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9 hours ago, Supremo said:

The pinnacle was the other month when Coach mentioned being put in a headlock was good because it gave you time to rest. Brilliant.

I may have just made it worse in my head, but my recollection was it being a bearhug, and that allowing you time to “catch your breath”. Despite making it hard for you to breathe being pretty much the whole point of a bearhug.

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29 minutes ago, Statto said:

I may have just made it worse in my head, but my recollection was it being a bearhug, and that allowing you time to “catch your breath”. Despite making it hard for you to breathe being pretty much the whole point of a bearhug.

I think you’re right! Aha, even worse than I remembered!

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I know this wouldn't happen in a million years but I would love The Shield to somehow (via a stipulation) win the briefcase from Braun (which would probably make them heel in the process) and hold it as some kind of insurance policy. Then you could tease Rollins/Ambrose holding it to protect Roman and potentially cashing in on Roman somewhere down the line leading to the inevitable Shield break up. 

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I know we’ve been saying it forever, but honestly, has it ever been more obvious that they’re just throwing shit at the wall in the hope of getting Roman cheered? Last week they reunite The Shield, then this week they practically act like it never happened. I tuned in excited to see the entrance and the flack jackets and to hear all three of them cut a promo, but we didn’t get any of that. It was business as usual other than all three of them wearing new T-shirts. Everyone was doing their own thing and Roman was back doing his usual shtick where the writers think they’re writing a cool babyface when in actuality they’re writing a catty knobhead.

And now this week they turn Strowman heel completely out of the blue. Never has it been more evident that they’re writing week-to-week. Maybe even hour-to-hour. Why have Braun honourably cash-in his briefcase at Hell in a Cell like a total hero, only for him to turn evil two hours later? It’s proper bonkers. Someday someone is going to write a book on Roman’s career. There’s never been anything like this in history. You just know Vince was so obsessed with getting the belt on him at Summerslam that he never once considered that all the problems would still be here afterwards, hence this crazy panic-booking. Seriously - they’re going to try to bring The Rock back as a heel and have him put Roman over at Mania. I’m utterly convinced. Maybe they’ll literally cut the Wrestlemania feed as the ref’s hand hits the mat for three.

Ironically, the best thing on this show was Kevin Owens. Poor bastard. Throw yourself off cages and take chokeslams on ramps to build Strowman up as a babyface, only for them to turn him heel on a whim. No wonder he quit! But yeah; Seth and Kevin had an absolute belter of a match, managing to overcome how jarring those constant ad breaks are, and I’m genuinely interested to see where this quitting angle goes. Does he move to Smackdown? Come back completely reinvented? Go on some made vigilante spree? Or just cry himself to sleep over how much his back likely hurts for what’s amounted to nothing? 

Surely everyone agrees that Mickie James  vs. Trish is the match to make for Evolution?

They need to get those belts on The Revival pronto and start rebuilding this division immediately. Has it ever been this shallow? Titus Worldwide are in the top three teams! 

Edited by Supremo
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Ridiculous booking this week. Good to see that the Shield’s big reunion was effectively just a t-shirt ploy. Also, I know it’s a slightly different dynamic now but the fact that Ziggler and McIntyre are squaring off with Rollins again is just so, so boring.

Vigilante Kevin could be fun to watch but haven’t they already done that before with Sami? 

Trish/Elias interaction was probably the most entertaining thing on the show. Elias’ last insult at the end, what a bastard ?

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I don't even watch the show, but groaned when I read they've done another Balor vs Corbin match, and yet another Revival vs B-Team match. I can't imagine what it felt like actually watching the thing. 

Raw has pretty much turned into a Career Mode on a WWE game where your character would be wrestling Albert every week. 

Edited by Alex Wright Mark
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The heel turn everyone wanted, eh?

Harsh on the booking of The Shield though. As much as I hate it, if you're going to turn Strowman, you don't have him facing three guys and if you're going to build sympathy for a babyface group, you don't have them getting kicked in 3 on 3. 

This made sense other than no one wants it.

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Checked out some highlights this morning and was proper shocked to see Braun basically looking like a bit of a pussy, using far too many words in the ring with Roman and complaining that his buddies were around the week before. Should a guy like Braun really care if three guys attacked him? He should be just trying to murder them.  

Then to top it all of, Roman telling him "you're finally starting to sound like a monster".

What planet was that line written on? It was just absolutely dire. You see so many people moping on the internet about everything being sacrificed to get Roman's character over, and you tune in if you're me with the best of intentions. Then you just see stuff like this that completely validates all the bickering and makes you realize "they're really doing it, the lunatics!" 

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I have to admit it. Ziggler’s preposterous look is starting to grow on me. Last night’s Back to the Future sunglasses were the turning point. It’s getting to Batista levels where he looks such a state that it’s starting to have a charm about it.

The Strowman turn is eerily similar to Becky Lynch’s. Ultimately, it’s probably the best thing for each of them and there’s far more upside as baddies, but fuck me. They can’t write a coherent, logical turn for toffee at the moment.

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Vince must wake up in cold sweats about that Rollins cash in during the Mania main event. If he'd just committed, we wouldn't have this shit what feels like ten years later where they are still trying to validate their guy.

How long have we had the heel authority figure now? 22 years going back to Bischoff in late 1996? Or 20 years since Vince in 1998? Wherever you track the start of it back to, to still have it on TV and have fucking "Constable" Corbin pulling the same old shit is pathetic. From a company whose next PPV is called Evolution. The irony.

Is KO turning face? If so, that's something I'd like to see. Although I think he should have been a candidate for a Steve Austin style main event face turn from 1997. Not a forgettable mid-card "I quit" angle.

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Has Kevin been a babyface in WWE yet? That’s a great idea for where this could go. He reassesses his career and comes back with a new focus, going on an arse-kicking, heroic winning streak. He already gets big pops from the smart fans. It’s definitely something new to go with. He really needs to start going the gym with Dean Ambrose though. That gut remains unforgivable.

I’d actually forgotten about Corbin. Absolutely awful in the heel authority role. Plus, who keeps booking these dead long Corbin matches to start each show? They completely kill your enthusiasm. Also stunned that Finn has already lost to him again. I joked they’d do that at Summerslam. All the momentum coming off the Demon’s destruction completely gone.

Someone should’ve been scripted to mention that Corbin appeared to still be wearing the gear he wrestled in some two and a half hours later. He must’ve stunk to high heaven.

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Yeah I'm well up for an Owen's face turn. I'm not an indy fan so I've only ever seen him work heel in WWE, but he looks the type of guy to have some awesome babyface fire and conviction. The crowds have been ready to cheer him for ages now. The eventual turn is gonna be great. 


As far as his looks, has he ever been a 'gym guy' at all during his career? I think the gut helps him standout as being a bit larger than life. Lose the gut, and you've just got another shortish, vanilla looking bloke. 

Stay fat. 

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4 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

How long have we had the heel authority figure now? 22 years going back to Bischoff in late 1996? Or 20 years since Vince in 1998? Wherever you track the start of it back to, to still have it on TV and have fucking "Constable" Corbin pulling the same old shit is pathetic. From a company whose next PPV is called Evolution. The irony.

It wouldn't be so bad if they picked good characters. If Bischoff, Vince, Heyman, Commissioner Regal etc were in the role there would be less of a problem with it, because they are entertaining, effective promos who engage and entertain you. They are also really effective pricks. Corbin is just there and no-one gives a damn.

I think the problem is they think the Authority Figure roles gets anyone over, regardless of who it is, when in reality it's quite the opposite.

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Highlight of Raw for me was Corey Graves mentioning Rob Halford only for Michael Cole to immediately incredulously go "Whoooo???". Can't really get a more minor happening, but it gave me a kick to see two of my world collide in a small way like that. 

The Trish and Elias segment was great though. Trish is just brilliant and I'm not sure if she's ever looked better. It was also quite heartwarming to see Nattie pick up the win in her homeland given the couple of weeks she must have had. 

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