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Who was your first crush?

John Matrix

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This'll put an age on one or two of us i reckon!


I've openly admitted on this very board no less, that my first experience of a special tingling in my underpants was listening the Cadbury's Caramel Bunny.


I can't date that, but thinking back and my earliest memory of looking at someone and reacting to what i saw in a physical way would have been this rather lovely madam.




Nicollette Sheridan - or as i've always known her until googling it in research of this thread - Lucky Santangelo.


She's still looking rather lovely today by all accounts, but not a patch on the red lipped dusky haired lead in a Jackie Collins adaptation. Makes a change though, usually my memories plus time elapsed equals dissapointment. See Morris, Carly from the original Home and Away cast.

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Probably the first crush, though this was at a young and innocent age:




Once the body started to produce a bit of testosterone I moved onto my first organic love:




Colonel Wilma Dearing from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. I was young enough that I probably had to be in bed before the watershed back then, so Erin Gray in her skintights might as well have been softcore porn to me.

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Erika Eleniak from very early Baywatch, under siege & Beverly Hillbillies.


I already loved her then I found her Playboy issue in my brother's cupboard, I became a man that day.


Hard to remember back that far, but possibly this little lady:




Six from Blossom. Yes, Blossom had a big nose and was annoying but her best friend was super, super hot. Now she looks like this:




Well done, Miss von O

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I really can't remember if it was Jet . . .




or Sally Webster . . .




Given the choice now, I'd take Sally every day of the week.

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Remembering who the first lady I looked at and thought "I like her" would probably be impossible for me but...


reacting to what i saw in a physical way


Well, that clarifies things, and that one I definitely can answer. Sorry Matrix, but this a terribly boring stock answer for a lad born in the early 80s and feeling the first stirrings in the early mid 90s.


I was 11 and had all my mates telling me "I can't believe you don't watch Baywatch. You have to watch it." So one Saturday I popped it on, and there she was.




That was it, I was a lost cause. Just think, if I'd waited until the start of the next series, it could have been Yasmine Bleeth, which would have been moderately less boring an answer, and slightly more in tune with my type as an adult.


Wretch has nailed the other infatuation of the day and used the exact photo I would have to illustrate it. Although those photos of "Gamesmistress" pumping iron that were featured in GamesMaster mag one month had a severely deleterious effect on the standard of my homework for a few weeks.


Ah Tux, good shout. Malbranque will be duly repulsed.


Screw Anthony Michael Hall and his mate, she'll always be The Woman In Red to me.


I already loved her then I found her Playboy issue in my brother's cupboard, I became a man that day.


That's the first time I've heard that expression applied to "first clumsy tug."



EDIT - No, before anyone asks, Sally Webster did not moonlight as Gamesmistress.

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Ah Tux, good shout. Malbranque will be duly repulsed.


Screw Anthony Michael Hall and his mate, she'll always be The Woman In Red to me.


And THAT is what you're one of my favourite posters around here.


Great film, but one which left a young Matrix intrigued. Fairly sure it was the first time i'd seen a woman in all her glory, plus I kept waiting for Richard Pryor to show up.


Jet is a wonderful shout an'all, Youdale was a stunner, i'm just glad i was old enough at that stage to fully appreciate that particular crush.


P.S. An apology to Ian, on reflection i can appreciate how misleading this thread title may have been.

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Y'all a bunch of fucking youngsters. Except Ronnie. Well, half of Ronnie. The half that liked Wilma Deering.


[EDIT] and Windoesnot, who posted while I was typing this up.


For years, my Mum teased me that I had a crush on Barbara Dickson when I was young, no doubt due to her regular spot on The Two Ronnies, but I have no such memories.


The ladies I knew I had a liking for would be:




Princess Leia. Not Carrie Fisher.




Yori. Not necessarily Cindy Morgan (I didn't learn her real name until I was probably in my teens), but she is rather nice in other films.




Ilia, the bald lass from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. I have to take my Mum and Grandad's word for this. I did have the action figure of her though, and I'll admit she is a handsome woman, but I don't remember cutting out pictures of her from the TV Times and hiding them in books.




Phoweeb Cates, as I called her back then. Probably the first actress/real person I had a crush on rather than a character. Look at her, she's stunning. She even made Paradise worth watching, and that really is potentially the worst film ever made. She's that perfect blend of slight multiracialness to give her a slightly exotic look, but not so much that you have to worry about your Grandad launching into a tirade about yellow babies.

My Mum wasn't keen on her, as she wore socks with a dress in Drop Dead Fred, and for some reason held that against her for years.


And Erika Eleniak was always hotter than Pamela Anderson. I remember the buzz going round school about the new girl that was in it, and watching it round at Matt Daughton's house, to which my reaction was, "What's wrong with her tits?".

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The Woman In Red was ace. Mind you, I don't think anything with Wilder and Gilda Radner in could have been anything but to be honest.


Phoebe Cates, best known from The Gremlins movies


Not in my house.




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