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Achievments in Life

John Matrix

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The phrase "Thrown in at the deep end" usually means "Shat on from a great height" but occassionally you come out of something at the other end wondering how the fuck you managed to pull it off, a rather unfortunate use of words given the example i'm about to cite.


Talk about sink or swim, the sports team i ran several years ago was struggling financially. A combination of unpaid subs and poor results making sponsorship dollars harder to come by meant I had to start thinking creatively about ways to try and generate some income.


An email landed in my inbox one morning from the local gentlemans establishment asking whether or not we'd be interested in performing at their upcoming "Ladies Night".


Fortunately, a few of the guys were up for it and me being me, finding it impossible to half arse anything i decide to try out decided i wasnt going to cop out and go all comedy full monty, but instead we'd have a fucking good go at it and show the professionals how it was done.


In the end, i choreographed a powerful routine to Power Stations 'Some Like it Hot' which went down a storm. Not only did we rake in around


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