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Total Divas discussion thread.


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So, yeah, I know nothing about Total Divas apart from the fact the Bellas feature prominantly, but I can tell there'll a good bit of discussion going about regarding this. Is it any good? I must admit that the prospect of a TOWIE/Real Housewives/Jersey Shore-style reality show doesn't fill me with excitement, but people seem to be enjoying it, so I might give it a go.



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I thought it was thoroughly entertaining stuff.


Take away notes:


1) The Bellas are actually people. Brie Bella is both a more pleasant human being and far more attractive than her sister. I had never noticed this before. Both Bellas are quite nasty most of the time on this show, but oddly in a more convincing fashion than they are on WWE TV, so it's hard to know exactly how much of it is an act. When they're together around other people they seem to stay very much in character but there are cracks in the facade when they're alone and glimpses of some humanity in there.


2) Natalya's lot in life is so tragic that I want to win EuroMillions and create my own promotion and make her the star of it. I was a little bit in love with her by the end of the first episode. The bit where she greeted Stephanie and told her how beautiful she looked and then made a terrified sounding apology for missing her HOF speech was quite uncomfortable.


3) Eva Marie may in fact be a robot.


4) Vinny vs. Brodus Clay would be money.


5) Scripted reality TV writers are better than WWE writers.


6) D-Bry and John Cena come across as absolute gentlemen as you'd expect/hope.


7) Cameron of the Funkadactyls is a little bit insane but Naomi seems quite nice and well adjusted. Her Uso boyfriend seemed like a stand up guy too. I forget which one he is, though in the coming weeks I reckon I'll be a master of distinguishing the Usos thanks to this show and Michael Cole's pro-tip re: telling them apart on Raw.


8) The whole thing is contrived and there is plenty of obviously staged content, but I don't think you could possibly find a better setting than a pro-wrestling promotion for a scripted reality show and as such I'm engaging with the characters and stories whether I believe any of them are true or not.


I watched the show and will be tuning in again, who wouldn't want to see Daniel Bryan and John Cena as the boyfriends on a reality show?


Lasting impression of the show is that Brie is the nice twin (when she isn't with Nicki), her and Bryan seemed chilled, laugh off their dog leaving a puddle of piss outside their apartment complex and big up their local farmers market. Nicki gets a big gas guzzling Land Rover and seems distraught that Cena, only a year or so after his divorce won't put a ring on her finger.


Great television.

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If the show gets any traction, Natalya will be hugely over as a babyface, so WWE's been clever that way. Also, Jon from the Usos has let me down by speaking in ebonics rather than the way a proper Samoan should, normally while eating a huge turkey leg or something.

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It's hard enough telling Jimmy and Jey apart at the best of times, now we've got Jon to contend with.


Like I said in the Random Thoughts thread, I really enjoyed this a lot more than I expected to. I'll watch again, especially since the trail for next week made it look absolutely unmissable!


Anyone know if the show will feature Kaitlyn, AJ and Alicia Fox in future episodes or is the whole thing centred around that lot from Episode 1?


I think it's just those seven, arch. But I wonder why they chose those five from the main roster... Must've just thought the two duos and the veteran never-was made for more interesting stories.


If the show gets any traction, Natalya will be hugely over as a babyface, so WWE's been clever that way. Also, Jon from the Usos has let me down by speaking in ebonics rather than the way a proper Samoan should, normally while eating a huge turkey leg or something.

I noticed that as well. He just be sayin' yo. But when the Usos first debuted, before they were doing war dances and painting their faces, their promos were all "We ain't like them stereotypical Samoan wrestlers, dawg. We act black instead."


I like most other people thought that Total Divas was going to be a complete pile of wank but was pleasantly surprised with the first episode.


It's pretty obvious that Cena's Bella is the bigger bitch of the two. Anybody that feels Cena is limited in the ring should still be giving the bloke a hero's welcome the next time he's on TV with the way he deflected the marriage question. Like a mother fucking boss. It's just added to the reasons that John Cena may be he greatest bloke of all time.


I agree with people saying that Natalya is coming out of this smelling like roses (so far anyway) It'd be nice to see her get a bit of a push after or during this. She's always been fairly solid in the ring by Divas standards and while I'd have said the could have binned her six months ago I'd be fine with seeing her pop up on TV again.


Saying that surely the bit with her finding out she wasn't getting a Mania match was staged. She wasn't doing anything of note back around that time as far as I can recall so surely she wasn't expecting a spot on the card.


Those other two lasses hold no interest for me at all. The should have stuck Layla on there instead with Summer Rae. Or just Layla. They could even have had just Layla on there for three quarters of an hour and I'd have been glued to the screen.


It'll be interesting to see how this show plays out but after the first episode I'll be giving the second a watch for sure. Well, providing somebody uploads it onto YouTube.

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It's pretty obvious that Cena's Bella is the bigger bitch of the two. Anybody that feels Cena is limited in the ring should still be giving the bloke a hero's welcome the next time he's on TV with the way he deflected the marriage question. Like a mother fucking boss. It's just added to the reasons that John Cena may be he greatest bloke of all time.


I agree with people saying that Natalya is coming out of this smelling like roses (so far anyway) It'd be nice to see her get a bit of a push after or during this. She's always been fairly solid in the ring by Divas standards and while I'd have said the could have binned her six months ago I'd be fine with seeing her pop up on TV again.


Saying that surely the bit with her finding out she wasn't getting a Mania match was staged. She wasn't doing anything of note back around that time as far as I can recall so surely she wasn't expecting a spot on the card.

Don't forget how these fake reality shows are put together, they might not be scripted but the whole thing is still essentially a work with them constructing situations to allow them to represent the characters the way they want and tell the stories they want to get over. The Natalya thing was the obvious example of that. Do you think that Talent Relations had a one-to-one meeting with Heath Slater a week before WrestleMania to let him down gently and tell him he wasn't going to be on the card? Of course not. Like you said, it was obvious ages in advance that Natalya wasn't going to be doing anything.

Those other two lasses hold no interest for me at all. The should have stuck Layla on there instead with Summer Rae. Or just Layla. They could even have had just Layla on there for three quarters of an hour and I'd have been glued to the screen.


Main reason i don't like the show is that neither Layla, AJ or Kaitlyn are on it.

Those 3, along with Natalya, are the only 4 Divas i like atm on the main roster.

Not sure if there is any reason for them not to be involved in this + no Tamina, Aksana or Alicia either.

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Natalya is the only diva i've been able to stomach for years. She's very competent in the ring and great on the mic, but more importantly she always seems so genuine and like a real person. I always thought that she was brilliant vocally in her last push in 2010 against LayCool but nobody seemed to pick up on. If Total Divas results in her getting another push and another Divas Title reign them I'm all for it. I love that woman. It's clever scripting as well because how can anyone NOT sympathise with the lovely talented girl constantly getting pushed aside for talentless bimbos? I'd certainly buy far more into her as a champ than AJ or a Bella.


What channel and time is Total Divas on? I thought it was E! but theres no mention of it on the E! website in the show listings or anywhere else on the website...I missed the first episode does anybody know were I can watch it online to catch up.


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