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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Maybe somebody brought this up earlier, but a reason for this horrid run is maybe due to Vince slowing down (he is 70). If you believe everybody, he's an unbearable control freak and if he's slowing down it makes sense areas would suffer.


On top of creative, the network etc he's got those two big lawsuits keeping him awake at night too. Must be exhausting for the bloke.

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I know wrestling is a different thing because it's live and the fans are vocal onscreen.


Would Breaking Bad, The Wire & Game of Thrones etc be as popular if they let a bunch of self entitled internet wanks influencing the writing of their shows? Of course they wouldn't and the WWE shouldn't just bow down anytime these people throw their toys out the pram because John Cena a guy who happens to sell a lot of merchandise and house shows, wins some US title matches.

There's one massive difference between Raw and those shows - the writing. Oh, and the acting. Two massive differences - the writing and the acting. Hmm, and the directing. Three massive differences, then - the writing, the acting, and the directing. And maybe the awards they win? Yeah, four massive differences - the writing, the acting, the directing, and the awards....
I wasn't comparing the writing obviously those shows are much better and I even said that Wrestling is it's own thing because it's filmed live in front of an audience, the point was the writer's of those shows didn't bow down to a bunch of Internet fans, I'm sure many people moaned when the Wire started to follow the Greeks, white dealers and the Unions, when they were used to watching Black kingpins and young black dealers in the hood.


I'm sure the writers didn't panic thinking we need to see more of the popular characters like Stringer Bell & Omar because they had their own vision and stuck to it and it made the show better in my opinion.


WWE is never going to be high brow but at least allow them to tell some of the stories without sitting on it.

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I remember when Raw was mainly all promos, a story within the show with the climax at the end of the show and the match you would be dying to see on the following PPV.


Now 2/3 of Raw is the same match you have seen a hundred times over the last two months, no excitement or drama to make you want to see what happens at the end of the show and a PPV with matches you have seen on the last two PPVs (Cena vs Rusev was 3/4 PPVs on the trot?).

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It's going to be worse when Smackdown moves to the USA Network, they will demand top matches and won't get away with treating it as a nothing show.


Unless they improve the writing, it will just be a similar format as Raw, with the Divas revolution thing and the amount of women in NXT, I can see them adding a Divas tag belt but even that will lead to hundreds of re matches.

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So they threw out a Shield reunion for no bucks. Seriously, not a fucking clue.


Imagine the water cooler talk this morning?

Dude: "Hey, you see Raw last night?"

Dudette: "No, I have a life"

Dude: "Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Brock Lesnar and Ric Flair showed up"

Dudette: "Holy shit! What a night to get a life. So what happened then?"

Dude: "Er, nothing."


This may be my fault for not watching Smackdown and FF'ing this shite but it appears Rowan is back and Orton is out and Harper is missing but there as no angle for any of it.


When Neville, Ziggler and Cesaro came out, I thought we might be getting a triple threat. Which is fairly novel these days. But nope, just a second six man tag in an hour.

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I was down with the shield thing if it's leading to that Rollins baby turn, not saying Shield should've magically made up but them pulling off a win somehow would've been Something That Happened at least but I really don't see the point in what they did.

Hopeful but not expectant Harper splits from Wyatts as I liked him as a singles guy, had a cool entrance set-up with the music and the eyes on the big screen. I don't fast forward and not even i have a grasp of what Ambrose is doing at the PPV. Another mystery partner?

The highlight of the entire show was literally just Austin's glass shattering at the very beginning. And Shawn eating pizza. The segments themselves were shit, literally no point.

Edited by sj5522
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Did The Shield come out in their original entrance and music?  Or was it a separate entrance and music jobby?  Not that that would excuse the stupidity, but it would at least make it slightly more acceptable.


They came out separately. It wasn't billed as a Shield reuinion, it just was a Shield reunion.


If it was part of anything big, I could understand why they'd thrown it away but this just meant absolutely nothing. I guess the flip side is that in six months people might have forgotten it because it was so fucking pointless.

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Sat here contemplating my thoughts on this show, left it for an hour, then came back even more angry and frustrated!


What can be said that's not a weekly theme on many different levels, but this just looks like extreme clutching at straws.


The typical Texas let's throw out mainstream stars in Michaels and Austin giving time to bump a number. Those God awful red runners that Austin wore to Micheals usual dick role just did nothing for Seth one bit, again!


That's just me being pedantic but you get my drift. Can't justify other storylines going on because they just mean nothing right now

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Just a very strange show overall. Austin introducing Taker yet they have no interaction, the main event changing about 4 times in the same show, Rowan randomly replacing Harper in the Wyatts with no real explanation and then throwing a Shield reunion together with no real build up. At least the Brock/Austin podcast was decent.

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Stop saying it will never happen because you are making me really tempted to go lead the campaign myself. Yeah, I really am stubborn enough to try and fuck the entire landscape of wrestling just to prove you wrong


You've got more change of tattooing Ashley and Uncle Fred on Cheryl Cole's cunt.


Fucking excellent stuff in this thread this week.


To throw in something that's kind of being skirted around. WWE want to be mainstream. That's clear. And they think of Raw as a TV show (the longest running weekly episodic show in history if you hadn't heard). But they don't write a TV show. They don't write characters. They barely write plots. They don't write twists that you don't see coming. If it is a TV show, it's something as lazy and miserable as fucking Eastenders. It used to be good, it used to make you want to watch. Now you could miss it for months on end and miss nothing. It still gets good vieing figures for what it is but nothing like it used to. And their only idea is to keep bringing back old characters from when it was good.


I could stomach an hour and a half of Raw being matches for no reason between guys I couldn't give a shit about if they at least made the rest interesting. I think they need to start every single Raw booking meeting with "Name one thing on this show (before we write it) that people are going to be tuning in for". Just one. Was it a cliff hanger last week? A huge debut? A return? A match we've pushed all week on social media. Whatever. Just one thing. They should start tonight. And if anyone around the table thinks there is anything then they should be taken to the top of WWE global HQ, poisoned, buggered, shot and then thrown off the roof.


And then run over.


And then made to wrestle Sheamus for twenty minutes.

Good post. I agree with the Eastenders assessment funny as I don't watch enders, but I know how depressing that is, that I am of the opinion Enders could nowadays keep me hooked for 30! Edited by undercover elephant
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At least the Brock/Austin podcast was decent.

I got out of that, that Brock basically flies in first class, airport collection in a blacked out limo, enters the arena, has catering in his dressing room, only Heyman, Hunter and Vince have access, gets run through his night's schedule, competes, showers, then flies home! Sociable geezer in my book! Edited by undercover elephant
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Pretty pointless having the legends there if they weren't going to put over the new guys - y'know, the ones who are going to be there next week and working matches etc. You get the feeling that Vince feels like most of the new guys are inferior to HBK, Austin etc? I mean, even if they are, they should be presented as being on a par with those guys for the sake of good business if nothing else?

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This was the go-home to the Rematch in a Cell PPV, and I don't think anyone except Seth, Heyman and *shivers* Paige cut a promo. Just folks fighting the people they'll be fighting on Sunday and at the end someone comes off looking slightly better and they do a little pose. At this point you might as well just turn your game on and play WWE Universe cos that's all you got from this one

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Very enjoyable Raw i thought. Highlights were the Shield reunion (of sorts), the match was good and Reigns' dive over the top rope and subsequent pose was awesome.


Intrigued about Cenas opponent at the ppv, although i really should be because it will probably be Ziggler.


Only sore point about the show was the Taker seg. Didnt really do much for me. Still excited for HIAC tho.



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