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2 hours ago, d-d-d-dAz said:

He managed to brag about his dick and then be homophobic in about 6 seconds.

That surely isn't down to him though, right? That's shitty writing. There's no way Roman has carte blanche when it comes to the content of his promos.



2 hours ago, TildeGuy~! said:

Who else saw Cenas massive bald spot whilst he was wrestling Jordan? 

Yeah, it's pretty noticeable isn't it? I noticed it when he first came back. Poor guy, time to follow the others and get the clippers out.


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16 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

That surely isn't down to him though, right? That's shitty writing. There's no way Roman has carte blanche when it comes to the content of his promos.



I think that particular instance is on him, I doubt the writers would have scripted a seemingly impromptu back-and-forth about how the zip on his trousers bust before he came out.

I think Cena sneakily tried to gazump him and get a laugh/start something out of nothing (or on a more positive spin, tried to coax some off the cuff charisma/edge from Roman) and Roman just had nothing in return but lame, frat boy responses that would make any grown-Ups eyes roll..

And there seems to be an element to these shitty-shitty shooty-shooty feuds where you're allowed the freedom just to riff and be free. I don't think that particular suits ol' Roman.

It's also not to say that Cena, Rock et al haven't been guilty of their own lame frat boy nonsense in the past. But it's usually been brushed over, and followed up with something better, or at least delivered with a sense of joy or humour, so that at least you could think it wasn't ill meaning or bad tempered. There's just no fun or joy in Romans character. There's nothing. He's muscly and he wrestles and that's it. He's just a grim faced arse.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Giving "frat boy" lines is easy to get away with when you are well liked or likeable. If people already don't like you then it is just more ammunition for them to hate you. If you have already rubbed people the wrong way then that kind of joke will always sink.


Trust me, I know... 

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What other response is there to Cena pointing out his zip is broke live on air? A dick joke in response to a dick move is fair enough.

Agree with the consensus that this stuff is shit and doing nothing for either of them but particularly Reigns. It's basically the Cena/Rock promos except Cena feels phony as fuck throwing shit at Reigns that is true of himself and Reigns not being good enough to point out what a hypocrite Cena is.

This should be Cena talking about not liking Reigns while Reigns just threatens him and throws him about. It's silly to try and use this to justify booing of Reigns because that's been done for ages by people who've long made up their minds while Reigns has said little and just gone about being the best worker in the company. This has properly exposed him in a way they haven't done since the suffering succotash days. 

Stupidity on a level rarely seen since WCW.

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In total agreement with Rick - could they possibly provide a better example of their inability to get a top babyface over than this feud?

Cena mocks Roman for not being popular with the people, when he's been the same for over a decade. Cena absolutely eviscerated Roman live last week and makes him look like a prize bellend. Then they wrestle a tag bout without issue.

This week, Roman calls out Cena to his face and Cena, presumably the face in this scenario (or something), backs off like a punk. Then Roman walks off without doing anything like he's 'ard. You watch this and neither comes off like more of a star, the inside shit continues to stroke the audience that is the biggest pain in the ass at the shows and encourages them (God I hated Cena mentioning a heel turn last week), and both of them come off worse.

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I think the booking of Reigns is probably the best example of WWE creative ineptitude in the history of the company. Booked like shit the moment The Shield broke up. Luckily he's developed into the best wrestler in the company otherwise he'd be utterly truly fucked more than he already is.

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This whole feud has given me a renewed appreciation of the talents of CM Punk. Cena (and Vince) shut up and sold like a champ during his initial "Pipe bomb" run in the summer, but after that they both went after each other and it was 50/50, in terms of their mic work.

Must be frustrating for Cena, being across the ring from a haircut and vest. He brings it, but very few others keep pace.

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Meltzer was raving about this promo on WOR this week, and I was thinking he was off his trolley. It was a disaster in my book. In the space of two weeks, WWE have managed to take a match that I was really looking forward to happening someday at a WrestleMania, and with their first interaction, made it into completely cringeworthy television, as well as a match that I no longer anticipate. 

On the plus side, Braun and Big show were delightful, in both their promos and the match. Also, Jeff Hardy has plenty of more mileage in him at the top. I hope they see sense and sack off the idea of Jason Jordan challenging for the I.C belt and slot Hardy into a feud with the Miz going forward.

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The weirdest effect I'm finding of Cena/Reigns these past two weeks, is that it's got me questioning whether Cena is the promo wizard I thought he was. Yeah, his homebwoi shtick is cringey and childish for a man nearing middle age, but no one's better at a fiery face promo than Big Match John. You have to assume he knows the endgame of this feud, and that, regardless of the worked-shoot content about holding talent down, the goal is to elevate Roman Reigns and make him the star they need. But fuck me, John is HAMMERING Roman. And the thing is, it's like Roman is being punished for being a great pro all these years. Sure, he was pushed early, but he hit his marks, followed his orders and toed the line while becoming one of their best in the ring. Now they seemingly want a guy who's trained to follow the script to suddenly be stellar at improv promos face to face with a guy who's probably had a ton of creative control for years? They've got the PC and house shows for that. Instead, they've kicked him out there with no prep or help, and Cena is showing zero ass. There's plenty Roman could have said to be as brutal to Cena (even low hanging fruit like Cena not being a hot young street punk in a rap gang from West Philly but a middle-aged middle-class son of a newsreader from an affluent Boston neighbourhood). His claim that Cena didn't elevate new talent like Zayn and Owens but sought to bury them out of the gate was sharp and credible. But Roman right now needs feeding material. Yes, he needs protecting. He needs the angle worked to his strengths, not to have all his weaknesses highlighted when they should be being helped behind the scenes. What Cena didn't seem to get was that, yeah, the crowd often boo Roman, but I think that's because we want him to be great, but he isn't given the situations or booking to truly shine. We want him to be the star, but we see him soldiering on through duff promo material and dodgy booking and we get frustrated. It won't be enough that they'll go toe to toe and have a great match, which they will, at NM. These two weeks have destroyed any rub Roman could and should have gotten.

Wow, I'm angrier about this than I thought. You wouldn't get this problem with Chris Jericho.

Edited by CavemanLynn
Correction of FURIOUS spelling errors
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After seeing the mess they have made of it I'm really glad this isn't a WrestleMania main event. With the level of booking that has gone into Reigns/Cena it totally deserves to be on a B show. 

The shoot stuff has been so confusing with no one to root for. No one is coming out of it looking good. This should be huge but they are dragging each other down and it has all been counter productive. 

Personally I would have given Reigns the angle of "they hate you despite you trying your best to win them over, they hate me and I don't give a fuck because I'm not a dork." While Cena does his usual "I do everything for the fans" shtick. 

Edited by UK Kat Von D
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They don't even need that much. It doesn't need to be anything more than Roman saying "I'm taking your spot to prove I'm the best" and Cena replying "I'm not done yet, come try it" and then have them beat the shit out of eachother each week leading up to the big match. A possible Wrestlemania main event has become a B show level match which no one really gives a shit about because of this mess.

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I've been thinking about how they're going to debut Asuka and I'd definitely go down the RAW brand route.

I don't know Paige's popularity on this board as an actual wrestler, outside of the personal life, but to me she could be an absolute merch machine with her look. I know fantasy booking isn't popular on here but I'd like to see the following happen.

Nia take the title at No Mercy. I wouldn't have Asuka straight into the title picture. Have her come in and fuck up the likes of Foxy, Mickie, Dana and Emma. While that's going on Nia can be beating Alexa, Sasha and Bayley if she's back. I'd go for the big showdown sometime down the line with Asuka against Nia. Asuka fucking her up and taking the title. That would leave Asuka still to keep the title through programmes with Alexa, Sasha, and Bayley. Then once she's done with them, and everyone think there's nobody left ... the Paige scream theme tune. And Paige would take the streak around the time of the movie release.

It probably all makes no sense and some experienced poster will lambast the idea but it works in my head.

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Yuck. These shooty shoots have gotten progressively worse. I was oot the second Reigns brought up match quality, like Cena is some nothing. This week, more than the other two, felt super scripted too, but that's probably all down to Reigns getting more lines in. These things need to at least come off as authentic, but it didn't with Reigns on about bloody revenue and what not.

Cena's closing line about the drug test failure was decent.

Braun, however, is pure gold. Him popping up right after the suplex was brilliant. It's a shame that he's probably losing at No Mercy (given his dominance in the build) because he's got it like very few on the roster.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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