they did it well. It's the turning of Strowman to begin with that I don't really understand. It came completely out of nowhere, and shows that there definitely wasn't any prior thought into doing it until this week, considering how hard they have been trying to get Braun over as a top blue eye until last night. 

I guess WWE decided they wanted/needed The Sheild Reunion now, that Roman had to be a baby, and the only person strong enough on the roster to oppose them at the moment was Braun, which meant he was going heel. 

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The nickname thing is definitely getting worse. I can’t stand Cole bellowing out ‘THE BIG DAWWGGGGGG’ every time Roman appears or the 300 nicknames Rollins seems to have ‘The Workhorse’ ‘The Architect’ ‘The Kingslayer’ etc. Way too much. 

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3 hours ago, Callum1993 said:

The nickname thing is definitely getting worse. I can’t stand Cole bellowing out ‘THE BIG DAWWGGGGGG’ every time Roman appears or the 300 nicknames Rollins seems to have ‘The Workhorse’ ‘The Architect’ ‘The Kingslayer’ etc. Way too much. 


2 hours ago, MVP RULZ said:

The one that really grates on me is his Screaming ''Its Boss Time'' Every single time Sasha Banks comes through the curtain for the past few years


2 hours ago, WyattSheepMask said:

They seemed to have dropped “wheelhouse”, thank fuck

Cole has been the death of me entertaining the thought of watching Raw, ever. The repetition of all this kind of crap and "for the.." and overreacting to anything with "Oh my!" .... just drives me insane. Back in the good old days you always knew Gorilla would mention Bret having Excellence of Execution or allude to Million Dollar Man thinking "everyone's got a price" but these weren't arbitrarily thrown out at the some point of the match every week in the same tone like some kind of fucking robot. The only time I remember this happening more than maybe five years ago would be the way Tazz would always say "Well...... here comes the pain!" when Brock's music hit. That never bothered me, because it just kind of became a thing, didn't feel forced, and because it was only Lesnar, it felt uniquely part of his presentation on SmackDown. Cole feels like he churns out the same shite with such frequency, I feel like I'm playing 2K18.

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16 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

How long have we had the heel authority figure now? 22 years going back to Bischoff in late 1996? Or 20 years since Vince in 1998? Wherever you track the start of it back to, to still have it on TV and have fucking "Constable" Corbin pulling the same old shit is pathetic. From a company whose next PPV is called Evolution. The irony.

It makes no sense anymore to have heel authority figures. If you look at the success of All In it is based totally on the fact that everyone likes Cody and The Young Bucks. People want to support their product because they want to support the people putting it out.

Fans have been conditioned to think the people who run WWE are evil. Is it any surprise the fans go against them constantly? When HHH appears in NXT he talks about loving the product and wanting it to be the best it can be, thus many fans actually want it to do well and care about that product. 

I doubt many people would question Vince’s sanity as much if he was presented as a living legend, working hard past retirement age for the love of the business and fans. Present him as someone who is sticking around because he loves his company, not as a past it looney who can’t let go 

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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6 hours ago, Callum1993 said:

The nickname thing is definitely getting worse. I can’t stand Cole bellowing out ‘THE BIG DAWWGGGGGG’ every time Roman appears

I haven’t watched Raw properly in a while and try to block out commentary during ppvs, but for the longest time Cole was trying to get over that not only was Roman the big dawg, but he was there for ‘The big fight’ 

Edited by TheBurningRed
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7 hours ago, air_raid said:

 The only time I remember this happening more than maybe five years ago would be the way Tazz would always say "Well...... here comes the pain!" when Brock's music hit. That never bothered me, because it just kind of became a thing, didn't feel forced, and because it was only Lesnar, it felt uniquely part of his presentation on SmackDown. 

Yeah I liked it when Tazz used to say that.

I liked it less when he used to say 'He's feeling froggy', 'dial it up, Cole' or when he used to inexplicably sing 'I am a French man' whenever Renee Dupree performed his French Tickler dance. Man, Tazz was a right chore when I look back.

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So I was thinking about this Kevin Owens thing and where they could go with it. Now, before I start, I know this would never ever happen and I know it sounds stupid, but just go with me for a second. Imagine if Kevin appeared at All In? Here’s my thinking behind it:

For Vince, it takes the biggest non-WWE show in decades and suddenly makes the biggest headline be about one of his guys rather than anyone else. It’ll be like that Punk angle before they ruined it by bringing him back and bringing Nash in. For Cody and the Bucks it gives them the huge pop and all the publicity in the world. 

I dunno. Obviously it won’t happen but I feel like there’s a possibility it could genuinely benefit both parties if done right. Thoughts? Are Cody and the Bucks too savy and proud of what they’ve accomplished to allow Vince to steal some glory? If it’s not something Vince would approve, do you reckon Triple H would be into it? Wasn’t it Hunter who showed up at an ICW show? I always got the impression it was him who started sending guys to work indies and approving Street Fighter tournaments between New Day and The Elite. If nothing else, check out how WWE.com are once again better at working the details than those who write TV. 



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Absolutely no chance in hell. Cody & the Bucks would have FAR more to gain from this and WWE would get very little from it, so they'd essentially be doing them a favour. Neither Vince not Trips would go for that.

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Aha! I actually thought the complete opposite! WWE would benefit far more than Cody and the Bucks, in my opinion. Bar the big pop, it runs the risk of souring the fans who think this is some huge fuck you to WWE, even though the Bullet Club guys never give that impression. 

I don’t think Cody or the Bucks would be willing to let all their hard work play second fiddle to a Raw angle. I guess it depends how much they’re a mark for the big pop.

Maybe that’s the discussion to be had; who would it benefit more and who do you think would be more willing to do it?

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